Parents pushing back against CRT poisoning of our kids.

Jay Weber Show transcript 6-29-21

I mentioned a long, long, long standing technique that the scummy democrats use to try to rewrite history that is embarrassing to them: they just make up a lie and sell it -hard- and hope most people believe it.

The new lie, most often, will flip their awful and indefensible position into republicans, as in pretending racist southern democrats of the slave and reconstruction and Jim Crow eras...all magically turned into republicans in the 1960s.

It’s bologna, of course.

The new democrat effort is to spin the spike in crime as- it is the republicans who are defunding the police.

Now, come on.

But-that is the attempt.

Here is another new attempt to spin and change reality: the backlash against critical race theory is not genuine and grassroots. It is an ‘AstroTurf’ movement that is being coordinated by right wing activists.

This is the new attempt to deflect and deny, as democrats and their 2022 strategists realize that this issue is becoming a very real problem for them next fall: the American people do not want to see this country re-divided along racial lines, and we don’t want to see our children taught that they belong in boxes labeled ‘black’, ‘white,’ oppressor, oppressed, racist, whatever.

We have been following Martin Luther King’s dream of a colorblind society and -until recently-we were getting close. Until the Obama administration and the left wing and socialist activist groups realized that they could win elections by dividing the country be race...and perpetually agitating, racially.

It’s been a big backslide ever since. And CRT represents the indoctrination of our children into a lasting and permanent -poisonous-ideology.

This is no different than north Korean children being taught in school that all Americans are bastards and pigs...

Or Saudi Arabian children being taught in school that all Americans and Jews are infidels that must die.It isn’t learning anything of value. It is poisoning young minds- and hopefully-for life, if you are a lefty.

And the backlash to it has been widespread and genuine. Six hundred people attended Kevin Nicholson’s event in Pewaukee last Thursday night. They had to use an overflow room, even though they had planned for 400.

And the crowds at these events. The crowds at school board meetings featuring angry parents and immigrants from communist and socialist countries saying: stop this now. Do not poison our kids.

It is very real. And the left is getting alarmed now that their efforts in our schools -that have been going on for years in some instances-are being exposed.

So now, the lefty narrative is to claim that this movement isn’t genuine. It’s AstroTurf.

A dopey Chris Hayes of MSNBC even likened it to the GOP’s ‘AstroTurf’ movement in 2010, the tea party.

This fool labeled CRT crowds, the new ‘tea party’...and insisted it was a fake movement.


The tea party movement caused hundreds of thousands of people to become politically active-many for the first time in their lives-and it led to an electoral wipeout of the sort that the democrats had never experienced, in the history of the country.

It generated a new term to describe it: the red tsunami.

Do you know how stupid it is to call ‘the tea party’ AstroTurf movement? As in-it was not real and didn’t really benefit the right?

To make that claim is-stupid.

And Nancy Pelosi and all sorts of democrats were calling the tea partiers ‘astroturfers’ at the time, but election night silenced that criticism and proved the lie: democrats were swept out of office like never before.

And so- hey-

If this backlash to critical race theory is the same sort of ‘astroturfing’, I hope it gets the same result: a massive red tsunami next fall.

Don’t kid yourself, people, the less credibility that the lefty leaders and talking heads want to give it...the more alarmed they are by it.

That, too, is a long-standing truism to understanding the left.

Any group- or educator- that insists we, the people, have no business butting in here- or telling them what they can teach- is dead wrong.

We have-every-right.

For the record, I do not believe most teachers think we should be teaching this poison to our kids, either. Many of them are parents, too.

But there is a small but growing group of teachers who are insisting: we do not care what the legislature or school board say, we are going to teach CRT anyway.

Those teachers- the moment they do- should be fired.

If they are going against the expressed-and legal-wishes of the community, they should be fired and replaced on the spot.

Because this is just the latest battleground in a culture war that now-must- be fought on all fronts.

This is now an effort to save America from socialist decay and collapse. And I am not exaggerating.

photo credit: No Better Friend Corp.

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