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Calls for Biden to resign the presidency continue to grow

Jay Weber Show transcript 7-23-24 8:30am

So- if Joe Biden must drop out of the 2024 presidential campaign because he can’t handle the rigors of it-

Is it that crazy to suggest that he, then, also ‘does not have the rigor’ needed to do the actual job of ‘president’, ‘commander in chief’, leader of the free world?

Folks-it is not ‘going too far’ to have people like JD Vance, Mike Johnson, and others saying that-now that Biden has dropped out of the fall campaign and admits he’s not up to it-

He needs to resign the presidency and admit he’s not up to that, either.

I know that some people would say: we on the right don’t want that, either. Why give Kamala a five-month head-start on the job?

The answer would be because she’d struggle to do both and it would be even more obvious she can’t handle it...

But I assume all these men are calling for Biden to drop out- or for his cabinet to use the 25th amendment to remove him- because they know it won’t happen.

This is another way to attack and frustrate a group of really rancid, lying, cheating democrats-and put more electoral pressure on them.

Shouldn’t every democrat who has been complicit in this cover up about Biden’s cognitive decline-be forced to answer: why should he still be president for another five months?

And this is more than just ‘political games’, folks. The impressions that it is sending out to other global leaders and our foreign enemies is terrible-

Especially when days tick by....and we haven’t seen our ‘vigorous’ president in what? Nearly five days now? As speaker Mike Johnson put it on ‘X’.

I agree with that. As does former UN ambassador and foreign policy expert across several administrations- John Bolton-who talks in terms of ‘mentally and physically capable’ presidents being in a vulnerable spot as lame ducks. Biden is neither.

His brother Frank raised new alarms on Sunday by admitting that- part of the equation for the Biden’s decision to have joe withdraw-is his failing health.

And so- the lying minions and supporters around him can keep saying Biden is ‘fine’. Or he’s ‘fit enough’ to serve out his term-

But the American people haven’t seen Biden in five days-and before that- he was walking like he was in a Parkinson’s Dementia stance...with his arms extended out in front of him at the elbow...and limp ‘Mr. Burns hands’ dangling from the wrists.

This guy can barely shuffle...or put complete sentences together.

And so, how bad is he-really?

Those old enough to remember it- will know that we-in America- used to mock old Russian leaders for this very thing. The communist Soviet Union would regularly insist that ‘dear leader’ was in charge...and vigorously working on behalf of the country...when he hadn’t been seen for weeks on end.

No worries-he’s just so busy- was always the Soviet excuse.

Until they announced he’d been dead for three weeks and his successor had been chosen.

Why did the Soviets-and other communist countries- do it that way?

So that the starving, angry people don’t rebel at a time of weakness atop the government.


If the SOB who is destroying the country is dead-it’s a great time to rise. Maybe a political coup can be successful.

But not if a new leader is announced before the old leader is revealed to be dead.

We used to mock the Soviets and other countries for this sort of evil deception.

Now, our own democrat party-here in America-is doing their own version of it.

They’ve been hiding Biden’s illnesses from us for four years- as best they could- and now that the public knows the truth- he’s shoved into hiding and forced to resign.... then stay in hiding as the democrat machine selects and elevates his successor.

Where? Is Joe Biden?

And if he’s too frail to remain president-why is he still president?

I am certain that the answer to that is: Biden demand number one- as they were cutting a deal to step down was: joe gets to finish his term.

A-it allows him to save some face instead of leave in total embarrassment... And

B-it ensures he can pardon hunter after election day...and make any other ‘end of term’ moves that the Bidens believe will benefit them-financially. Politically. In their historical re-telling. Whatever.

If the Bidens no longer need to ‘represent America’ or glad-hand for votes- there is no reason that taxpayers should be paying millions of dollars for Jill Biden and several family members to go and watch the Olympics on the taxpayer dime.

This is another perfect example of how democrats-in office-never think of the taxpayers. Never think about the expenses they are racking up- that other people are paying for.

When it comes to unnecessary travel- genuinely-historians will validate this-

Ron and Nancy Reagan- George and Barbara-then George and Laura- legitimately did ‘consider the expense’ of any trip they were taking.

Republicans-were at least conscious of the fact that- when they hopped on marine one and choppered over to get on air force one or two...they knew they were burning taxpayer money.

The Clinton’s felt entitled and never cared. The Obamas-really-felt entitled and never cared. And now the Bidens -really really-feel entitled and never care.

Trust me-Jill Biden hasn’t given a second though to canceling this trip because it is now superfluous expense.

Nope. She’ll take some of the grandkids on a free trip, anyway.

These-are not- decent people.

photo credit: Getty Images

audio version of segment here > Calls for Biden to resign the presidency continue to grow

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