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Tim Walz 2028? Yes please

Jay Weber Show transcript 3-10-25

Hey- this is good news: Minnesota governor Tim Walz is open to running for president in 2028.

Is anyone asking him to?

One thing that I always love about presidential politics is: how many people try to toss themselves into the mix- or try to get buzz going around themselves-

When, in truth, no one is asking them to run...and/or no one wants to see them run.

Over the weekend, people close to Kamala Harris said that ‘she’s going to be laying out a timeline’ for an announcement on her political future, soon.

As if we’ve all been waiting to see ‘what’s in store for Kammy’  ever since she lost so badly.

No one cares.

I think a cooking show on Netflix like Megan Markle’s would be something Kamala should look at.She can cackle over a glass of wine while other people do the good as anyone else can. Maybe better.

But- we’ve been promised: kamala will put out a ‘timeline’ under which she will figure out what her political future is. Will she run for California governor? Or will she run for president in 2028? 

Or will she get lost in a Havana airport and stumble into being the next president of Cuba?

We will have to wait for those answers.

Meanwhile-the meathead she ran with is saying he’d be open to a run in 2028.  This is Tim Walz, who has officially destroyed state govt in Minnesota over his few short years atop it.

Last week it was announced that Walz has taken-what was- a Minnesota budget surplus-and has somehow turned it into a six-billion-dollar deficit.  

Folks-Walz’s deficit is twice as deep as Jim Doyle’s was here in Wisconsin. Holy cow.

Now he’s pretending as if he doesn’t want to run for president-but- hey- sometimes destiny calls.

And if Tim Walz thinks party leaders are going to be coming to him in a year or so begging him to run- he’s sadly mistaken.

And so, what will have to happen for TIM Walz to say he’s running?  He and the people around him will have to generate fake excitement and insist that ‘all sorts of people are asking me to run. When they aren’t.

We get it on both sides of the aisle: all sorts of people keep asking me to run... Is the b.s. you say when there’s no real reason, or excitement, for you to run.

But one thing is for sure: Gov Walz now has Minnesota and it’s state budget so bleeped up that he’s now -got to bail- before it gets even worse.


Just like Gavin Newsom and JB Pritzker must get out of California and Illinois before the fiscal disasters they’ve created really catch up to them- Walz needs to bail in Minnesota. 

And one thing’s for sure: if ole’ coach TIM decides to run in 2028-he’s not going tobe willing to carry the baggage of kamala’s loss along with him. He did an interview with a politico last week in which he completely threw her and her campaign team under the bus.

Now- politico claims that Walz and his people don’t think the Harris campaign used him as much as they should have. They’re claiming the whole thing needed ‘more Timmy’, not less..

But if you remember...Tim Walz was a dancing jackass every time he flitted onto stage and was normally good for at least one flub or gaffe in every speech he gave.

And so- in response to the criticism that the Harris campaign needed ‘more Timmy’ of the campaign strategists said. No. 

Yeah. That debate didn’t go well, did it.

See how quickly we forget all this stuff? 

I’d already forgotten that there was JD Vance on that stage that night...and sort of a stumbling, sweaty potato next to him...

But hey- Tim Walz says he’s ready for ‘round two’ if the party needs him.

I don’t think they’ll need him. Especially as an older white male. 

And if we are on the topic if ‘older white men who now hate Kammy’... Let’s talk about Jon Tester.

He was a Montana senator for years-until the Biden/Kamala era came around-

And he was on Bill Maher’s HBO show chalking up his loss to the party’s foolish shift to the extreme left.

And tester-was- a popular enough senator that if the democrats had put on a better presidential race, he might have been able to keep his seat.

Donald trump won Montana by 20 points in fall...but Tim Sheehy only beat tester by about seven points.

It proves, again, that the fall election was ‘very much about’ how today’s democrat party has lost its way-

Even if most trump supporters want to insist it was about ‘trump’. 

No, it was ‘more’ about trump being the alternative for a thoroughly fed up, frustrated, angry America. An America that included a lot of ‘fed up, frustrated, and angry’ democrat and swing voters.

Folks-the dem’s childish games reverberated all weekend. I can’t tell you what percentage of this weekend’s coverage was-still- about Tuesday’s speech and how crassly and selfishly democrats acted.

And much of the disgust and discussion was-on the left. Within their own circles. On their own cable stations. Etc.

The democrats-really did- harm themselves last week. And in a way- it only adds to the pressure on democrats-

Especially swing state democrats- to find a way to push back on trump.

The one way that the al green ‘angry cane’ act would have helped democrats is if the rest of them would have been smart enough to get up and walk out with him.

It would have at least been an ‘act of resistance’ against the ‘bad orange man’.... instead of the hodge-podge of nonsense that they engaged in.

But now, they just look like fools.

Fools desperate to be seen as ‘cool’ again. Speaker Mike Johnson mocked the silly dance videos that the house dems put out last week- to look cool.

The ‘pick your fighter’s video etc.

Until the democrats understand that they need to get ‘more serious as adults and as lawmakers- not ‘less serious - they aren’t going to get their mojo back.

Think about how all of those ‘pro-America’ policies that the Clinton era democrats felt they needed to connect on-are so, so-antithetical to the democrat party today.

There are angry America-haters atop this party now, and they do not want to moderate.

Over the weekend- Soros and ‘act blue’ funded leftist organizations attacked tesla dealerships and did damage to them- because Elon musk is helping to clean up government for the American people.

Today’s left and their activists are-completely-out of step with the country

I don’t want to get overly excited about it, yet, because democrats always find ways to duck responsibility and continue their criminality-


Act blue is one of the left’s massive, and massively secretive, funding operations-and if it crumbles-they’re in a world of hurt.

Well, now that congressional leaders-including our own Bryan Steil- are officially looking into act blue’s clear criminality and skirting of our election laws-

Gee-suddenly- no one wants to lead Act Blue, anymore.

Seven long-time operatives for act blue quit last week and went into hiding. 

At the moment-it looks like act blue is virtually leaderless and adrift- which would be fantastic for us on the right.

photo credit: Getty Images

audio version of the segment here > Tim Walz 2028? Yes please

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