FDA's attack on J&J will end up hampering the overall vaccine effort

Jay Weber Show transcript 4-14-21 7:40am

The FDA halting the Johnson and Johnson vaccine distribution -shocking the system- smearing the product itself- and then backing off and saying, this will only be a halt of a few days.

What. Was this yesterday?

First of all-the FDA acted on its own, apparently, without getting approval from the Biden white house or CDC or NIH which had them all scrambling to defend the move-

That’s a no-no, my friends.

The FDA-is not- an independent agency or fourth branch of government unto its own.The FDA can’t just slam the breaks on a public vaccination effort like this-without White House approval.

Moreover-and of larger consequence- the very move -smears. Taints. Puts a cloud over the Johnson and Johnson vaccine, which very likely -is not-responsible for six cases of blood clotting that was seen in a total of 6.4-million patients who have received it!

You honestly have a better chance of being struck by lightning, than you do in getting this vaccine and developing blood clots of the sort they saw in six people.

And that’s if you believe the vaccine caused them! There is no causal link here, and this is the sort of pause that all sorts of drug companies will often take during their trials.

If there is even a hint that there might be a dangerous side effect showing itself-the trial is halted. Often for just a few days or weeks until the issue is investigated.

But the FDA doesn’t do that. Certainly not in the middle of a pandemic without white house orders.

And so this was-wildly-out of bounds, and had lawmakers and doctors on both sides of the political aisle blasting the move.

We are talking about blood clots in-six- of the 6.4-to 6.8 -million people who have been given this vaccine and it’s probably coincidence.

After all, we are swimming in a pool of 6.4-million people here. I’m guessing that dozens of them have contracted gonorrhea since they got vaccinated.

Are we going to blame that on Johnson and Johnson, too?

There is-nothing-to suggest a causation here, but the FDA went ahead and smeared and stained this vaccine, and this company, anyway.

And of course it is going to scare even more people away from the vaccines, in general, and of course it is going to have a small flood of people refusing to take the Johnson and Johnson vaccine.

In the end- it’s likely to end up killing more people than the six who died of blood clots-even if the vaccine -did-causethe clotting.

And this is another argument that our super-protective- super- risk-averse society refuses to view honestly: that even if there is some small risk that is associated with these vaccines- the protection they offer the population against the virus-far- outweighs the small risk.

If any vaccine kills 40 but saves 400-thousand, it’s worth administering, isn’t it?

But today’s hyper-protectionist, hyper-risk-averse left wants ‘certainty’ in everything. If even one person might be harmed as millions are protected-that’s too much.


Because that’s a witless and irresponsible take on things. And it shouldn’t be coming from people who are supposed to be our most learned and measured leaders...and are supposed to be willing to make the difficult decisions-

As in- yes, the vaccine stays in usage, because its great benefits outweigh this-potential- and miniscule new risk you may have found.

That was the correct call yesterday, not the one the FDA made. And initially, the ruling was: halt all of this vaccine’s usage.

But it created such a firestorm as such a foolish overreaction that, later in the day, the FDA backed off and pretended as if they only intended this to be a short halt. Just a few days.

But again- the damage to the effort has already been done.

photo credit: Getty Images

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