The Jay Weber Show

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It appears Kammy's political career is over

Jay Weber Show transcript 11-16-21

So, the Biden White House tried to make a big show out of having the president sign the 1.2-trillion-dollar infrastructure package that the democrats in the house finally passed last week.


Realize that this could very well be Joe Biden’s-only- alleged legislative victory of his term.

It’s looking less and less likely that they are going to be able to ram thru the Biden/Bernie socialist spending bill...and no other major legislation is in the pipeline for next year.

They couldn’t get it past the republican filibuster, anyway.

Besides, no democrat is going to want to vote on anything controversial in an election year in which they are already expecting an electoral wipe out-

And so- this infrastructure bill might be the only victory that President Biden and the democrats will be able to point to in four years. Genuinely.

And hey, even though it was a bad bill because it had a lot of waste in it, this is also a bill that has something like 60 percent public support.

And so- a rare instance in which the democrats and their talking heads can honestly say, ‘voters support this’.

It is against this backdrop that team Biden decides to hold a special media event to show Biden signing it.... whoopee.... let’s do a victory lap here...

And yet.... the event is sparsely attended. Half of the handful of republicans who voted for it don’t even bother to show up. They don’t want to be seen in photos with Biden and these other clowns who are committing political suicide -daily- now...

And so...from what i saw...Biden signs the bill and generates-zero- Kodak moments doing it- meaning that the only memorable moment of the entire thing is when he gets up to leave...and can’t find his mask.

It’s an outside event, mind you, but he looks around confused. Looks under the table. Bends down...looks all around. Can’t find his mask. Then decides...screw it...and gets up and walks off.


Another powerful visual for the media to send around the globe, of our elderly, confused president.

Let’s make sure Putin and ‘she’ see it: well, done, Joe.

Even more fun-the signing happens after a flurry of new polls came out over the weekend that show the passage of this infrastructure bill has done-zero- to improve Biden’s approval rating.

And I told you it wouldn’t.

But- in the left-wing fever swamps of the NY and DC journalists and pundits, they were certain that passage of the ‘popular’ infrastructure and social spending bills were going to give Biden and the democrats a boost.


Not when their entire foreign and domestic agendas are falling around them-and the American people know it.

The economy should be roaring, and instead it’s in real trouble. Inflation that is triple what Biden and his team predicted...and it’s not temporary. Grocery store shortages. Supply line problems he promised to fix a month ago...

Gas and energy prices doubling and tripling. An open border.

Oh, and by the way: China has never been more belligerent because they sense weakness-as does Putin-who is moving to invade Ukraine.

No one’s even talking about that.

What. A dumpster fire and signing a bill that includes billions of dollars wasted on unnecessary global warming fixes is going to boost Biden’s ratings?

Come on.

This new Wash Post poll had the insiders rattled, yesterday.

See-it’s easy for them to dismiss the Rasmussen or Zogby polls that have shown Biden down at 36 percent approval for weeks now but when it’s one of these network polls that always oversample democrats -those they can believe in.

It’s the ABC/Wash post poll that they’re willing to believe.

And even this poll, now, has Biden at 41 percent approval-and more alarmingly-at 53 percent disapproval- and with 44 of that 53 percent saying they-strongly-disapprove of the way Biden is doing this job.

My god, people: even the wash post poll shows nearly half of all Americans-strongly-disapprove of the way this is going.

And here’s what’s even worse: republicans almost never lead in the ‘generic ballot’ question.

Republicans only rarely ever lead in that question. And then it’s only by a few points: ABC/Post has the GOP leading by -ten-points on that question.

That signals a red tsunami coming of the sort that we have never seen in this country- if nothing changes over the next year.

It kills me that-just this week- Washington DC is talking about the fact that the Harris and Biden’s teams hate each other, and don’t get along, and Harris is being intentionally distanced and pushed away.

I first started talking about this in, what? May?

Is that when Biden gave Kammy the border crisis as something to fix? Or was it earlier?

I explained the situation at the time: Harris tried to constantly horn in von Joe's presidency, and demanded a ‘co-presidency’ sort of set up because Joe was old and Kammy wanted the gravitas that she doesn’t she could claim in 2024, ‘look, I’ve essentially been doing the job. Joe and i were co-presidents, here’.

That was quite irksome to Joe and Jill Biden, and the entire Biden team of loyalists who had worked hard-for decades-to get this clown into the oval office.

And so-after a lot of infighting between the two teams-Biden’s team dropped the bomb on Harris, and said, fine: fix the border.

Well, everyone inside DC knows that the democrats have no intention of fixing the border. They-want- open borders.

They knew from moment-one that Biden was going to take a torrent of crap and criticism for refusing to close the border. They knew the human misery it would create and the negative coverage that was coming their way.

And so-instead of Biden enduring it-they tried to deflect it onto Kamala. It was a fantastic, mercenary move.

And it put her in her place right away.

And I don’t mean ‘as a black woman’...I a lightweight who was put on the ticket simply because of her race and sex...and who agreed to be used that way.

Harris went from being the first well-known candidate to drop out of a 25 person primary field-to being the undercard on the ticket-and she knew why she was there.

Biden’s team agreed to drag her political career out of the wilderness and revive it- as part of that quid-pro-quo.

We know we are using you. You know we are using you. Do you want to be uses? If you end up being the heir apparent to the white house?

She, obviously, agreed to it.

Then they won, and she started angling for the big chair, right away, because Harris has only-ever-been a vapid climber.

They don’t call her ‘heels up’ Harris for nothing. She started her political career on her back- quite literally.

It’s an ugly cliché...but with famously fits.

We learned early on that there is nothing genuine, or laudable, or noble about Harris. It’s why she turned off the black community so completely in the primary.

She has a privileged upbringing and had shares no part of the traditional African American story, and yet, she tried to fake it during the primaries. Suddenly, she was ‘smoking’ blunts listening to Tupac’...if you remember.

It was as insulting as it was fraudulent to black voters.

And this! Was after she had flip-flopped on virtually every major issue to portray herself as being more socialist than Bernie Sanders on most of the issues.

Just because she thought that’s what America wanted. That was the road to the White House, she thought.

What. A fraud.

And so, no. Kamala Harris hasn’t scared-anyone off- and thanks to an ancient president-the jockeying for 2024 has already started.

photo credit: Getty Images

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