How many potential terrorists were caught crossing the border?

Jay Weber Show transcript 9-20-24

There was some very damning testimony in front of congress yesterday-from a man who just retired as the border patrol chief of the San Diego sector.

His name is Aaron Heitkey. He retired just last summer. And he was called in front of congress to testify on what his experiences were-as the San Diego sector chief ‘before Biden’ and ‘during Biden’s era’.

And he talked about the open borders and the spike in fentanyl and the increased lawlessness, of course...

But the incredibly damning portion of his statement was an admission that yes, Biden’s open border caused them to encounter many- hundreds-more potential terrorists crossing the border- and- he said- Mayorkas and the Biden white house instructed us not to share any of that news-or data- with the public.

He's not the most dynamic speaker- and in the audio...he’s talking about SIAS, so you need to know that that stands for ‘special interest aliens’...and is the label border patrol puts on people who are caught who have ties to terrorism.

So- when he’s talking about SAIS here-he’s talking about the number of potential terrorists they are encountering-and how that number spiked dramatically under Biden and Harris. 

So-in 2022, 23, and now in 24, quote, when the border was easy to get across...the numbers of people they intercepted who turned out to be on the terrorist watch lists- exploded to more than 100 each year.

And that’s just for the San Diego sector.  Folks, there are 8 or 9 different sectors along that southern border. So, if we’ve been catching over 100 potential terrorists crossing each year- just in the San Diego sector:

A) How many were caught crossing each year-total? The math would suggest-800? Nearly a 1000?

B) How many potential terrorists sneaked across without ever being caught? How many are here-in country- right now? Due to Joe Biden and the democrat’s open borders?

This is a shocking admission.

Less shocking-is the additional confirmation that the Biden/Harris regime has been ordering our border sector leaders ‘into silence’. Ordering them not to share the truth with the public or the news media.

Aaron Heitke also admitted there was an organized effort to hide the crush of illegals from the public and the news media.

Joe Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas-were taking illegals from California- a lefty blue state-and transporting them into Texas-a red state. We’ve never been told about that.

Now remember the unhinged fit that Biden, Harris, and the democrats at both the federal and state levels had-when Governor Greg Abbott started sending flights and buses to New York, DC, and Chicago.

Oh! They went ‘ape’ over that in the news media-accusing Abbott off all sorts of terrible, inhumane things. Well, before-and as, Abbott was doing that- Mayorkas and Biden were flying California illegals into Texas and dumping them.


Every time you think today’s democrat leaders can’t get scummier or more dishonest- they do.

In fact- here’s kamala Harris -on video- insisting that this whole notion that a bunch of terrorists are sneaking into America is nonsense.

This is Harris back when she was still slamming Donald Trump’s border wall...and so...really?...

This could be from just a few months ago-

But listen to this lying hack.

Donald Trump-and everyone else-who has suggested the democrat’s open border is a major national security threat that is luring terrorists from around the world looking to cross it- the left calls us liars and racists.

You just heard Kamala insisting the very notion that their open borders are attracting terrorists is ridiculous-

And she said that- knowing- their open borders are attracting terrorists-

And by a ‘ten-fold’ pace.... than were being caught under trump or Obama.

What. Scumbags.

But today’s democrats-and the members of this regime-are lying about everything. Absolutely everything.

Which brings us to the new crime stats- released last week from Joe Biden’s own dept of justice- that show-

Donald trump was right. The democrats have been lying. David Muir is a hack.

Crime in America has skyrocketed under Joe Biden and the dem’s lawlessness-and continues to rise to this day.

John Lott of the crime prevention research center reports the latest govt numbers:

Since 2020, total serious violent crime (rape, robbery, and aggravated assault), the categories that correspond to the FBI’s measure of violent crime, has soared. Total violent crime was 55.4% higher in 2023 than when the Biden-Harris administration took office. Rapes were up by 42%, robbery by 63%, and aggravated assault by 55%.

This was released last week. Not a single legacy media news outlet reported on it.

The hard stats that prove crime has skyrocketed in joe and kamala’s America-was released last week. And not a single liberal media outlet reported on it.

You can’t hate the so-called ‘news media’ enough, these days.

David Muir and the Biden regime have been using the FBI crime stats to claim that crime is down in America. It’s not.

That FBI data relies on victims to report the crime. It has been an inexact measure for years-but has become particularly useless over the last decade or so-given that fewer and fewer victims of crimes-even violent crimes- are reporting them.


Because Soros DAs and overworked cops and assistant das aren’t going to do anything about it, anyway.

Murders are almost always reported-and so the FBI figures are probably accurate and murder -did-go down in 2023. But all other crimes went up.

There is a strong sense in virtually all of our major cities now that ‘nothing’s going to happen’ to the criminal, anyway. Even if it’s a violent crime.

And- especially when it comes to smaller crimes- in big cities? Victims know that it’ll take hours or days just to get a cop to the house to take a statement-and you’re never going to get your car back or your stolen bike back...anyway... And so the crimes go unreported.

That’s why the FBI data is so useless now.

It’s only this DOJ survey that gives a more accurate measure.

It used to be the two different systems that tracked crime in America. Now it’s only really this one- from the DOJ-

And their big report on crime in 2024 came out last week- and not a single liberal news outlet touched it...or reported on it.


Because they are virtually all left-wing accomplices...and are actively trying to keep any bad news.... or truth...away from the voters until after the election.

photo credit: Getty Images

story credit: RealClearPolitics

audio version of the segment here > How many potential terrorists were caught crossing the border?

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