“Discipling Future Leaders for Christ"

“Marketplace Missionaries for Christ”

Ever see a trash-strewn lot, or a weed-choked park, and thought “Someone should do something about this?” It’s a common refrain. The “someone,” though, is rarely identified. Well, look in the mirror, and you’ll see the “someone” responsible for bringing people to Christ. Yes, you – and all fellow Christians. Dr. Rodney Agan, founder and CEO of Connexus Group, has built his career on being an evangelistic missionary. Scripture offers plenty of guidance for any “someone” to become a fisher of men

“Prioritizing Christ in Your Life”

We live amid a pandemic of busyness. Everyone, it seems, complains about too many demands on their time. Non-urgent priorities, such as praying or spending time in Scripture, are often sidelined. “Busy,” however, is an acronym for “Buried Under Satan’s Yoke.” How we invest time reflects our priorities. Skipping church because “I’m too busy” shows its perceived importance. Scripture guides us on defining proper priorities. Bill Goodwin, CEO of Priority Living Consulting Group, speaks to our choices.

“Healing in Christ”

If someone cuts themselves shaving, they don’t use a tourniquet to stop the bleeding. Yet, medication or therapy (in varying amounts) are the typical fallbacks for those who suffer illness or emotional trauma. If spiritual healing is the real antidote, though, the balms of this world won’t suffice. Only prioritizing Christ can bring relief. Carrie Sheffield, a speaker, author and Senior Policy Analyst with the Independent Women’s Forum, shares best practices to pursue God’s healing in a secular, overmedicated world.

“Getting Creative for Christ”

In an era of declining religious affiliation and church membership, old forms of evangelism don’t work anymore. Reading the Bible aloud on street corners just doesn’t cut it. We need to get creative to bring people to Christ. Rick Dempsey, Senior Vice-President of the Come and See Foundation, is leading an ambitious effort to translate “The Chosen” into 600 languages. He knows about devising creative ways to fulfill the Great Commission. Seven best practices can lead us to a more creative approach, too.

“Lead Like Christ”

Even amid more forms of communication than ever before, many people today still feel lost. They’re unsure where to go. Whom to trust. Where to find answers to gnawing questions. This state makes them vulnerable to being misled by deceptive people or causes. Thankfully, it also opens the door to lead them to Christ. Scripture provides clear direction on how to do so. Mark Miller, founder of Lead Every Day, shares best practices for guiding others to discover their Savior.

“Listening for Christ’s Voice”

In the list of qualities people seek in a romantic partner, “good listener” is often near the top of the list. Yet, knowing how to listen is about more than being polite, or advancing one’s career, or even finding love. God needs us to listen. How else can we know His direction for us? Ed Rush, CEO of Ed Rush and Associates, and a former Marine Corps Top Gun fighter pilot, trains Christians in how to listen better for God’s Word. The Bible details related practices – can we listen well enough to hear them?

“Who We Are in Christ”

Hurdles and roadblocks are intrinsic to living a life of meaning. Knowing one’s self - having a sense of identity – creates strength to overcome these inevitable challenges. If we take on the extraordinary task of covering the world in Christ, we need to know our identity in Jesus. Riley Gaines, a former All-American collegiate swimmer, created headlines when she spoke out against trans athletes competing in women’s sports. She knows all about identity … and helps decipher five Scripture verses that guide us to identify with Christ.

“Christ’s Servant Leaders”

Leadership is a widely-studied character trait. Good leaders are generally acknowledged as being charismatic, passionate, visionary, hard working … and often possessing a flair for salesmanship. The difference between good and great leader? Serving others. Christ personified the concept of serving, rather than being served. Ten Biblical principles guide us how to be true servant leaders. Darrin Gray, Chief Marketing Officer of Athletes in Action, shares insights on how we can emulate Christ’s example.

“Teaching Others About Christ”

We’ve all had teachers who engaged and energized us … and some who didn’t. A good teacher brings out our best. Their excitement to teach is obvious. Similarly, we all need to be good teachers if we’re to cover the world in Christ. Not Biblical scholars, mind you, but able to answer basic questions and explain Christ’s wonderment. Brad Alles, a speaker, author, Biblical apologist and professor at Concordia University Wisconsin, helps unpack a “Top 10” list about how to bring others to Christ - by teaching about Him.