Jay Weber Show transcript 7-25-24 7:10am
So- MSNBC sent a reporter to Green Bay to do a few small focus groups in a swing state-now that Kamala Harris has entered the race.
The first group was five undecided voters, men, and women, and they were not inclined to give Kamala Harris any sort of ‘honeymoon’ period...or even...be open minded to a ‘reinvented’ Kammy.
That’s not a bad point: if Kamala Harris was willing to cover up the fact that Joe Biden hasn’t really been running the country over the last three years- what would she be willing to lie about once she’s president?
And on behalf of her own political career?
-then-there was a panel of ‘just trumps voters’. But it was a panel of ‘female’ trump voters.
This is six middle aged women sitting on folding chairs in front of this MSNBC reporter. They look like good ‘Wisconsin stock’.
And no, having a woman in the race- or helping to elect the first female president wasn’t that important to them.
Here’s how that went:
I feel like-maybe- some of those women have been listening to this show. No?
The ‘she’s an idiot’ comment...seems to suggest i had at least one listener in that group.
But-we have now seen a six-day campaign by the left to try to make Kamala Harris into a cross between Joan of Arc and George Washington. The leftist media would have you believe that there’s all sorts of new excitement that has been injected into this race because Joe is out, and kamala is in-
But- on the ground? Even MSNBC reporters can’t really find evidence of it.
And it could be because: the jig is up.
It could be that-any American-who has been following along knows that the Biden Harris regime has done nothing but lie to them for four years- including about the president’s mental and physical fitness- and Kamala was in on the lie.
It could also be that -they know- the last four years has sucked and Kamala Harris has been as responsible as anyone for it.
Or it could be that they know-if Kamala Harris wins-nothing changes. The same rancid people who have been running this very dishonest and incompetent regime over the last four years- will simply stay in place to run another very dishonest and incompetent regime for kamala Harris.
You can bet on that. Most of them are members of Obama’s old crowd- and kamala Harris is adding even more of Obama’s old group now that she has taken over the Biden campaign team.
She just asked David Plouffe to come back into the fold.
Voters-have got to know- nothing gets better if Kamala wins.
CNN and MSNBC listeners have been told, repeatedly, this week.
No. She’s not. And she never was.
And, unfortunately for her, we’ve got all sorts of instances of Kamala Harris-on tape- saying all these radical things.
In one CNN town hall, alone, in 2019, she talks about banning fracking and fossil fuels. She talks about decriminalizing border crossings. She insists that- with a wave of her hand-as president-she would offer a mass amnesty.
She talks about defunding the police. She talks about govt run health care.
For heaven’s sake: this woman? Is a moderate?
Oh-they can try to ‘reinvent her’ and her positions for a 100-day sprint that is going to amount to as much lying and gaslighting as they can possibly manage-
But we, on the right, must hope that most of the American people know exactly ‘who’ and ‘what’ Kamala Harris is, by now.
A cackling lightweight whose word salads reveal her incompetence.
The editors of the Wall St Journal point out that-in Milwaukee Tuesday-Kamala Harris sure didn’t sound moderate: she played to the leftist base:
The editors don’t explain why Harris is sounding so left-wing, but you folks in this audience know: because she’s got to wing back big chunks of the left-wing base that have abandoned the democrats and Joe Biden.
The feeling is: we got to shore up the base. We got to shore up the base. We got to get back the young voters we’ve lost. The black voters we’ve lost. The working-class voters we’ve lost.
Well, okay. That’s correct.
But-it’s an example of how ‘lost’ and ‘flailing’ the democrat party leaders are, currently. They never stopped to ask themselves-who those young people left. And black people left. And working-class voters left.
Why did big chunks of them slide over to Trump and the GOP?
The answer isn’t because: they didn’t get their student loans forgiven or they didn’t get enough ‘free stuff’ from Biden and the democrats.
It’s because the last four years of Biden/Harris policies have crushed them financially and spiritually. They’re broke and the American dream is dead.
They don’t want socialism. They don’t want more taxation. They don’t want drag queens showing off their genitals in schools.
It’s remarkable, to me, that the democrats have now swapped out Biden for Harris...but they still don’t really ‘get it’.
They are still ignoring-why- chunks of people from their most reliable demographics have abandoned them. It’s because they have woken up to all the lies and the abuse and the hollow pandering.
I know it’s anecdotal, but i can’t tell you how many posts I’ve seen on ‘X’ from ‘former Black democrats’ who are saying- the democrats think they can trick me and get me back by putting up a black candidate. It’s insulting. I’m still voting trump.
I hope!
I hope! That is the reaction that every former democrat voter Black, Brown, young, old, ‘other’... To Kamala Harris.
I hope every disillusioned voter who has finally come to the decision to slide over to the gop-stays with us-as democrats use cheap and insulting and-race baiting-tricks to try to get them back.
And hey- it’s great that –
A) Harris and her campaign are certain they need to win back ‘far left’ voters, first- when its’ not the ‘far left’ voters, or the voters who just want freebee govt handouts, who have abandoned them...
B) That she’s going to spend at least the four weeks before the convention-and perhaps all fall- verifying that she’s an even bigger and more extreme lefty than Joe Biden was.
This ‘works for us’ on the right. Trust me.
photo credit: Getty Images