Jay Weber Show transcript 10-23-24 6:10 am
Kamala was off the campaign trail-all together- yesterday- as she taped two interviews.
Folks- this is another thing that raised the eyebrows of the long-time campaign insiders and strategists: really? As the final state starts its early voting and as we enter the critical two-week stretch of this campaign-Kamala’s taking a skip day.
If Trump was doing this- every headline today would be suggesting that he’s too old and tired to do this job. Kamala spoke for all of six-minutes at her Saturday rally, did a few pre-scripted town halls over the next two days and then took Tuesday off? Or virtually so?
But maybe it was decided to keep Kamala ‘unavailable’ to the media after another serious plagiarism story broke.
The accomplice media is doing their best to completely ignore this one, too, unfortunately.
For the 250-year history of the country- plagiarism has been a big deal because it speaks to the honesty, character, and intellectual ‘heft’ of the person doing the stealing...
Buy. Because the left really has ta beat Trump this year.... serious, rock solid, totally verified examples of Kamala Harris plagiarizing others is going to be ignored.
I wonder if the NY Times will even touch this second example after they embarrassed themselves so completely trying to downplay the first example.
And most listeners might not have heard this: initially, the NY Times got its own plagiarism expert to look at the incredible amount of stealing that Kammy had done from Wikipedia postings....in a legal book she’d written years ago....and say it wasn’t a major infraction.
Did you ever hear the rest of that story?
Others in the academic community and conservative circles were so outraged by this nitwit ‘expert’ the times had found-that they blasted him for being so dishonest.
Well- this guy’s name is Johnathan Baily-
Who got enough heat that he went back and looked more fully-and said-I didn’t have the complete story.
So- within days-Bailey had done a complete about-face- and said, oh, hey. This is serious plagiarism.
NYT plagiarism consultant admits Kamala Harris scandal ‘more serious’ than he thought
But the guy still pulled his punches and went out of his way to claim Kamala didn’t engage in quote malicious plagiarism’.
Well-she copied and pasted entire articles out of Wikipedia and some other legal source material.
If that’s not the definition of malicious plagiarism, what is?
And this second instance is equally egregious. Maybe even more so. The Washington Free Beacon is reviewing Kamala Harris’ past work-and says she testified in front of congress in 2007- in support of a bill on crime that never passed...
And....folks...virtually her entire testimony was stolen from other people.
The Free Beacon found:
That proves it was literally cut and pasted-by Kamala Harris.
And consider how lazy, sloppy, and bold she is being here: she is taking testimony that had already been read into the senate record....at a senate committee hearing...and she read it-verbatim- at a house hearing two months later.
Wow. That is bold.
Now that! Is some stealing and some cheating, right there, folks.
If a senate page had ducked into that house hearing-he or she would have thought- I’ve heard this all before, somehow? Where did i hear this?
This isn’t, ‘Kamala Harris, overworked DA, cutting some corners.
This is, ‘Kamala Harris- massive fraud-trying to trick more people into thinking she’s a great legal mind by stealing someone else’s work.
It literally would have been more honest if she had just walked into the house hearing.... brought up this other lawyers’ testimony in front of the senate on you-tube...turned the screen toward the house members...and said.... listen. I agree with this guy.
So... you don’t need me here.
But instead...ooh!, AG Kamala is so important that she’s been called in front of congress to testify! What a legal treasure we have here, in Sacramento.
What a joke.
And the wash free beacon published both sets of written testimony-side by side- in massive chunks. It’s identical. Kamala didn’t do one whiff of her own work that day.
We’ve got Kamala Harris, dead to rights on massive fraud and plagiarism. So is the accomplice media really going to cover this up for at least another two weeks, rather than be honest with the American people?
Yep. They’re going to try like heck...to do so. Yeah.
photo credit: Getty Images
story credit: NY Post and Free Beacon
audio version of the segment here > Kamala Harris caught plagiarizing again