The Jay Weber Show

The Jay Weber Show

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Speaker Vos tells the UW System they're done negotiating

Jay Weber transcript 12-11-23 6:40am

After seven, we are going to have speaker Robin Vos on the show-to talk about the UW board of regents rejecting a new deal that would have given UW employees raises and had all sorts of significant upsides- in exchange for the UW system getting rid of only one-fourth of the so-called DEI positions that it has.

This is called ‘diversity, equity, and inclusion’, but it is a way the left has institutionalized new forms of racism and racial hatreds into our children and our educational communities...

And it’s something Speaker Vos wants eliminated from all taxpayers funded UW schools. He’s been holding up the scheduled raises of u-w employees as leverage-

To draw some attention to this destructive left-wing indoctrination and how engrained it has become here at the u-w schools-even though it’s happened quietly, over time.

This started with Vos identifying at least 180 DEI positions that he wanted eliminated in exchange for approving these new raises and other considerations.

The left, of course, had a fit. Their accomplices in the MSM have been vilifying Vos for months, over this, but it eventually led to talks between the two sides and talk of a deal.

Alright. Good.

Well, the deal that was hatched between Speaker Vos, the UW System president, Jay Rothman, and the Evers administration was one that- I thought- was weak.

I thought it had Vos and the legislative republicans giving up ‘too much’ in order to get only a sliver of DEI employees eliminated.

But- it was at least quietly sat by last week...assuming it’d get done.

But- in an unexpected twist on Friday-the UW Board of Regents split and failed to approve the agreement.  The vote was 9- to -8, with all of Governor’s appointees voting no. Shooting down-what I thought-was a sweetheart deal for them...and a ‘cave’ by Vos, if anything.

It's an agreement that would have put Wisconsin students-first- and guaranteed them admission to a u-w school if they ranked in the top ten percent of their class.

The regents who shot it down acted like typical leftists, afterward, and insisted that they just could not...could not...limit diversity, equity, and inclusion on our campuses...

The deal would have done nothing of the sort, sadly, and they still didn’t go for it. 

There was no reason to cave. 

Robin Vos, for his part, suggested otherwise, and we’ll ask him about it directly, in a few minutes.

These nine Evers regents chose to deny employees across the system raises...and chose to reject nearly a billion dollars in new construction and spending for a new business school they insist they desperately need.

They rejected all it-in order to defend a system of indoctrination that is, really, indefensible.

As Vos says: our UW regents board- just insisted that there’s only one world view that they want our Wisconsin students to have...and that no mission within the u-w system schools is more important that forcing it onto them.

Isn’t that what this vote represents?

And afterward-both Jay Rothman, the head of the u-w system, as well as Governor Evers, expressed disappointment. They clearly never considered that they’d get screwed by the same sort of leftist indoctrination that Vos is trying to tamp down within the system: a strict and bullying adherence to ‘wokeism’.

Governor milk toast put out a similar statement, urging both sides to continue working to reach an agreement.

My advice to Vos and republicans is- don’t. What they’ve rejected here was a ‘more than generous’ deal, and any deal they want to agree to-moving forward-must involve ‘their side’ giving up even more.

Stop rolling over to the left’s pressure to keep spending more money, and more money, and more money, but only on ‘their causes’.

This is the governor who refuses to refund more than 3-billion dollars in excess tax money that they took from all of our paychecks over the last several years-

nd so-stop caving to his priorities until he gives it back.   But, but, then the u-w employees suffer and don’t get their raises.


They weren’t put out of work-and they didn’t- have their raises or benefits taken away during covid. They’ll get a solid pension when they retire. There are several upsides to having a govt job.  It’s a job that can be filled if any of them leaves.  And now, it was their side of the political aisle that just denied them their raises.

Stop negotiating with Governor Evers on any of this stuff-until and unless he gives us taxpayers our money back.

That’s how I’d play it. And if Devin LeMahieu is the weak link here- then he’s got to suck it up-and stop worrying about what Wisconsin’s ‘liberals’ aren’t getting-when the rest of us are getting screwed.

photo credit: Fox 6 News/Milwaukee

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