Biden and his regime doing as much damage as they can before they leave.

Jay Weber Show transcript 12-17-24

Do you believe me yet-when I say Joe Biden and his regime are doing as much damage to the country as they can- before they leave?

Biden might be largely ‘checked out’ already, but those who have been running his team-and who have been really running the country over the last four years-

The socialistic, America-hating extremists who have been making most of the calls for him- and ruining the country in the process- are bound and determined to do as much ‘lasting’ and ‘temporary’ damage as they can before they leave.

I’ve described it as the sort of ugly and blatant

‘F-U’ to the American people that I’ve never seen before during presidential transitions.

For 250 years, once the American people have spoken with their vote, those who are in charge have largely honored that-even if it was their side who had just been chastened.

Sure-the party that was going to lose power would try to get a few last-minute things done through congress or executive order-but everyone knew that the outgoing group could only take it ‘so far’. If voters had made it clear- they were against this or that- back off.

Not with this group of sore losers and America haters: wow, are they going nuts with the last minute ‘screw yous’ to the voters who gave them the power that they’ve had over the last four years.

Whether it’s trying to cut last minute deals with the govt sector unions in order to keep them working from home-against the wishes of the American people and the trump team...

Or whether it’s trying to force last minute regulations and eco-zealot waivers into place to keep up the war on fossil fuels until the very end.

Or whether it’s selling off the remaining panels of border wall that have been sitting on piles for four years   rather than allow them to be available for Trump to build the remaining wall when he gets back into office- 

Biden’s team is feverishly cutting deals to sell them off for as little as five cents on the dollar.

These are all moves by the leftist bullies and pouters that are being made-just to be nasty. Just because they are pouting a-holes and emotional babies who cannot accept the fact that they were rejected so soundly by the American people.

It also reeks of desperation that I identify as them believing that it’s going to be a while before they are back in power.

I -do smell a fear here-on the left- that their side of the aisle could be in disarray and out of power for some time...and so they are rushing to get done what they can.

But yesterday- at this lengthy Mar-a-Lago news conference- President Trump called on joe Biden to halt an auction for those unused border wall panels.

This was part of the ‘no more wall’ temper tantrum that that the democrats had when trump lost in 2020. They rushed to pass massive spending packages that included provisions like this one-

Again-just to be nasty and to get their way- despite-what much of the American people wanted.  

And so now that trump is back in control, he and congress are going to have to repurchase all sorts of new put the remaining stretches in place.

This is a 2000-mile border, but the border patrol has long said that they think about 900 miles of it needs to be fortified with a wall. The rest is very difficult and very remote terrain.

And so, okay, in trump’s first term, he got about 500 miles of it built. Most of that effort was replacing other pathetic useless border fencing...which was literally a six-foot high century fence.... or car barrier only. That anyone could step over.... etc.

So- about 500 miles are done. About 400 more need to be completed. Trump and his team can get this done before his second term is over. No problem. So long as they start immediately.

Another way Biden’s regime is to do as much damage as possible: handing out 15-hundred pardons and mollify left wing activists and political friends.

This is really offensive-given some of the truly heinous offenses that people are being pardoned for- including child abuse and sex and drug trafficking.

And did you hear the latest?

That anti-death penalty activists want Biden to nullify the death sentences of every single person sitting on federal death row.

That’s only about 40 people- given that we are talking about the federal prison system- only.

But still, that’s 40 truly terrible people who were convicted by a jury and sentenced to death by a federal judge.

A move like this by Joe Biden here, would be another huge ‘bleep you’ to the American people...and a huge injustice done to our criminal justice system, itself.

I understand that there are serious moral and political arguments related to the death penalty...

But those are questions that should-absolutely be- left up to the legislative branches of government. Joe Biden-as one of 46 chief executives that we’ve had atop this country in 250 years- should not be the ‘one guy’ who decides to ignore the system of divided government.

He should not be the -one guy- who decides to ignore what 40 individual juries and judges decided based on lengthy, careful, and costly federal trials...

Just to cave to one of many left-wing activist groups.

This move by Biden would be outrageous.

Many far, far better presidents than Joe Biden understood that-even if they hated some of those laws that had been passed.

Abe Lincoln had a big problem with the death penalty...but knew it wasn’t his place to step in and act like a king...and so he anguished over every case that he was asked to commute.

This is another one of those litmus tests for Joe Biden: if the man has even a shred of integrity left, he will refuse to go along with this ploy just to satisfy another group of leftists.

The problem is: Joe Biden has never had any personal integrity...and he’s got a 50-year career in Washington DC to prove it.

photo credit: Getty Images

audio version of the segment here > Biden and his regime doing as much damage as they can before they leave.


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