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146 Wisconsin groups backing the #Foxconn bill

August 24, 2017 

Senators, We represent businesses, entrepreneurs, workers and community leaders across Wisconsin as part of the Wisconn Valley Jobs Coalition, an organization launching today in support of Foxconn Technology Group’s unprecedented investment in our state. This investment will bring thousands of jobs, a world-class manufacturing facility with a full supply chain and a high-tech 8K-5G ecosystem to Wisconsin, making it a historic moment for our state and hardworking families in all of our communities. 

We call on you to support the legislation before you to make this project a reality. The impact Foxconn would have on Wisconsin is well documented and transformational. Foxconn itself will invest $10 billion and bring 13,000 jobs to Wisconsin as part of the single largest economic development project in the history of our state. It will take 10,000 construction jobs to make this project a reality. And the ripple effect of this project will create an additional 22,000 indirect and induced jobs as suppliers, spinoff companies and other businesses join in the statewide economic activity. In short, Foxconn will turn Wisconsin into the center of a new wave of high-tech manufacturing – products made in America, right here in Wisconsin. 

Building components to TVs, computers, cars and more will impact our entire statewide economy and revolutionize what it means to live and work in our communities with high-skill, high-paying jobs. We have come so far to make our great state open for business and create a strong economy – a historic moment like this is not the time to turn back. 

Thank you for your consideration, Wisconn Valley Jobs Coalition

The complete list of names here > The Wisconn Valley Jobs Coalition is made up of businesses, entrepreneurs, workers and community leaders around the state in support of Foxconn’s investment in Wisconsin.

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