Jay Weber Show transcript 10-9-24 6:10am
Over the long history of this country’s presidential campaigns- there have been candidates who have screwed up and said things that ended up harming their campaigns-
And may have even been the ‘decisive thing’ that turned off enough voters and led to their loss...
The ‘thing’ that Kamala Harris said yesterday on the view is-absolutely-the most foolish thing that i have ever heard a candidate say -in my decades of doing this.
For Kamala Harris to say that she couldn’t think of a thing that she would change...if she’d been president instead of Joe Biden....
When her campaign has spent hundreds of millions of dollars to try to convince Americans that she ‘isn’t Joe Biden’....and ‘doesn’t share in his bad decisions’...and heck ‘she’s really the underdog challenger’....
And when her campaign motto is literally: a new way forward!...
Was a massive blunder. Here’s the moment. She’s sitting on the view surrounded by the hens...doing another softball interview...when Sonny Hosten asks her this:
If she was just a ‘competent’ candidate-
She would have already thought of an answer for that question...assuming it was coming at some point. After all, she’s the VP of a man who has been a very poor president. She now wants the job. The first question that voters will have -has got to be: how would you be any different than joe?
What would you have done better...or differently...looking back...
I will point out, yet again, that kamala’s first failing is in being unprepared. Being that ‘tabula rasa’ that her democrat handlers are scrawling messages on every day-only to have Harris ‘wipe her mind clean’ at night.
She retains nothing. Has learned nothing. I’ve never seen anything like it at this level of politics-
So that’s the political failing that should be identified here-
But then- the catastrophic messaging mistake that destroys three months and half a billion dollars of hard work and messaging by all of the many people around her- and in the democrat tent across the country.... Is unimaginable.
Kamala Harris uttered nine words that destroyed months of work. Then-
Then-Then...she makes it worse by adding I’ve been in on every decision...as if to really drive the dagger deep.
She’s really driving the dagger deep-in her own campaign and her own electoral chances- with that ‘I’ve been part of nearly every decision’.
As you might expect-that comment was only ‘minutes old’...
It had only been out there in the ether-for minutes- and trump, his campaign, other republicans, democrat critics, democrat strategists- all reacted with shock.
Did Kamala Harris just admit that a Harris presidency would be as bad as the Biden presidency was? There’d be no changes?
Did Kami just admit that she’s just ‘more of the same?’
Yep. She did.
Kamala cannot think of a single thing she should change.
And if you think that’s unfair-and if she’d been given more time- she would have cited some of those things- you’re wrong.
It became clear that Harris knew she chunked the question a little later on in the interview...because the clucking continued for a while.... then she doubled back and said....’I’d appoint a republican to my cabinet. You asked me what I’d do differently...that’s what I’d do differently’...
And so.... upon further review....
Given a little more time to go back and think about the last four years-and the failures of the Biden/Harris administration- Kamala Harris still isn’t ...express regret over the botched Afghanistan withdrawal- or that 13 great young Americans died- or that she signed the spending bill that touched off 40 year high inflation...or that she and joe gleefully tore up every measure that Donald Trump had used to close and control the border... Etc.
Given time to think- still- none of those came to mind. That’s pathetic.
Her apologists on MSNBC and CNN, of course, immediately leapt to insist, well, she’s in a tough spot. She doesn’t want to criticize Joe Biden or the very people who elevated her to Veep.
But that doesn’t hold water for a few reasons: first-
If she wants to be president, she’s got to show us that she’s willing to ‘speak the truth’ even if it’s uncomfortable, sometimes. Any decent answer would have earned her some points for that...
And second: she was being handed a fantastic opportunity to distinguish -and separate-herself from Joe!! That’s the very reason that Sunny Hosten asked the question, folks.
Hostin is a highly dishonest left-wing hack. She proves it every day on ‘the view’. We know where she’s coming from, politically, and so- we know what the intent of the question was: here’s a chance for you to shine, kamala. I’m going to give you a chance to separate yourself from joe and his circus of never-ending mistakes. Ready? Here it comes.
And she chunked it.
Her handlers must have been furious.
But she proved again that she is simply not capable of doing this job. She reveals herself a fraud and a pretender-and a liar- every time she speaks.
Which is why her team didn’t want her doing interviews like this in the first place.
It’s a terrible ‘catch 22’ that the democrats have found themselves in, my friends. The Harris/Walz ticket is falling behind. Their numbers have been eroding for weeks-and so-it’s become clear that the so-called ‘basement campaign’ won’t work. They cannot rhetorically hide her and goofy Tim away in the basement and win on generic ‘joy’ and ‘vibes’...
And so, they’ve decided that they-must- trot these two out to do -at least some limited number- of interviews. They’ve been trying to hand select the best venues for them and do as few interviews as possible to serve their needs-
But a said a few days ago: it’s a dumb strategy because they are choosing -mostly-venues that don’t have a large number of followers- so very few people hear the interviews first-hand-
Ensuring that only the gaffes and the stupid crap that TIM and Kammy say...is picked up by other media outlets and/or goes viral on social media.
They’ve managed to create the worst of both worlds for themselves here: they’ve settled on a strategy that only magnifies her flubs, word-salads, lies and incompetence...
And this is all meant to manage the ultimate
Catch 22 they find themselves in: Kamala must do at least a few interviews to convince voters she’s worthy -but then- she does the interviews and proves she’s unworthy!
And it’s happening over and over again, now, proving it’s not ‘the media’ .it’s kamala.
She does an interview with Stephanie Ruhl...and flubs it.
She does an interview with Oprah. And flubs it.
She does an interview on some podcast with two NBA players...and flubs it.
She does an interview with some sex-obsessed podcaster...and flubs it.
So let’s agree to 60-minutes.... they hate trump... And she flubs it.
The cackling hens on the view are idiots...that’s got to be safe...
And she flubs it.
In fact, she drops the dumbest ‘bomb’ and biggest ‘self-own’ that i have ever seen out of a presidential candidate in 30 years!
Yes, I’ve been the vice president for the last four years of a terrible presidency...and i wouldn’t have done anything differently. No regrets.
We destroyed America’s borders and have let 15-million illegals flood in-including about 150-thousand dangerous criminals. Love it. Wouldn’t change a thing.
Yes- we touched off 40-year high inflation that savaged every American’s family budget. Love it. I wouldn’t change a thing: you know i was the one who cast the tie-breaking vote to touch off that misery, right? I want credit for that.
Yes-we completely botched the Afghanistan withdrawal and left hundreds of Americans behind and got at least 13 service-members killed. Love it. Wouldn’t change a thing.
Now, clearly, Kamala Harris cannot possibly ‘think that way’ or be okay with these things. But that’s what she indicated- categorically-to the American people with this idiotic statement yesterday....
When it was a softball question meant to help her. That is how ill-prepared and incapable this woman is- which means she should never be president.
photo credit: Fox News
audio version of the segment here > Kammy's "The View" blunder could end up costing her the campaign