Dan O'Donnell

Dan O'Donnell

Common Sense Central is edited by WISN's Dan O'Donnell. Dan provides unique conservative commentary and analysis of stories that the mainstream media...Biografía completa


Democrats Introducing Resolution Commending Wisconsin Elections Commission

Democrats in the Wisconsin Legislature are circulating a joint resolution commending the embattled Wisconsin Elections Commission, the state agency under fire for violating multiple laws in administering the 2020 presidential election.

"In light of the renewed attacks on the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) and its staff by GOP legislative leaders, we are proud to introduce this resolution thanking WEC and its staff for their outstanding service and dedication to our state," 23 Democrats in the Assembly and five in the Senate said in an email to fellow legislators Thursday afternoon.

Republicans in the Legislature and both major GOP candidates for Governor have called for abolishing WEC following the release of a damning Legislative Audit Bureau report that found WEC did not comply with state law in maintaining voter records, issuing guidance to clerks on processing absentee ballots, and various other aspects of administering the 2020 election.

Democrats, however, who were widely seen to have benefited from WEC's actions, are applauding the agency. Their resolution reads, in part, "Resolved by the Assembly, the Senate concurring, that the members of the Wisconsin Legislature recognize and commend the Wisconsin Elections Commission and its staff for their outstanding service and dedication to Wisconsin elections."

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