The Jay Weber Show

The Jay Weber Show

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Drug legalization was the biggest loser on election night. Huzzah, huzzah!

Jay Weber Show transcript 11-21-24 6:10am

Here’s some good news that got lost in the wash of all the results, and exit polls, and never-ending ballot counting, etc...

One of the biggest losers on election night was: drug legalization.

Huzzah, huzzah.

Maybe the American people are waking up to how stupid this is.

It turns out that ballot questions across the country related to legalizing or expanding legal drug use went down in flames-in a big way.

via The Washington Times

Drug legalization was election’s biggest loser

Not only was this a ‘major fail’, but it proves that legalizing drugs isn’t the winning issue that the country’s democrats have come to believe it is. These ballot propositions were as unpopular as they’ve ever been- and most of them were put on the ballot this fall- because?

Because left wing leaders were certain it would draw in their voters. Correct?

It’s a long-time trick to try to juice the vote for your side: put that popular pro-pot measure on the ballot. Or that controversial abortion prop on the ballot...etc.

These were all attempts to drive voter turnout and get more states legalizing drugs in what was supposed to be a big turnout year.

And hey-if it’s a big turnout year and these are popular proposals-they’ll pass, right?

Nope. Not this year.

It suggests to me that-when the issue of legalizing weed and mushrooms, etc., was all shiny and new-these pro-druggie activists could dupe and trick all sorts of lawmakers and voters into believing that we could legalize drugs in America with ‘no consequences.

Legalizing weed was going to be a new tax revenue generator, and no, kids wouldn’t be smoking it, and yes, black market weed would disappear because people could buy it from legal growers, and no, drugged driving wouldn’t’ be a problem because potheads don’t drive when they get high...etc.

Every bit of nonsense and bullcrap that this pro-drug crowd could dream up- they tossed at gullible Americans to get their way.

And now? Years later? After some of the first states to legalize weed are having all sorts of problems with it-

Colorado, California, Washington State, etc... flooded with burnouts and mental patients and homeless people who are almost entirely drug addicts who have dropped out of society-

Yeah. Great. Great win for those states.

Hospital visits are up. Child and pet poisonings are up. Kids vaping it in middle and high school-and right in school- is routine.  Drugged and drunk driving are up-  because guess what?  - a lot of people who get high-also put drinks on top of it-

Yeah. This is all working out great for those states.  

Soon to come: the admission that the strength of today’s weed is leading to even more mental illness and instances of schizophrenia and psychosis in our young people-because marijuana-does- very negatively affect young and developing brains. Watch out for those studies.

Polls have started to show that most American adults are now-against- any further legalization of marijuana or other drugs.  Because this experiment in the states is a costly and stupid failure.

photo credit: Getty Images

audio version of the segment here > Drug legalization was the biggest loser on election night. Huzzah, huzzah!

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