Walk to Defeat ALS

Greenfield Park Picnic Areas 3A & 3B

2023 Walk to Defeat ALS

Saturday, October 7, 2023

8:30am Registration opens

9:45am Opening Ceremony

10:00am Walk

Greenfield Park Picnic Areas 3A and 3B

Click here for more information and to register.

On Saturday, October 7, people living with ALS, family members, friends, caregivers, and others impacted by ALS will join the fight to find a cure at the Walk to Defeat ALS®. ALS, often called Lou Gehrig’s disease, is a progressive motor neuron disease, which gradually robs people of their ability to walk, talk, swallow, and eventually breathe. ALS has no known cause or cure, but the community is rallying together to do whatever it takes to change that.