Jay Weber Show transcript 10-11-23 7:10am
It’s sad that -this- wasn’t more surprising, yesterday-
In fact-you’ve come to expect it from these America-hating socialist groups who are being funded by malignant foreign actors like George Soros: I’m sure it surprised no one that ‘black lives matter’ -even knowing the fuller story on the terrible atrocities that Hamas inflicted into innocent people-
Came out in support of Hamas, yesterday.
It’s alarming that we have this level of anti-American, anti-freedom, anti-capitalist hatred that has grown and organized in America.
Yesterday, if you missed it, Black Lives Matter ‘grassroots’, which is a collection of these so-called ‘racial justice advocates’-
(What it really is a collection of America-hating black racists)-
Released a statement saying they were in solidarity with the Palestinian people.... just days after Hamas terrorists slaughtered over 1000 innocent and defenseless westerners.
Just as bad- BLM’s racist morons claimed there were ‘clear parallels’ between the Palestinian experience and the African American experience. Good grief. (This was posted on Twitter, but since has been taken down)
This is the sort of ignorance that has spread on the American left-and among the global left. Israel isn’t a colonial or apartheid state. You can’t be ‘colonizers when you are the indigenous people. And you can’t be an apartheid state if everyone in Israel is treated equally and given the same rights and freedoms-as they are-
And Israel cannot be the apartheid masters over Gaza-when the PLO and Hamas have had total control over it for sixteen years.
It was back in 2005 that Israeli leaders made a significant-significant- concession toward peace and turned all control of Gaza over to the Palestinians. The Israeli govt at the time even forcibly removed Jewish settlers as the PLO was demanding. Jews who had made lives in that area were forced out-by Israel-in an attempt to give Palestinians their autonomy.
Their reference to Palestinians in Gaza living in an ‘open air prison’ is especially dumb given that it’s Hamas and PLO leaders who have created that cesspool that they reference.
Israel hasn’t overseen Gaza, or making the calls on behalf of its people, for nearly two decades. Any misery, decay, and desperation fall squarely onto the backs of Palestinian and Hamas leaders.
They’ve been in charge for 15 years, but still want to make Israel and the west the villains here. And America-hating BLM morons fall for it completely. They have no idea what the actual history of this part of the world-or of the Jew/Arab conflict has been.
They’re just useful idiots to the anti-west left here.
Any dimwit labeling Israel an apartheid state because of ‘Gaza’ has no idea what they’re talking about-and are only echoing foolish talking points that they’ve heard elsewhere.
This is clearly what our BLM racists and America haters-here-in America are doing
It’s sad and pathetic to see how angry, ugly, and uninformed so many left-wing Americans are when it comes to this stuff. They hate their own country-and that hatred is based on lies, grudges, and intentional indoctrination in today’s America- by America hating foreign actors.
It’s -downright alarming- to see how effectively these socialist America-haters have changed the minds of democrat voters in this country.
You may have seen the gallop poll yesterday that shows-for the first time ever- more American democrats side with the Palestinian terrorists than with the Jews they terrorize.
This is a poll that was taken in March. I’d be interested to see what the results are now that Hamas has brutally attacked Israel without provocation and for no other reason than to 'kill Jews’ and erase Israel.
I’m guessing we’d get a different set of numbers if that poll was taken today. I don’t believe for one minute that most American democrats support the sort of blatant, animalistic butchery that we just saw out of Hamas. Way too many of the democrat’s elected officials and left-wing activist groups are proving themselves to be dark-hearted monsters this week-
But I don’t believe that ‘most’ voters who call themselves democrats support this sort of butchery or would express their support for Hamas and their so-called Palestinian cause today.
Sadly, we have a group of dangerous fools serving in the US congress, now.
Over the last few days-first with their 24 hours of silence-and then with their equivocating and trying to weave in subtle expressions of support for Hamas’ actions-
These so-called squad members have failed a very basic-and important- moral test. As some of their GOP colleagues are saying: these people don’t deserve to be representing other Americans in congress.
Rashida Talib has proven herself to be especially rancid, as someone who is clearly an antisemite and has been friendly and affiliated with pro-jihad groups.
She hid in her office for 48 hours-and when she finally put out a statement, she didn’t mention Hamas or their butchery at all.
This ‘Hamas caucus’ within our own government has failed a very basic morality test this week. And miserably.
And it proves what ugly, bitter, awful people they are. Genuinely. Anyone who carries around the racial and political hatreds that Ilhan Omar and Rashida Talib do...is not fit to serve in congress.
Greg- rack up Danny Dannon, who is a former Israeli ambassador to the un. He was on fox yesterday and was asked about Rashida Talib- to this moment-continuing to have a Palestinian flag displayed outside her DC office.
On social media-people are pointing out the irony of Talib also having a gay pride flag posted outside her office...because she and the hateful friends she has hung around in these pro-jihad groups would saw off the heads of any gays and lesbians they came across- immediately.
Hamas and Hezbollah are the sorts of groups who toss gays off of high rooftops. And she’s claiming to be in solidarity with both groups.
Meanwhile-Ilhan Omar -did- have the decency to denounce Hamas’ actions on Saturday, but then quickly pivoted, and ever since, she only wants to focus on America’s funding of Israel.
These socialist squad members and their PLO allies here in America and in Europe have now joined in the chorus- which is being led by Hamas- to have Israel stop their military response.
These really are rotten people: Hamas gleefully organized a strike-attack on Israel that killed more than a thousand people- and did so in the most extremely brutal and humiliating ways in which they could-
Over two thousand others were injured. Nearly 200 western hostages were taken back to Gaza -some of whom will likely end up in Iran-
And two days into Israel’s military response- Hamas. The butchers. Are pleading with the u-n to get Israel to stop their response.
And here, too, you need to be discouraged and disappointed, as a rational American: we’ve known for decades that the United Nations is a useless organization that has been taken over by apologists and PLO sympathizers...
And so, of course Hamas would run to the UN for cover-
And you can fully expect the UN leaders to give it to them-which is why it’s so important the American government sticks with Israel and ignores the UN BS that’s sure to come.
Which is why our American response needs to be. Israelis. Do what you need to do. Destroy this Hamas organization in the same vein that ISIS needed to be destroyed. Do the same to Hezbollah if they decide to get more involved. Make it clear: if you screw with Israel, you will not survive it.
photo credit: Fox News