Life is full of choices, sometimes carrying significant risk. Inevitably, “worst case scenarios” enter the picture. While understandable, fearing the worst in every situation can leave us petrified. For example, many people buy into a notion that bringing Christ into the office is a non-starter. Why? They might get written up, or even fired. Brandon West, Chief Purpose Officer at PHOS CREATIVE, contends that workplaces are fertile grounds for ministry. Using best practices can avoid the worst … and discover the best.
“Impacting Lives for Christ”
Who do you “do life” with? The people we keep close affect our lives in profound ways. We pick up their habits and behavior, often without even recognizing it. This truth offers a golden opportunity to bring others to Christ. Scripture, after all, directs us to share the Good News and fulfill the Great Commission. Seven steps can guide you on how to impact everyone in your life for Christ. Steven Williams, an author, speaker and talent management consultant, offers best practices for being a Christ-centric influencer.
“One Big Family in Christ”
Think about a close family member, or someone else you love deeply. Which emotions fill your heart? Now, consider someone for whom you feel the exact opposite, a person whose presence you can barely stand. Chances are, the emotions are much different. Scripture tells us that everyone, even those we find challenging, is a brother or sister in Christ. We should love, value and respect all equally. Brandon Stiver, a principal at Canopy International, explains how to embrace the entire family of Christ.
“The Uncontainable Power of Christ”
In recent decades, the sports world has witnessed numerous record-setting performances … only to find them tainted by steroids or other performance enhancers. We don’t have these concerns with the unstoppable superpower our faith gives us: the Holy Spirit. It’s healthy, legal and laden with potential. Few, though, tap into its ability to provide energy when needed, or calm amid chaos. Pastor Troy Gramling of Potential Church in Cooper City, Fla., talks about how we can call upon, and use, this God-given personal force.
“Christ’s Gift”
Ever put a lot of time and effort into buying a gift for someone … and then spotted it unused on their shelf a year or so later? We similarly insult God when we don’t use the many gifts He’s given us. The greatest, of course, is eternal salvation. OK, some will never accept Christ as their savior … but many will. Scripture explains why we should tell others about God’s many gifts. Tommy Vento, an executive coach with Good Soil Coaching, drives home the importance of sharing this very Good News.
“Your Potential in Christ”
Ever turn down a great opportunity because the challenge frightened you … and regretted it later? Or, hopefully, swallowed your fear … and achieved new personal milestones? We realize our full potential only by escaping comfort zones. God opens doors for us, ones of growth and gratification. Will we walk through them? Scripture instructs us to trust God, and find His calling for our lives. Dr. Arthur Satterwhite, Vice-President of Strategy for Young Life, details the steps to becoming whom God wants us to be.
“Sufficiency in Christ”
“Buck up.” “Toughen it out.” “Dig deeper.” Chances are you’ve heard these cliches – maybe even directed at yourself. Their message? If you can’t make it alone, you’re a loser. Our society puts self-sufficiency on a pedestal. The heavenly perspective, though, is completely opposite. Scripture tells us to throw away the ego of self-sufficiency, and surrender all to Christ. Kyle Gabhart, Managing Partner of Bluegrass Legacy Group, talks about best practices to live a life surrendered to Him. Embrace them, and flourish.
“Discipling Future Leaders for Christ"
Many contextual clues can help us gauge who a person is – their personal relationships, career advancement, domestic life, even how their kids behave. For Christians, we can add “discipling” to the list. The Great Commission calls on people of faith to bring others to Christ. How well are we doing so … or not? Jerry Howard, founder and managing consultant of Intrepid Impact Team, disciples business executives in Christ’s name. He talks best practices for opening people’s eyes to God’s divine glory.
“Marketplace Missionaries for Christ”
Ever see a trash-strewn lot, or a weed-choked park, and thought “Someone should do something about this?” It’s a common refrain. The “someone,” though, is rarely identified. Well, look in the mirror, and you’ll see the “someone” responsible for bringing people to Christ. Yes, you – and all fellow Christians. Dr. Rodney Agan, founder and CEO of Connexus Group, has built his career on being an evangelistic missionary. Scripture offers plenty of guidance for any “someone” to become a fisher of men
“Prioritizing Christ in Your Life”
We live amid a pandemic of busyness. Everyone, it seems, complains about too many demands on their time. Non-urgent priorities, such as praying or spending time in Scripture, are often sidelined. “Busy,” however, is an acronym for “Buried Under Satan’s Yoke.” How we invest time reflects our priorities. Skipping church because “I’m too busy” shows its perceived importance. Scripture guides us on defining proper priorities. Bill Goodwin, CEO of Priority Living Consulting Group, speaks to our choices.