The Jay Weber Show

The Jay Weber Show

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Most Americans are NOT in line with Biden and the left's radical agenda

Jay Weber Show transcript 2-26-24 7:40am

This segment includes items that prove the American people-are not ‘with- President Biden and today’s democrats on their radically left agenda...

The first item is a pew research finding that shows most teachers, parents, adults, and students - agree- school is no place for the ‘trans agenda’ or trying to normalize the latest ‘gender nonsense’ in our children.

This contrasts with most of us agreeing that racial issues and/or the history of race should be taught.

This is quite a finding-

And Pew is a credible research company that uses larger sample sizes-with smaller margins of error.

Race and LGBTQ Issues in K-12 Schools

What teachers, teens and the U.S. public say about current curriculum debates

That’d be my take: regardless of political most of us in this country agree that racism is bad- and that’s a message that needs to be regularly reinforced with each new group of young people.

We’d only disagree on ‘how it’s taught’ or what’s taught: for example-critical race theory is actually ‘reteaching racism’ and most Americans agree-and don’t want it in their schools.

But should we teach the history of slavery...the falsehoods related to skin color and stereotypes, etc. Of course.

Should we indoctrinate our kids into the latest ‘gender-queer’ dogma that far left activist groups keep pushing-and often just ‘dream up’ on the fly?

No. Of course we shouldn’t. 

Should we be allowing a sliver of creeps and perverts on the left to sexualize our children at young ages?

No. Of course we shouldn’t.

The pew findings prove that there’s less division in this country when it comes to these topics than the leftists and their media accomplices want you to believe.

Those tend to be the people and the organizations who get paid, or find some personal benefit to themselves, in constantly agitating for ‘change’. 

And often, it doesn’t even matter what sort of ‘change’ they are advocating for-

Not so long as they can pull a paycheck off it or get some sort of personal satisfaction from it-such as ‘being an antifa member means i ‘belong’ somewhere. I’m part of a club or family that accepts me.

I swear, this probably what 80 percent of this leftist agitation is about: it’s social misfits and people with mental illnesses wanting to fit in somewhere.

The next item-which is another example of bad leftist policy that no one asked for-

The Washington Times has a story about how the Biden regime’s push for ‘racial and gender equity in the workplace backfires.

Since Biden’s first months in office- back in 2021- his socialist regime has been pushing for laws or regulations that force employers to -make public-how much they are paying their workers. Each worker.

And since Biden can’t force this insane idea on private sector businesses- but he can! - issue executive orders and agency rules-

He and his team started with a regulation to force the pay of all govt contractors to be made public.  This would be ‘as a condition of being awarded federal contracts’.... you need to publish every salary of every worker in your company.

The idea is: if everyone’s rate of pay is ‘public’, or ‘known’.... minorities and women will be more likely to be paid what their awful white, male counterparts are making, right?

You understand the socialist, leftist concept here? forcing employers to divulge everyone’s pay makes for a more equitable pay within the company.

But could you see how it would backfire?

Because the leftists don’t. Biden and his increasingly socialist regime- doesn’t see the obvious problem with this.

Do you?

Folks- it takes all bargaining power away from the individual employee- and it means everyone will be making less. Including minorities and women.

Do you understand how?

If everyone’s salary is published and... geez...welders in this business all need to make about the same...then no, Malcom, I can’t give you a raise. That’d have you making more than all the other welders...and I’d have to give them all raises. So nope, can’t do it.

If salaries are hidden-Malcom could get his raise based on merit: if the boss knows he’s a better worker and sees the value in the raise- yes.

But- if ‘every welder makes the same’- he can’t be rewarded.

It’s the unsolvable flaw in this sort of regulation....and frankly? There’d only be one fix for it, right?


How does Malcolm get his raise under a Biden-era law that says every salary is known?  

Well-if every welder gets the same pay out of ‘fairness’ then...every welder needs to get together and ‘organize’ for a raise. Right?

Do you see where this goes?

And so, of course it’s all intentional. Of course, the leftists pushing this within the Biden labor department are socialists who have thought ahead...

But the wash times story is about how several independent studies of this new regulation being proposed- mean-all workers-will be making less.

This is another idiotic idea that backfires on the workers the leftists-pretend-to care about and pretend to be working to help.

That is a dumb idea...which is all today’s democrats seem to have.

This crowd of today’s leftists is obsessed with what’s fair, what’s equitable, and what’s just- and yet every attempt to inject ‘fairness’ into complex societies ends in disaster.

It ends in socialism and communism. It ends with a very small, privileged class of people who are running things-so long as they all adhere to the regime’s dogma...

And it results in a massive, massive, impoverished underclass that is being abused and is miserable.

In those ‘fairer’ and more egalitarian societies- everyone is ‘poor, hungry, and miserable’ ...and that’s a sort of fairness, isn’t it?

photo credit: Getty Images

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