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This new CNN poll is devastating for the Biden regime

Jay Weber Show transcript 4-29-24 7:10am

So- there is a CNN poll that republicans and Trump fans will be excited about-

CNN released its latest polling figures yesterday, and they show Donald Trump up by six points. Six. Among registered voters.

The findings of this poll are -so- strongly positive for Donald Trump that I am skeptical about it. This is probably an outlier poll-given how most other polls have shown a race that was slightly tightening in early April.

This CNN poll suddenly shows a six-point lead-with trump’s lead growing to nine when you add in RFK junior and the third party candidates.

I’d love to believe this is accurate. I’m just not sure i believe it-

However- if you want a boost of confidence on a gloomy Monday morning-

Here it is:

I’d note that this is yet another poll that shows Donald trump near 50 percent support, too, which-is-something we’ve been seeing in other polls.

CNN has Trump at 49, Biden back at 43. 

Again-that’s with the more generic survey of ‘registered’ voters.

One key finding for trump that-also-mirrors the results of other polls we’ve seen recently is that

55% of all Americans now say they see Trump’s presidency as a success, while 39 percent of Americans say Biden’s presidency has been a success- and a whopping 59 percent say it’s a failure.

In fact- just 73% of democrats say Biden’s has been a success. That’s his own party.

Among independents, 51% say Trump’s presidency was successful, while only 37% see Biden’s as a success.

This is yet another survey that shows trump leading by double digits in all the major issues-

But when it comes to the economy- only 34 percent of Americans approve of the Biden economy...

Even as 65% of registered voters call the economy extremely important to their vote for president.

Among those voters who say the economy is deeply important break heavily for trump in a matchup against Biden, 62% to 30%.

Americans’ perceptions of their own finances also remain negative, with 53% saying they are dissatisfied with their personal financial situation while 47% are satisfied.

Folks-other than the fact that the democrat ‘messaging machine’ has managed to make quote- defending democracy- a campaign issue this year, i can’t find a single positive in these numbers for president Biden.

This latest CNN poll is simply terrible for him, but again, i also think it’s a little juiced in trump’s favor. I can’t believe that trump is now leading nationally by six.

The survey that i fund more credible is the one from gallop that came out on Friday-showing joe Biden’s approval rating is still stuck at 38 percent-and contrary to the claims of the left-wing talking heads recently-

Is not-getting better.

Gallop found that Biden has the worst approval rating of any- any- US president at this point.

They’re calling it the 13th quarter of his presidency-

So-fourth year in office- January thru April.

They kicked off their fourth year in office-both Obama and Trump had approval ratings that were at least-near- 50 percent: Obama was at 46, trump at 47.

Biden is way down at 39 percent.

That’s pathetic. You heard that only HW Bush was near Biden-down at 41 percent- but you can’t say that’s why bush lost-and didn’t get a second term. His election included Ross Perot-who took a huge chunk of the GOP vote away from Herbert-Walker Bush in 88 and allowed Bill Clinton to win the white house with only something like 42 percent of the vote.

So-there’s not an exact comparison, there, aside from the fact that-HW Bush was in bad shape and it was Perot being in the race that ultimately killed his chance at a second term-

This year- lefty RFK junior is in the race and might be a ‘Biden killer’ if he can get on the ballot in most states. Perot did. So far, Kennedy isn’t.

But the most consequential and devastating part of this gallop analysis is that-Gallop’s pollsters admit-quote- there are no signs of Biden’s approval rating reversing course. Given that he has been in a steady decline since taking office.

So much for the left’s latest claim that Biden has ‘turned some sort of corner’ and is closing in on Trump, somehow.

photo credit: Getty Images

You can hear the segment here: This new CNN poll is devastating for the Biden regime

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