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The gaslighting of Kamala Harris in full swing

Jay Weber Show transcript 7-23-24 7:10am

One point that virtually everyone on the right has been making since Biden resigned is: we haven’t seen him in five days now. 

We aren’t even certain he wrote or signed his own resignation letter. The white house released no photos on Sunday, the day of his resignation. No visual proof that he signed this thing or read it to staffers.

For a conspiracy theorist-Joe Biden could easily be dead. Or in a terribly frail and failing state, and they just aren’t telling us.

I am not one of those conspiracy theorists and there is a far simpler explanation for why we haven’t seen the president-

But- it’s another example of how badly the dems are playing this: both the Biden White House and campaign- but also- the democrats who shoved him out.

On top of everything else-they are inadvertently adding a ‘global uncertainty’ to our friendly foreign leaders-and our enemies- that Joe Biden might not really be running this country, currently.

And you have to see it thru a foreigner’s prism: most countries are dictatorships or only ‘pretend’ democracies...and when a leader dies on those countries...there are power struggles and palace intrigue and a lot of lying to the public, so they won’t riot or overthrow the regime.


So- a significant percentage of the globe is trained to believe that- if a leader isn’t being seen publicly- he’s sick or dead.

So-the globe is asking: where’s Joe?

How sick is he?

But there’s a far simpler reason for why we haven’t seen joe...according to some of the insiders close to the Bidens: joe is really, really, PO’d about being shoved to the side...and he’s not in the mood to ‘fake it’ that everything’s okay and he made this decision on his own.

That! Is the insider explanation for why we haven’t seen joe- and it makes perfect sense.

For years, we have known that Biden gets angry and pissy when he’s challenged on even the slightest things.

After the NY Times editors decided they needed to help push Biden out- they wrote entire articles about how Biden’s staffers and cabinet members are afraid of him- and so-they routinely hide bad news from him.

He's the most ‘insulated’ and ‘out of it’ president that this country has probably ever had, truth be told, because his staff feels like they cannot tell the truth to the man.

He’s got such an eruptive personality-especially now that he’s aged and has at least ‘early onset’ dementia- that he’s not being fully informed.

So, it fits that- after being forced into this decision- even if Biden thinks he was the ultimate ‘decider’ and made the decision on his own Saturday night-

Even if that’s what he believes occurred, here, you can see how he’d be really PO’d. Furious that he was bullied and shoved aside by his own party.

And no, he’s not terribly interested in being seen publicly or talking to the press right now, no.

Heck-he’s not even feeling gracious enough to make a televised speech explaining why he’s dropped out of the race. 

And the fact that his own party members-and those who had always stood in the way and doubted him-were the ones who orchestrated the coup and shoved him out-

Is only one reason that Biden is PO’d.

The other reason is- according to these insiders- Joe Biden is still not convinced that Kamala Harris can run a better campaign, or is a more appealing candidate, who can win.

Axios and a few other insider blogs have written pieces on how -right up till the end- Joe Biden was convinced- and is still convinced, apparently- Kamala Harris cannot win, either.

He has seen the polls that show her doing ‘about the same’ as he was-and cannot understand why- if their positions are roughly the same- he doesn’t get to take his shot at beating trump again.

And-given that this is the biggest lie or exaggeration being told this week- i should clarify: recent polls-do not-show Kamala Harris doing better than joe Biden against trump.

Not really.

Some of them show her doing a point or two better-but the margin of error in them is about four points-right?

And so-a savvy political veteran like Biden and the members of his team- look at this and say: Kamala Harris- is not- a better alternative to joe.

The other party insiders-think-she is- because they are solely interested in saving their own jobs-and they think Kamala Harris at least has some room to grow over the next few months and can -maybe even- campaign for some of them and help save some house and senate seats-

And so-

In that sense- Kamala Harris is a better candidate for desperate dems than joe-

But don’t be mistaken: even NBC’s resident data cruncher-Steve Kornacki- was saying on MSNBC yesterday- any idea that Harris will do better than Joe Biden is-mostly- just a hope- at this point  

So, put yourself in Biden’s shoes. This all makes sense. Joe Biden is furious about the claim that-somehow? -Kamala Harris can deliver a win that he can’t?

What I find so remarkable about kamala Harris-over the course of four years-she still hasn’t grown into this job. She still looks and sounds like every day is her ‘first day’.

But back to Biden being PO’d that there’s no evidence Kamala could do better than him.

He’s mostly right-currently. We’ll see what next week’s polls show...

But- it’s also important to not get caught up in the leftist hype and Kammy coronation...and this idea that dems are super-energized now-

Not really.

The dc insiders might because-at least they have new hope now- that most of the democrat races are salvageable in fall.

But...they still have a steep hill to climb on Kamala being president. To the point that-politico- is talking to democrat strategists and candidates who are saying, ‘oh, Kamala won’t beat Trump, either, but at least it won’t be a total electoral wipe out’.

And for the record: I don’t believe that. This is a new ‘reset’ on this race that the republicans and the trump team need to take seriously. This leftist machine that today’s democrats have built-and the leftist media machine that protects it-are formidable forces to defeat- and they are going ‘all in’ to rehabilitate and sell Kamala Harris to voters as an ‘historical figure’.

Do not take this lightly.

But- this-is-what many democrats still quietly know and believe: kamala Harris doesn’t really help them that much-if her past and ‘the polls’ are any indication.

photo credit: Getty Images
audio version on the segment here > The gaslighting of Kamala Harris in full swing

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