Don't let MSM fool you, Kammy is losing union support

Jay Weber Show transcript 9-20-24 8:10am

I started off the show with a segment about how the undecided voters who are talking to reporters and focus groups-are starting to feel like Kamala Harris is insulting their intelligence because she refuses to outline an agenda or tell us what her vision of the country is. How she’ll fix the economy. Will she close the border? Etc.

This stonewalling is starting to get infuriating to the people who will decide this election and claim they haven’t decided how they will vote yet.

Which is great.

I hope the Harris campaign-never does- get into specifics. I hope she spends the entire month of October spouting the same five or six canned filibusters she’s been using since the debate...because she can’t think on her feet and can’t be honest about the democrats-true- pseudo-socialist and extreme agenda.

I also mentioned that- I know Rasmussen polling is biased in favor of the republican side of the aisle... But... They are also doing ‘never ending’ polling. They’re doing daily measures....and the numbers they are gathering on the race-this week-will be released next week. Correct?

They got to do the polling this week to have a poll to release next week.

And so-these guys-are seeing what voters saying-this week are-

And yesterday, I saw a snippet of two Rasmussen pollsters saying-in next week’s polls Kamala Harris’ campaign is going to start to tank.

They didn’t get specific. Nor did they say...this is due to the second assassination attempt on Donald Trump...or   it’s because people are figuring out kamala’s a fraud....

Or-whatever. But. That’s the claim. And so...we will watch for that.

I bring it up because it ‘rings true’ to me- even as this week’s polls show Kamala Harris doing slightly better and closing the gap in the swing states.

Okay, but that polling reflects voter sentiments right after the debate...and most people think kamala won that. Okay.

But a lot has transpired since-including- two

Sit-down interviews in which she proves she’s ‘still got nothing’ in the specifics department-and is just an empty vessel.

Including-a second assassination attempt on Donald Trump.

And-including- the Teamster’s union tacitly endorsing trump-but refusing to endorse Kamala.


Folks, for the first time in 30 years, the Teamster’s union isn’t endorsing a candidate- and they aren’t because their leaders are cowards...

But also...because 60 percent of their rank-and-file union members said they support Trump-and wanted the union to officially endorse him.

Only 35 percent said, ‘endorse Kamala’.

This has been a devastating blow to the Harris campaign and the democrat machine this week-even if they don’t want to admit it.

Politico, Wash Times, Wash Post, and other news outlets are reporting that there was a lot of behind-the-scenes and social media whining going on from democrats, yesterday.

AOC blasted Sean O’Brien and teamsters leadership- and smeared O’Brien as a pro-Trumper...because he accepted trump’s invite to speak at the republican convention.

That doesn’t make him a pro-Trumper, and O’Brien made that clear- in the speech-and practically every day since...

And so, O’Brien was asked about AOC attacking him...during an interview yesterday. I think this is CNN.

So-one of the biggest chunks of pro-trump teamsters-was in AOC’s district in Queens and the Bronx. 


And if that teamster’s news wasn’t bad enough-yesterday- a steamfitters union president was doing interviews saying.... seventy percent of our members favor trump.

Seventy percent?

Good lord.

This is unbelievably positive for Donald trump and the GOP: a republican presidential candidate has unprecedented support from blue collar and big labor workers.

Listen to the leader of this Steamfitter’s Union.

He goes on to talk about how his daughter lives in the old, peaceful, middle-class neighborhood-and it’s quickly being destroyed by illegals. It’s very unsafe now...he says.

These labor union votes reflect the very real problem that today’s democrats have with America’s working class now.

They used to be the party of the working class- or so they claimed- and for decades and decades.

Now- they are the party of the rich and academic elite.... Single, childless, indoctrinated women, members of the lunatic fringe and grievance groups, and the people on govt handouts.

That’s who’s making up the democrat party now, for the most part.

And see- these are the ‘smaller things’ that I’ve been seeing and noting ‘all along’ here...over the last six to nine months.... that have me believing trump is actually going to win in November by a comfortable margin. He’s not going to be flipping all sorts of blue states ‘red’.  Our country is too divided for that. He probably won’t win the popular vote- because huge numbers of dems live on the coasts and run up the margins-

But- i do think trump is headed toward a surprisingly comfortable electoral college win. He only really needs to win Georgia, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania....out of the seven different swing states- and he’ll be over 270.But if there’s an anti-trump bias in these polls (which there has been thru two election cycles) ...

Or if there’s a silent chunk of undecideds out there who have just ‘had enough’ of today’s destructive and radical democrat regime-

And i believe there is-

Then i could see trump winning this more easily than anyone is predicting.

It’s surprises like this: just as early voting starts; we learn that trump has 60 to 70 percent of union voters on his side-

Really? Wow. And completely unexpected by the so-called ‘smart people’ and strategists.


As Jim Garrity put it: if 6 in ten teamsters support Trump...that makes them one of the most pro-trump demographics in America.

That’d be true, yes. Ditto for the steamfitters.

And these new revelations even among low information voters that Kamala’s an empty vessel- along with this union news -come at a good time-because believe it or not- mail-in voting has started in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, North Carolina...along with Virginia, West Virginia, Tennessee, South Dakota, Delaware, Kentucky...Arkansas...

That’s eleven states-as of today: mail in ballots have been mailed out. Voters should get them within a few days. ‘Early voting’ has begun. 

photo credit: Getty Images

audio version on the segment here > Don't let MSM fool you, Kammy is losing union support

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