Expect to see Trump in Wisconsin a lot in the coming weeks

Jay Weber Show transcript 9-30-24 7:10am

President Trump was in Prairie du Chein- which is one Wisconsin small town that has been negatively affected by Joe and Kammy’s open borders and runaway illegal migrant crisis-

And even before Trump’s event there-his campaign was announcing that he will do campaign stops in both Milwaukee and in Dane county.

This is a good strategy for a few reasons-including-

A)That Trump’s not looking to ignore voters who don’t live in ‘red’ districts or parts of the country...

B) It shows he’s not a traditional candidate running a traditional campaign that -only ever- holds events in their strongholds.

In Wisconsin here-that has meant GOP presidential candidates only ever visiting Waukesha or Brookfield-and never getting any closer to Milwaukee...and it has meant democrats never stopping anywhere other than Madison or Milwaukee...and

C) It’s a late attempt to expand the map a little bit more on the GOP side- and boost some GOP excitement in Wisconsin’s two ‘democrat strongholds’.  After all-if more young people, blacks, and Hispanics are willing to vote for Donald trump this year, as we keep being told, well-

They mostly live in Madison and Milwaukee-don’ t they?

So- these are good strategic stops. Especially since he’s held rallies in all the ‘expected areas’ now- in the swing states

This comes after Trump gave a speech in Prairie du Chein yesterday-slamming- Kamala Harris and the democrats for their open borders- and the never-ending crush of illegal aliens who are overwhelming our major cities and many parts of our small town and rural areas, too.

I also noticed that-in none of the coverage of trump’s speech- did any left-wing news outlet mention why he was there: why Prairie du Chein?

To leave out this information is another instance of -intentional- media bias. Having taught journalism and engaged in journalism for years-i can tell you for certain that- not answering the ‘why’ for readers or viewers is an exercise in intentional bias. And it’s pathetic.

Trump stopped there because -not long ago-an illegal alien from Venezuela attacked and raped a mother and physically abused her young daughter.  It’s a crime that made national news- on the right side of the aisle- 

But that the pro-left media doesn’t want to mention. They also haven’t’ been mentioning the strongest promises that Trump and Vance have been making-related to reversing course on the border- once they get into office.

It’s also shameful how today’s major media are- as part of a coordinated and relentless effort-intentionally leaving out the substance and specifics related to the Trump/Vance campaign. They are not quoting these men as they-do- lay out clear policy positions and engage in clear, forceful rhetoric like this.


Because it’s the sort of thing that 80 percent of American voters want to hear. That’s why.

And so, it must be buried by the leftist news media.... which is being forced to cover a ‘content free’ Kamala Harris campaign and pretend she’s got content.


I mean-think of the terrible irony and hypocrisy of this, too: these leftist media members who are really left-wing accomplices- are being forced to cover a ‘content free’ Kamala Harris campaign. Neither she nor her dimwit dad, Tim Walz, are saying anything of substance at their daily rallies- and are refusing to do any interviews-

And so, their media accomplices are doing their level-best to -pretend- there’s some sort of content and/or specifics in the Harris campaign-


They are doing their level best to-not report on-the ‘content heavy’ and ‘specific content’ of the Trump/Vance campaign. Right?

These two men are crisscrossing the swing states and delivering specifics on how they will turn around the economy, close the border, combat crime, bring down prices.... etc.

And none of it is being reported by the so-called ‘reporters’ who are assigned to cover that campaign.  

The good news is- the alternative media are getting the message out-to the point that most Americans are hearing it, anyway.

Virtually everyone who calls themselves a voter -by now- knows that Trump and Vance are the serious, common sense, choice this year-

After living thru four years of economic and national destruction and lies of the Biden/Harris years.

And anyone paying even the least bit of attention to this campaign must know that -only one side of the aisle- has a real policy platform and a clear pro-America vision for the country.

I know it’s Rasmussen polling-which constantly leans to the right-but they’ve done some polling in the swing states for the ‘American thinker’ blog...and found Trump and the GOP have a great chance to lure in moderate democrats and independents- and by reminding them of the last four years and the consequences of voting democrat ‘again’.

The analysts correctly conclude that-at this point? - Donald Trump cannot convince the

Holdouts that he’s a ‘great guy’ and they should love him-

But these voters-can be convinced-that Trump and the GOP are the only alternative- the only chance to ‘fix’ the worst problems that are facing this country.

And i certainly agree with that conclusion.

Trump doesn’t have to be ‘beloved by all’ to be a good president.

In most Americans now agree that-yes, the first time around, yes, Donald trump-was- a good president. And we, the American people, didn’t appreciate it enough at the time.

Somewhere between 51 and 55 percent of Americans say that now based on recent polling.

I believe it is those people-who will make the difference this election. The people who say: life in America-under Trump-was better by nearly every measure. Biden and the dems have done nothing but bleep up everything they’ve touched.

If our choices are Trump or Kamala-it’s got to be trump.

I will vote for Donald trump a third time-

And for a second time without reservations. I only reluctantly voted for him in 2016- but had no reservations in 2020, nor in 2024 here-

But I wanted Ron DeSantis to be the GOP candidate this year. And so, in a way, I’m voting for Trump too, as the ‘better of the two options. 

Still- it needs to be clear: Donald Trump is the-far better- far better-option to kamala, the Marxists who are currently controlling the democrat party, and four more years of ‘this’.

Trump and the GOP just need to close the deal.

The great Kimberly Strassel of the Wall St Journal -nails it again when she says-Trump needs a clearer theme and focus for the remaining 35 days of this campaign- and he’ll win:

She’s right, of course: government is the problem. And it’s a great closing theme for Trump and the republicans.

Just watching trump on the stump is frustrating to me. I’ll admit i simply cannot do it. All the rambling and the asides and destroying his own memorable quotes by interjecting other useless crap...infuriates me. Especially as a show host who would play those clips for you if he’d just read what’s on the damn prompter.

His writers have given him gold...and he turns it into straw.  Every. Effing. Time. 

If he loses this- it really is ‘on him’.

photo credit: Getty Images

audio version of the segment here > You'll see Trump in Wisconsin a lot in the coming weeks

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