Jay Weber Show transcript 4-30-24 6:10am
My friends- we now have some ‘personal experience’ when it comes to the democrats keeping Donald Trump off the campaign trail by having left wing judges keep him glued to a courtroom.
The democrats and their talking heads have been giggling about this since Alvin Bragg’s bogus criminal trial in NY started: how Trump can’t be out campaigning...and Joe Biden can.
The Biden team was hoping that Merrick Garland, Jack Smith, Fanni Willis and their other minions would manage to keep Donald Trump tied up in courtrooms thru-out the duration of the election year-
But it looks more and more like they will fail on that account and -once this idiotic Bragg trial is over-since none of the other three court cases are likely to get to trial-trump will have time to campaign, after all.
But- just by having scummy judge Juan Merchan in Manhattan insist that Donald Trump needs to be there- present-in the courtroom every day-all day-
He’s already harming the Trump campaign in several ways.
We get a personal example today: since Wednesdays are a day off in this trial’s schedule, president trump is going to appear at the Waukesha County Expo in Wisconsin tomorrow, correct?
Well- his team reached out to me yesterday to get him onto tomorrow’s show- and the best we could do, initially, was to try to find the time to pre-tape an interview with the president after a long day of sitting in court-
And since we couldn’t work that out- i thought: well, we are going to have to miss this opportunity to have him on-
But- it now appears that we have president trump locked in for an interview at 7:30 tomorrow morning. Before he flies to Wisconsin, he’s going to-hopefully-join us for a few minutes on the show tomorrow.
But- it’s an example of how hard Donald Trump is working-and how hard he is trying to continue campaigning-any way he can- around this blasted court trial.
I’ll also credit his team at the RNC and his personal schedulers. They are having to work overtime and doubly hard- to try to schedule interviews during his free time before, after, and around ‘court’.
And somehow, he’s still managing to ‘out campaign’ Joe Biden over the last two weeks-
And somehow, trump appears to be expanding his lead in the polls-over the last two weeks.
But- i cannot guarantee that ‘something won’t come up’ for trump between now and 7:30 tomorrow morning to knock this interview into the weeds: but-
But it on your calendar in pencil: Donald Trump. Live on the show. Tomorrow at 7:30, is the plan.
And consider how important Wisconsin is to Donald Trump-and Joe Biden-
That Biden has already been here three times. Kammy seems to be living here, now.
And on his one day off from court- and with all the important groups of voters to ‘tend to’ over the next six months-President Trump has chosen to spend his precious time here- in Waukesha county-tomorrow.
It speaks to how vital Wisconsin is to any ‘win’ in fall. This will be trump’s second time visiting Wisconsin in just a few weeks. He stopped in green bay on April second, if you remember.
We were also talking yesterday about how- in all these recent polls-the American people are remembering Donald Trump’s term in office more-and-more positively- even as they dislike joe Biden’s more-and-more- as it nears an end.
I was saying that- this could be the thing- more than anything else-that tips the election Donald trump’s way- regardless of what happens between now and November.
Between now and then- we will put all sorts of importance on-the court cases- the bad economic numbers- how the economy’s going. How bad the border is. What ‘thing’ Donald Trump said that he’s being mocked for-etc.
And in the end? What might matter most to voters and decide the election? Is that ‘Donald Trump did this job better and we can admit that now’.
Sincerely: the NY Times and Wash Post elitists are mocking this as ‘trump nostalgia’ and ‘Trump amnesia’ .... because they simply refuse to admit that Donald Trump and mike pence were far better leaders than Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are...
So, two different wash post columnists today are suggesting that voters are only feeling better about the trump era because they are ‘forgetting what it was like’ or ‘romanticizing it and forgetting the bad stuff’.
Bologna. It was only three years ago. We remember the Trump era and the prosperity and wage increases that it brought to -us all. People at every level of income and walk of life benefitted from the Trump economy and the economic and global stability of the Trump years before covid hit-
And it was a far cry from this rolling disaster that- is- the Biden era.
This latest CNN poll mirrors others when it finds 55 percent of Americans say the trump era was a success- whereas only 39 percent say Biden’s is folks-sixty one percent of Americans see joe Biden’s presidency as a failure- because it is-
And no amount of ‘Trump bashing’ by the Biden campaign and the democrats is going to improve that figure.
Stephen Collinson of CNN insists today- the Biden team is facing extreme pressure to-quote- do more to remind voters of the turmoil of trump’s single term.
Well, first, that’s not going to do anything to make them feel better about the crap-show Biden’s era has been-
But secondly: the only ‘turmoil’ of the trump era was the turmoil that the democrats and their paid-for activist groups created-around trump.
Name some ‘turmoil’ of the Trump era-and it’ll come back to a smear or lie that democrat created for the trump-hating media.
Russia collusion and Putin’s stooge?
Totally manufactured lies.
The BLM riots?
Those were manufactured out of, yet another series of falsehoods related to policing and George Floyd’s death...
And it was democrat governors and mayors who stood back and allowed the rioting and looting to occur. In every instance, Donald Trump’s White House offered to help.
Those riots are to be blamed entirely on the democrats, who, in 238 years of our existence, managed to denounce violence and looting as unacceptable and not a legitimate form of protest-until-
Until- Nancy Pelosi and Barrack Obama and Eric holder-and joe Biden- were the ‘moral voices’ of the party and refused to denounce the violence-
And until we had all sorts of democrat mayors and governors who were going out of their way to declare that the ‘rioting was the protest’.
Legitimate speech and protest.
How many of us remember: Trump’s going to get us into World War three by being too tough on Iran and China?
Nope. Biden’s the one courting disaster with his weakness.
I mean-
Name the ‘Turmoil’ of the Trump years, and you’ll realize it comes back to some ballcap lie or another that was invented by the left.
But the spin that ‘the people’s memories of the trump era are fading’ and that’s why they are starting to appreciate him more-
So, they must be disabused of that notion-
Is crap.
Time and distance-and a genuinely dreadful and relentlessly ‘anti-American’- Joe Biden era have people simply appreciating the trump era more.
That’s what’s going on here.
The Americans who are ‘coming back to appreciating Trump more’.... haven’t forgotten about what a jackass he can be at times. They haven’t forgotten about the ‘mean tweets’.
They’re simply realizing that he was a very good or-quote-successful- president (if we want to use the term from the CNN poll)
And if the choice in fall is trump or Biden-then they want trump back.
That’s what this is: it’s like Indiana fans realizing that bobby knight could be an egotistical jackass- but he was also a great coach-so- we’ll overlook the jackassery.
This is what’s happening here with the shift toward ‘more appreciation’ of the Trump era. And joe Biden and his team only have themselves to blame.
Because they have bleeped this job up-from front to back- from beginning to end-and in every way they possibly could have.
photo credit: Fox News
audio segment here: Americans now realize the Trump years weren't so bad after all