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Trump is already shaking up DC

Jay Weber Show transcript 1-17-25

Oh.... My friends...

I am going to point out two things that I am very happy to see-

I am happy to see them because they are an indication that Trump, Musk, and his entire team are serious. Serious- about doing things differently. Challenging the deep state. And getting things done.

One move: ask for the resignations of the top bureaucrats at the state department...

And the second: recruit conservative non-profit groups to help identify fraud and waste for Elon musk and doge.

Folks-both of these things are significant...because they prove a ‘serious intent’. 

Get it?

If Trump was just giving lip service to changing the deep state- he wouldn’t be asking the three top career leaders at the state department to resign or be replace.

And if Trump and musk weren’t serious about finding at least a trillion dollars in fraud, waste, and abuse...then Musk wouldn’t be insisting on having some office space in the white house office annex...and Trump’s team wouldn’t be reaching out to conservative groups and saying, ‘help us find the abuse’.

These are very good developments.

The added kicker is that: the DC democrats and their east coast media accomplices are -coming unglued- over these moves.


Reuters broke this yesterday around noon:

Exclusive: Trump team asks three US senior career diplomats to resign, sources say

Translation: we career deep-staters are worried that Trump and Rubio really intend to upset the applecart and make changes at the state department...and we don’t like to hear that.

These are rung below the political appointees and are the govt bureaucrats who stay and run the department- regardless of what ‘political figure’ is on top of it. They are ‘supposed to stay’.

These three that Rubio and Trump clearly have a problem with- have served both democrat and republican administrations. They probably trashed Trump and worked against Mike Pompeo and Trump’s mission in the first term- and Trump wants them ‘out’ before his second term starts.


They should offer their resignations or be fired if that’s what it takes.

But-the early signal that there are no sacred cows for the deep state- who Trump’s people say they had to fight every step of the way in term one- is great news.

Trump is serious. And since this is now going to be Marco Rubio’s state department-it indicates Marco Rubio is motivated to do more than just ‘have the title’ or protect the dc establishment.

I love that news.

The other moves that have the DC elites hair on fire: MAGA is enlisting a non-profit army to find the waste....and Trump is ordering his team to find office space for Elon musk within the White House complex.


Again- it signals a seriousness of intent that- after so many years of watching Washington DC and our political leaders toss out hollow promises that they never really intended to keep-

This is big, people. And yet, I might be the only one you hear today that points it out to you.

Musk, Vivek, Trump and the lawmakers in congress who are expected to act as liaison for all this waste-cutting in congress-  have had outside groups approaching them-from day one- suggesting where to look for wasteful spending and fraud.

There will be no shortage of places to look.

Which is why -for the first time ever- we might see a genuine and effective cost cutting effort in dc.

It has been promised hundreds of times during my lifetime of watching politics- and never actually occurs. Good intentions never lead to real results when it comes to this claim that ‘we are going to root out fraud and cut wasteful spending’.

I’ve never seen it happen-in any significant way in dc. Ever.

In fact-even on our most massive and most defrauded programs- both democrats and republicans, over the years-have insisted that ‘there’s not enough fraud to really go after’. Why do we even try to stop Medicaid fraud, or welfare fraud, or food stamp fraud, etc...

The fraud you’d stop wouldn’t be worth the effort...

That’s always been the nonsense that ‘we, the people’ are told when we demand govt do better.

How can ‘no one care’ about 800-billion dollars in fraud- when that money has been taken out of our paychecks in 100, 500, thousand-dollar chunks?

Really? It’s not worth going after trillions in fraud. It’s infuriating.

Why would we? Or any country? Allow one of every five dollars spent on our govt programs to be lost to waste and criminal activity?

And how have we gotten to the point that so few of our elected officials even care?

This is the deeply entrenched mindset that doge and Musk are working against.

This is clearly something that Elon musk cannot do simply on his ‘free time’, given what a massive and complex effort it is.

And so, I loved to hear that musk wants-and Trump is finding- office space for him to work out of-right in the white house office complex.

Half of the problems in dc relate to the fact that our elected leaders-only- listen to their fellow insiders and lobbyists and those within the political industrial complex.

How alarming that someone who hasn’t been fully indoctrinated first- might get to walk freely around the west wing.

This has become a ‘two day’ story because the dems and Trump-haters want to claim that this is, somehow, unprecedented-but it’s not.  Practically every modern-era president has had his own czars: people he’s plucked out of his batch of be put in charge of something. And they are always given an office, a budget, and a staff.

So, how is this any different?

I understand that doge is going to be more of a private-sector-led endeavor but Trump could just as easily call Elon his ‘waste czar’ and officially put him on the federal payroll. Pay him a salary. Remodel an office for him and his staffers. Furnish it. Give Musk a 20-million-dollar budget to hire a bunch of staffers...etc.

And that!-folks-would be more ‘in keeping’ with how Washington normally operates.

Instead, trump is keeping musk more on the ‘outside’ of government or as more of a govt contractor....and only providing him some place to work. Find him a desk.

How is that-not? - more cost-effective to taxpayers and preferable than the ...ten special czars.... Obama, Biden, bush...etc... wanted to create?

These dc elites should be applauding the fact that musk isn’t going to take a salary or enrich himself as part of a ‘czar racket’ of the sort that we normally see.

Americans voted for a disrupter-in-chief. Promises were made by both trump and Elon Musk in this regard. It is very, very reassuring to me to see signs that they are serious...and that all their grand campaign promises aren’t already lost in the wind over the Potomac.

photo credit: Getty Images

story credit: Reuters

audio version of the segment here > Trump is already shaking up DC

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