Libs cry America failed Kamala.

Jay Weber Show transcript 11-12-24

I love, love, love- the narrative that ‘America failed Kamala.

The argument behind it is: America proved again that it’s so racist and misogynist that it just couldn’t elect a great and wonderful presidential nominee....because she’s brown and has a uterus. America. Failed. Kamala.

Uhm,...that’s not how this works: she! Is supposed to impress-us!

It is not up to us- to impress ‘her’- or to give into the hard left’s idea of what America ‘should be’. Which is, apparently, a nation of sheep who simply roll over to whatever the left wants- especially if they put a woman or a minority in front of us.


It doesn’t work that way: it was up to Kamala to impress-us.

It was up to kamala to make her case to lead the country- to us.

We, the people, owe her nothing. Regardless of uterus or skin color-

We owe her nothing.

Over and repeatedly, kamala Harris was given the opportunity to ask for our vote by impressing us with her vision for the country...or her agenda for the country.... or her general knowledge of world events and government operations...

And instead, she.... told us how she was born middle class....and told us that Trump’s a fascist.

Okay, great, so you have nothing to offer is, Kamala. Got it.

It’s one of the main reasons she lost-and even a cranky James Carville is now admitting it. Here he is on some podcast Monday:

Carville said ‘if’. If- the Harris campaign can be summed up in one moment, that was it. And I’d agree with him.

Meanwhile, Joy Reid, Jonathan Capehart, and others on the left are insisting that America had the opportunity to elect Kamala-and we- failed her.

The old-guard liberal democrats are ‘aging out’ and the new lawmakers taking over the party are going to be the socialists who hold positions of power in DC already.

Kamala Harris’ loss can be easily spun to ‘prove’ they are right about how racist and sexist and terrible America is-and so- they need to double and triple down on their woke and DEI agendas.

The irony, of course, is that the only reason Kamala Harris even achieved the rank of vice president is because decades ago- she was an affirmative action/DEI figure. This woman has-in a very real way-failed upward- due to the color of her skin and her gender.

She finally hit an election in which she couldn’t just be promoted based on identity politics instead of the content of her character, her career, and her brain.

Her entire career, otherwise, was spent in California running for office as a leftist black woman. Her wins were automatic in that atmosphere.

Biden-expressly- selected her as Veep after her own run for president failed spectacularly- because she was a black woman.

He had promised to pick one. Well- she checked those boxes...and was Indian to what a great prospect for leadership.


Those aren’t’ qualities for leadership.

Are they?

So- game over. She failed upward to the point that she literally could not make a case for herself in front of the American people.

And worse-even her surrogates couldn’t. Barrack Obama tried to scold black men and blacks in general for voting for her. Kamala tried shaming. Lizzo and Beyonce tried star power.

But none of Kammy’s famous surrogate could make a case as to -why-she would make a good president.

And, of course, Kamala was her own worst advocate-because she really is a word-salad Wendy.

photo credit: Getty Images

audio version of the segment here > Libs cry America failed Kamala.


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