Dear Dakota Protesters.. GO HOME! ~The Sioux Nation

The Standing Rock Sioux chairman rebuked activists arrested Wednesday for setting up a camp on private property in the latest example of tension between the tribe and law-breaking Dakota Access pipeline protesters. Tribal Chairman Dave Archambault II said the activists behind the now-dismantled Last Child Camp had undermined the movement against the pipeline by disregarding the tribe’s repeated pleas to leave the protest camps. Local authorities arrested 76 protesters who refused to exit the hastily constructed collection of teepees and tried to block law enforcement from reaching what the Morton County Sheriff's Department described as the “rogue camp.”  More from The Washington Times here > Standing Rock Sioux chairman accuses activists of jeopardizing protest of Dakota Access pipeline

CANNON BALL, ND - DECEMBER 05:  Despite blizzard conditions, military veterans march in support of the

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