The Jay Weber Show

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Harris/Walz are going to screw over America's Seniors

Jay Weber Show transcript 8-15-24 6:40am

For probably two weeks-I’ve been trying to figure out a way to talk about this next issue- without having to waste a bunch of time and confuse nearly everyone on ‘how Biden and the dems are screwing them’ on this.

The bottom line is the Biden regime has made moves that are ballooning the costs of Medicare for our older citizens...and in the process destroying ‘part D’....

But they don’t want this to become evident until-after-the election... And so, what the Biden team is doing is- masking the price hikes for now-by flooding the insurance companies with money to paper over the damage...until after November.

Get it?

I don’t need to get into the technical jargon-in order to explain what’s happening-and why older voters -and new retirees-should be super PO’d about this.

Bottom line-Biden’s team is destroying parts of Medicare and is about to stick Medicare recipients with premiums that are 30 percent higher or more- but they don’t want you to know about it before you vote.


Every. Single. Thing. About today’s Democrat party is about lying to and tricking people.

On every damn issue and in every darn instance. Today’s democrats feel it is their mission to lie to the American people and try to ‘trick them’ into allowing these people to stay in power.

This is from fox news-but it has been reported certain pockets of media...for a few weeks now.

Fox News says:

In a move critics say is designed to shield the Biden-Harris administration from election fallout, the administration has leveraged taxpayer funds to mask upcoming increases in Medicare premiums.

Under the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which was intended to cap out-of-pocket drug costs for Medicare beneficiaries, insurers are poised to significantly hike monthly premiums, with average bids for Part D plans expected to triple by 2025.

Biden and Harris-and every single democrat who voted for the idiotic ‘inflation reduction act’...have effed up Medicare.

And they don’t want to tell you seniors about it until after you vote.

That-is the bottom line, here. That is what you ‘need to know’. 

I could get into the specifics of ‘how and why’ they screwed you- but it would be easier to google it and read the details for yourself.  You’ll probably have to read it two or three times to understand it more fully.

But it involves an attempt to force insurance companies to take bigger losses on prescription drugs.

Insurance companies are on the hook for what patients ‘used to pay’ out of pocket-and so- those insurance companies are- of course- going to have to raise their premiums to make up the difference.

They simply-must.

This isn’t a matter of ‘being screwed by the insurance companies. Their entire business model blows up and they go out of business if they don’t pass those costs along in the form of higher premiums.

This isn’t insurance companies screwing you-this is today’s democrats and specifically the Joe Biden/Kamala Harris regime screwing you.

And they know it. And are trying to hide it.


By taking tens of billions of dollars more away from us, the American taxpayer, and shoveling it at the insurance companies over the next few years to make up the difference. Get it?

We-the taxpayers get screwed again-as the democrats destroying the country try to cover their butts and keep this quiet until after the election.

This is no different than a buddy coming to you and saying- i did an awful thing. I stole 50-thousand dollars from my fiancé and she’s going to find out before the wedding: loan me 50 i can backfill the account ...and then after the wedding...I’ll give it back and admit i stole from her. By then- we’ll be married, and she’ll have to live with it.

Does that sound like a good plan? And does that sound like an honest man?

Well, that’s what Joe and Kamala are doing to you seniors: hey, insurance companies, if we give you tens of billions of dollars now...can we keep this betrayal of America’s seniors a least until thanksgiving? Can you-not-drop the huge premium increases on them now-in October-as you would normally do?

Get it?

That’s what’s going on here. 

The estimate assumes that an individual is enrolled in Medicare — including Part A and Part B, which cover most hospital care and doctor's visits — and Part D, which covers prescription drugs. Other expenses such as Medicare premiums, over-the-counter medications, dental and vision care and other costs typically not covered by Medicare are "left to retirees to manage on their own," the report said.

As of April of this year, about 67.3 million Americans were enrolled in Medicare, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Of those, about half were enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan, while about 80% were covered by Medicare Part D.

"They just want to get through the election," Grogan said. "They're hoping after the election they can face it, but it's gonna need to be dealt with in the next 12 to 18 months. They did not believe it would be this bad and it's only gonna get worse." 

This is another instance in which the so-called news media is covering up a story that would affect the democrat’s elections in fall-negatively.

Their job is-supposed to be- breaking and relaying stories like this to the American people so that they can make an informed vote on who-and which party-should run the country for the next four years.

And so, intentionally hiding stories like this is a new level of outrage and leftism that we are seeing out of today’s big media outlets.

This would be front page news-and reported on for weeks-if we had an honest media: Biden and the dems harm seniors with their new Medicare maneuver...and are trying to hide it from voters.

That would be the honest headline.

Instead- voters hear nothing. Are told nothing.

How is any of this? The Biden regime’s actions or the news media’s inaction? Defensible?

This is today’s left-and today’s democrat party.

Every single day. It’s just more lying and gaslighting.

photo credit: Getty Images

story credit: Fox News

audio version of the segment here > Harris/Walz are going to screw over America's Seniors

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