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Democrats will be tyrants if given the chance.

Jay Weber Show transcript 9-10-24 6:40 am

Here’s a good reminder: democrats are making it clear-they will be tyrants if they’re given the chance.

Chuck Schumer has been making it recently clear that- yes- if the democrats manage to keep control of the senate and white house- he will launch this effort to kill off the filibuster for all legislation that he and the democrat activists think is simply ‘so important’ that it’s got to pass.

It's foolish that Schumer and other dems are speaking in terms of only ignoring the filibuster on ‘certain’ pieces of important legislation -like codifying an abortion law that goes well beyond roe.... or stacking the supreme court...or giving DC and Puerto Rico seats in Congress-

You know- anything that helps the democrats cheat- is going to be labeled ‘too important not to pass’...

And so, Schumer and the dems won’t honor the filibuster and the higher 60 vote threshold in those instances...but they will on all the other stuff.

Folks, consider what Chuck Schumer is saying: he’s saying that- on all of the most controversial and ‘America changing, constitution changing’ stuff.... he and the dems will pass only with a simple majority vote.

But everything else will still need to meet a higher threshold for passage.

Aah....shouldn’t the ‘higher threshold for passage’ be reserved for -the most controversial and constitution-altering stuff? Chuck?

This dope is literally saying: we democrats will ram thru anything we want to and insist it’s necessary reform.....and then...we’ll pretend we are still honoring the process for the other stuff. The stuff that doesn’t really matter so much.

Does that sound reasonable or logical to you?

And of course-some of the biggest changes and life-altering changes they want to make- are to the supreme court.

He and the democrat in the white house should be able to destroy their third and ‘co-equal’ branch of government pretty much ‘on their own’ and according to their ‘whim’...and we the people should be cool with it?

Come on.

And if you think this ‘suspension’ of the filibuster is only going to be a rare and unusual event- think again: Kamala Harris isn’t even president yet- and has already been promising lefty crowds that she’s going to sign all sorts of bills that Chuck Schumer will shovel to her by sidestepping the filibuster.

Already-on the campaign trail- Kamala Harris has said dems will ignore the filibuster so that she can sign-

A)A tough pro-abortion law like Roe v Wade.

B)The failed border deal that was just a pretend piece of legislation that would have normalized illegal immigration to the tune of 4-thousand illegals each day. Remember that bill? She’s saying Schumer and the dems would ram that thru and she’d sign it.

C)She has said she’ll sign two so-called voting rights bills that strip the states of power and rig the system in favor of democrats- rammed thru without the filibuster.

This woman is already describing a dystopian, anti-democratic nightmare if she wins office and the dems keep control of the senate.

It’s shocking how close this country is getting to having the constitution and the republic fall-at the hands of fellow Americans who have come to hate this country and all it stands for.

It’s shocking how close we are coming to all of this-and how open these discussions, brags, and promises are getting- from the left.

Chuck Schumer-the leader of the u-s senate-is now opening promising to destroy the most important ‘check and balance’ that the u-s congress has had cool passions and ensure that more measured and democratic decisions are being made by our leaders.

It should shock every American to the core-that today’s democrats are talking like this- most especially people like the sitting vice president and senate majority leader.

These people are promising to visit monstrosities upon the American people and the u-s republic....and it’s being taken ‘in stride’ by the members of the u-s news media...and most Americans.

How has it come to this?

It’s as alarming as Schumer’s relentless rhetoric about ‘reforming’ the supreme court if he has the numbers...

This represents a true attack on democracy- and on the u-s republic.

For months-Schumer has been engaging in a campaign of gaslighting and misinformation when it comes to ‘what powers’ congress has over the supreme court.

The truth is: virtually none. And the founders intentionally made it that way.

Instead, Schumer is claiming congress has the power to force ethics codes and reverse court decisions.   

He didn’t like the court’s ruling outlining presidential immunity last month

These scumbags and their activist groups have launched numerous attacks on today’s sitting conservative justices-and their spouses-

All in an attempt to form a predicate-gaslight the public- into believing that ‘court reforms are needed-and warranted’.

The good news is-so far- polls suggest that its’ not working.

So far- people seem to understand what these scummy democrats are doing-and still want a strong and independent judiciary.

But -ultimately-all the dems need is the ‘excuse’ to do what they are going to do, anyway, if they ever get the power and the numbers in dc to do it.

And we on the right-and the people of good faith across America- of all political stripes and persuasions- need to make sure it never happens.

And this year? In this moment?


photo credit: Getty Images

audio version of the segment here > Democrats will be tyrants if given the chance.

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