Democrats and eco-zealots accuse Trump and Musk of politicizing the fires

Jay Weber Show transcript 1-9-25

These wildfires out in the LA area are ‘something else’. No amount of water-or effort-seems to be putting them out or stopping them from spreading.

And at least some of California’s recent wildfire problems really are- due to local and statewide mismanagement and eco-zealotry.

They genuinely are, and we conservatives have been talking about this for years. Well before the trump era-


Throughout the Rush Limbaugh era!   We were talking about how California’s leaders were letting themselves be snookered by the environmental and global warming zealots and were making bad decisions that were harming their citizenry. Harming farmers. Etc.

From the earliest days of the modern environmentalist movement, California leaders were blocking new aqueducts and reservoirs and ‘water collection’ projects that residents were insisting they needed to service their growing communities, orange groves, and almond farms, and vineyards...etc.

Droughts are not unique to California-and were not brought on by global warming. They have always occurred there...and so.... every time there was a two, or three, or four year drought...all of these ideas were revisited, only to be crushed, again, but whatever batch of leftist leaders was in charge.

They blocked and killed off water projects because, instead of helping humans and serving the greater need, the eco-zealots convinced them that ‘honoring the migration of the silver smelt’ was more important.... or ‘this was the diddy snail’s only breeding ground, etc.

And it has since been learned that many of those reasons were flat-out lies. Only years later would the environmental groups who invented the lie giggle about it and say ‘there was never a sliver smelt. Tee hee. Tee hee’.


Even now, some of those same excuses and fake endangered species are being used as reasons California can’t damn up a river, or create a reservoir, or divert more snow melt that comes off of the mountains every spring.

In fact, Donald Trump tweeted yesterday

Then there have been the truly catastrophic decisions not to log anything or clear any underbrush to prevent forest fires from getting out of hand.

In short- California lawmakers have done everything wrong. Everything is wrong. That they could have done over the last three decades. And yes, some of their decisions are making any wildfires worse- and harder or impossible to put out, yes.

None of the water shortages they are seeing now. Lack of planning. Ferocity of the fires, etc., should be surprising.

And so, when Donald trump and Elon Musk were asked about the wildfires, they pointed this all out to reporters and on ‘X’ yesterday-

And it was immediately spun as:  Trump makes the wildfires political.

Musk makes wildfires political.

No, no: the democrats for 30 years! Have made the wildfires political.

Gavin Newsome and Jerry Brown and every idiot California lawmaker who voted against reasonable water resources and reasonable protection against wildfires because they believed the eco-foolishness-made the wildfires political.

Don’t blame trump or musk or ‘our side of the aisle’ for saying ‘we told you so’ at every single opportunity.

Because until these California lawmakers wake up-and until a furious California electorate forces them to change course-

Nothing is going to change. And so, don’t keep creating a ‘worst-case scenario’ for yourselves when it comes to droughts and wild-fires, and then pretend ‘global warming’ is causing it.

You are causing it.

Mother nature might have lit some of the fires- but some of the worst damage has been done by antiquated electric lines that the leftist bullies have-also- not allowed to be replaced.  These fires might have been started by mentally ill homeless people who were seen lighting fires on the beach.

But-even if nature has a hand in getting them started- the men who ‘developed and manage’ that part of the country has had a huge part in making all the damage and devastation worse.

That’s not ‘getting political’.

That’s simply stating what is a decades-long fact, now.

Long-time California resident and well-known actress Patricia Heaton this week…

My friends, the initial reaction from Gavin Newsom and every other elected democrat- is always to play politics with it. Always.

A mass shooting? The bodies aren’t even warm, and they are blaming the shooter on Maga and calling for more gun control. 

A supreme court ruling they didn’t like. They are vilifying the conservative justices and insisting they need to seize control of the courts, again. Etc.

But Gavin Newsome leaps to ‘don’t play politics’. This isn’t the time for politics.

Yes, it is: in the sense that: we told you so, and for at least 30 years, we keep telling you!  Stop caving to eco-zealots and regain some common sense. Reverse course.  And you refuse.

Politico also did the ‘republicans leapt’ bit.... with California republicans. They’re there. They’ve witnessed all this infuriating mismanagement and bowing at the altar of climate extremists...but...apparently...they can’t have an opinion on this, either. 

And by the way: where is LA mayor Karen Bass?

On vacation in Africa.


Her city is in crisis, but Karen bass, another useless woman promoted up thru the ranks of the democrat party because she’s a black woman-

Is off on vacation in the other hemisphere.

And no, she couldn’t have known that a terrible wildfire would break out before she left-but initially- bass made zero move to return. She tried to do the ‘I’m managing it from here’ she was Joe Biden on the beach.

That infuriated Los Angelinos to the point that she grudgingly hopped on a plane.

This is the sort of elected leadership Californians have- but the adage applies as much as ever: they get the government they deserve. They get the leadership they voted for.

You keep voting for all these dangerous idiots.

If you’d agreed with the dumb decisions, they’ve been making this for decades and just keep voting for them- don’t be surprised if their decisions lead to your house burning down.

That’s the message I’d have for Californians today: stop. Voting. Democrat.

Meanwhile- today and tomorrow significant snow accumulations are expected in parts of the south that only rarely get it- and so- the climate change zealots are trying to explain this away and insist that it’s still ‘global warming’.

That’s really something. And it follows a round or two of arctic air that has kept those places in ‘lower than normal’ temperatures over the last week or so, like us.

It’s more of an ‘extreme’ for them down there.

And so- if you think- gee, here’s more evidence that manmade global warming is a farce-

Oh, no, no!

This is still evidence of global warming.

One of the things that the associated press, NBC and ABC will do in instances like this (I’ve noticed over the years)-

Is they will run to their global warming experts to try to ‘explain this away’ and keep the warming myth going.

This is the awful thing about how left-wing politics has polluted the scientists: during the Obama administration, our official keeper of temperatures and things like this- NOAA- went back and ‘adjusted’ all of their previous data ‘for global warming’.

I kid you not. We talked about it at the time: Obama’ leftists running NOAA went back and changed the measured temperatures for decades, or hundreds of years, we don’t quite know which.

They insisted their ‘adjustments’ were making the data ‘more accurate’. But how could they be? 

Instead, they were just trying to improve global warming in the numbers.

They were trying to do so because over the course of 20 years or so- we had seen no statistically significant change in global temperatures.

So, the democrats-when they were in power- literally had to manufacture one.

And so now, today, when NOAA, our ‘experts’ say that global temperatures have risen by one single degree over 25 years- we can’t believe them.

This is the terrible effect the left’s global warming myth and overall politization of the earth sciences has led to. And its’ terrible.

Just ‘the lost data’ and the ‘official records’ that have been tampered with amount to a terrible, dreadful offense against science-and against the truth.  

30 years ago, we had researchers in the arctic, or in Uganda, or in the mountains of Nepal, or in downtown la- measuring and charting the official daily temperature: careful records kept over time...and in the 2-thousand-tens...we had Obama leftists at NOAA looking at them and saying.... Nook Nook in Alaska back in the 40s said it was ten below zero on this day. We’ll just change that to...minus seven.


Because we know it’s more accurate.


Nook-Nok had the thermometer. He stood in the location on this day in 1943 and said- ten below.

But...well... The mercury thermometer can be inaccurate at certain hemispheric parallels...

Oh, shut up.

The left has corrupted the atmospheric and earth sciences-forever- with these falsehoods.

photo credit: Getty Images

audio version of the segment here > Democrats and eco-zealots accuse Trump and Musk of pollinizing the fires

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