Social media is the left's talk radio

Dick Durbin has wanted to get me off the radio for years.

He and other Democrats have been looking for a way to break the conservative grip on talk radio.

There's no such call from Democrats about social media.

That's because social media is the left's platform.

They use it, they love, and they control it.

But not necessarily because they have won the argument.

Rush Limbaugh spent years building an audience, winning the daily back-and-forth.

The left is dominating Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and the like because like-minded lefties are the ones writing the algorithms that make social media work.

Conservatives are regularly banned from social media for violating amorphous speech codes. It's often hard to find the things you are looking for, unless they fit the San Francisco values of the folks who run the big tech companies.

It is one thing to lose a platform because you lost the argument. It's another to lose the platform because the folks in charge keep shutting you out.

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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