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Unethical Democrats are trying to smear Clarence Thomas

Jay Weber Show transcript 4-7-23 7:10am

So-here is my one-sentence statement on the democrats attempting to smear Clarence Thomas with new ethics allegations: 

I don’t even want to hear it until they hold one. One. Democrat accountable for the decades of blatant ethical violations that they have ignored.

That’s the bottom line: don’t even bring that in here-about Clarence Thomas not disclosing some fancy trips- when Hunter and him Biden still walk free-and while Joe and Jill are still in the White House.

Don’t even bring that in here- until the Clintons are held accountable for even one-one-of their immoral and unethical crimes- including their current, ongoing one of using the Clinton foundation as a private piggy bank to pay for all their expenses...and pretending its’ a charitable endeavor.

Don’t even bring that in here-until bill’s many trips to Epstein’s pedophile island are detailed for us.

Don’t even bring that in here- until Nancy and Paul Pelosi have been charged with insider trading.

Don’t even bring that crap here- until Bob Menendez and about a dozen other senate democrats are held accountable for their luxury trips on someone else’s dime.

I could go on like this all morning.

If you haven’t heard the story: it is almost certainly ‘much ado about nothing’ but the claim from a leftist group that has been out to ‘get clarence and ginny Thomas for years’ says: Clarence Thomas accepted invites to paid vacations from a wealthy republican real estate developer and megadonor for decades, and never disclosed it. Quote:

For more than two decades, Thomas has “accepted luxury trips virtually every year” from Harlan crow, a Dallas-based real estate developer and gop donor, without disclosing them, according to the report. The places Thomas reportedly visited include destinations such as a 2019 trip to Indonesia, a cruise to New Zealand nearly a decade ago, and even a trip to the exclusive all-male retreat known as bohemian grove in California.

It sounds like this man and Thomas were personal friends and a group of them took a yearly vacation-with the fat cat footing the bill-and therefore, it’s a trip that would fall outside of the bounds of something that needed to be disclosed-at least when Clarence Thomas joined the court. The rules have changed several times over the years...

But the likeliest explanation is simply: Thomas never knew he needed to disclose this yearly trip.

And you can scoff at that-but-why would Clarence and Ginny Thomas disclose all their other potential conflicts of interest and followed the federal laws related to their investments and their dealings in every other way-but exclude this trip?

This is the -one thing? -that the Thomas’ didn’t disclose? It makes no sense.

But the lefties- attacked.

Senate judiciary committee chairman Dick Durbin   issued a statement decrying Thomas’ actions relayed in the report, saying, "this behavior is simply inconsistent with the ethical standards the American people expect of any public servant, let alone a justice on the supreme court."

 I love this: Philip Kerpen, a free-market policy analyst and political organizer, decried ProPublica -the activist group- as a "left-wing 'charity'" that is mad "clarence Thomas has a rich friend."

Yep. That’s what we’ve got here.

The rich guy- crow responded to the report by saying that he has extended "hospitality" to the justice over the years but that Thomas "never asked for any of this hospitality" and that it was never to influence matters before the high court.

“My wife Kathy and I … have never asked about a pending or lower court case, and justice Thomas has never discussed one, and we have never sought to influence justice Thomas on any legal or political issue,” crow said in a statement sent to the Washington Examiner.

AOC also chimed in and insisted that Clarence Thomas needs to be impeached.

She tweeted:

This is beyond party or partisanship. This degree of corruption is shocking - almost cartoonish. Thomas must be impeached. Barring some dramatic change, this is what the Roberts court will be known for: rank corruption, erosion of democracy, and the stripping of human rights.

Folks- conservatives and republicans shouldn’t even waste their time reacting to this.


They should all take the same path that i am taking here-and respond the same way: the political party that currently has- no ethics- does not get to hold the other party’s members to an ethical standard.


And I’m not trying to be factitious...or joking: the gop response to this should be…. the party that currently has-no ethical standard- doesn’t get to set one for everyone else.’s democrats don’t even have situational ethics. They have no ethics, and the only time they mention anything ‘ethical’ is when they think they can trap a republican or a conservative in our own sense of ethics, on our side of the aisle.

Democrats-only, only ever pretend to be ethically or morally outraged, any more, when they think they might be able to trick conservatives into metering out punishment on our own side of the aisle- by holding someone to an ethical standard that democrats, themselves, never hold their own to.

Barney frank’s roommate can run a gay prostitution ring out of their apartment. But republicans need to kick senator Larry Craig out of the party because he was trolling for a hookup in a bathroom using a ‘wide stance’ that has his foot peeking into the next stall.

Hillary Clinton can keep a secret server that represented a massive national security threat of the sort that easily could have led to American agents and allies being killed in other countries...but... The republicans need to kick George Santos out of congress because he’s lying about his gay crossdresser days in Brazil....or whatever he’s got them so exercised about....

I, and every other republican and conservative should be-done-playing this game-

And yes- if we want to hold our own members to an ethical standard that makes sense, over a significant offense, that’s one thing- but don’t let this den of unethical and atheist democrats try to trick you or force you into it. No.

That needs to end.

Clarence Thomas has been a bastion of decency and righteousness in dc-and in this country for decades. He has earned a spot among the founding fathers and America’s greats as a rare-modern era-American whose focus has been to keep the fires of liberty and freedom burning in America-even against the onslaught of America-and constitution haters-trying to snuff them out.

The man is currently the moral compass-and constitutional anchor-on this conservative supreme court-and that is precisely why he has become such a big target for them.

Have you ever asked yourself why they let Clarence Thomas serve quietly for decades-but suddenly-he’s super-controversial on the left again? Its’ not because his wife supported Donald Trump.

It's because this is now-for the first time in many decades- a conservative court-and Clarence Thomas is the moral oracle of it. He seems to have a ribbon thru time that links him and his ideas right back to the founders and the creators of this great republic-and it drives today’s America haters batty. They-need-to take him out.


Today’s democrats need to be ignored and mocked on-anything-ethical until they hold even one. One. Of their an ethical standard.

Perfect examples of it would be hold someone accountable for...oh....the Biden family corruption...any Clinton-related ethical scandal including Hillary’s server or bill’s travel to Epstein’s pedophile island. Or Pelosi’s insider-trading. Or the Obama’s corrupt fundraising...which is getting new attention this week.

Folks- democrats-cannot-overlook every last ‘red flag’ and ‘scandal’ on their own side of the aisle, and then go after someone like Clarence Thomas and pretend he’s corrupted.

Thomas has proven to be one of the most upright, moral, and decent human beings to serve in Washington dc over the last 35 or 40 years and if he didn’t report these yearly trips...I’ll wait to see what his explanation is-as to why.

It's probably a situation in which this was just a yearly trip with friends, and he never thought he had to report it. The rules surrounding this have changed and morphed over the years. They aren’t crystal clear.

So, I’ll wait for clarence Thomas’ explanation on this, and if it sounds at all ‘logical’, i will believe him, immediately, over any of these immoral trainwrecks who were trying to claim some sort of moral superiority over him yesterday.

I mean-AOC?

Come on. She doesn’t even know where her underwear is from last night and has probably taken more freebees in the three years she’s been in congress than Al Capone did from his capos. 

Come on. AOC is going to claim Clarence Thomas is unethical?

photo credit: Getty Images

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