Democrats own this 2nd attempt on Trump's life.

Jay Weber Show transcript 9-17-24

The liberal media outlets yesterday seemed to have their undies in a twist over the fact that President Trump blamed Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for the second attempt on his life.

He should. Because they are at least partially to blame-and given that they are the two people who have had the biggest bullhorns over the last four years- as president and vice president and as leaders of their political party-as its members have done everything, they can destroy Donald Trump-

No, it’s not ‘out of bounds’ to say Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’s rhetoric- is absolutely-at least partially responsible for this.

We all know that it’s the kook or assassin who’s ultimately responsible for their own actions, yes, but the sort of relentless, hateful, insightful rhetoric that these democrats have been using against trump for nearly a decade now have -of course- played a terrible role here.

What the democrats have been doing thru all four of Trump’s years as president-and even more so since January sixth in an effort to stop him from ever being president again-

This-absolutely has been- inciteful rhetoric.

Someone yesterday pointed out that: since the first attempt on Donald Trump’s life in Butler, Penn....and after democrats and their media mavens said ‘we need to lower the temperature and the rhetoric’...

They’ve done the opposite.

This is a good point: democrats did the opposite of lowering the temperature and using more responsible rhetoric since July 13th and the first attempt.

Instead- everyone from Biden, to Harris, to Tim Walz, to Jamie Raskin, to ‘name a democrat’...has doubled and tripled down on this ‘threat to democracy’ stuff.

I said yesterday: Nancy Pelosi routinely says, ‘Donald Trump will not and cannot be president again’. Flat out. In nearly every interview she’s done over the last four years- and with her doing more interviews recently- she’s at it again. Her statements-as a former house speaker and one of the most powerful democrat leaders behind the scenes-

I mean-she just engineered a coup and appeared to be ‘the one’. The person. Who threatened joe until he withdraws-

This woman is doing interviews sending dog whistles to democrats around the country- saying Donald Trump-will not-be the president again. He -cannot be- the president again.

How are indoctrinated kooks like this shooter supposed to take that?

For heaven’s sake: he had a go-pro along with him so he could get his assassination of trump on tape and share the moment he killed trump with the world-because he was certain it would make him a hero.   This guy was convinced that the act of killing Trump was a great and wonderful thing for humanity and for this country.


Because Pelosi, Biden, Kammy, and all sorts of democrats have been -at the very least- heavily suggesting it for 8 years!  Senators like Claire McCaskill were on tv saying trump is worse than Mussolini or Hitler.  

Dem congressmen were insisting he needed to be eliminated to save the republic.  

We’re really going to argue over whether the last 8 years of vile and hateful rhetoric directed at Trump has been ‘inciting’?  


Folks-today’s democrats have been fanning the flames of political violence-at least since the summer of BLM and antifa rioting.

It’s as if they discovered there was power in having their own thug squad and group of destructive activists on their side- to help intimidate and bully the American people into letting the leftists get their way.

And we’ve been living in that reality ever since.

They’ve demonized and vilified and sent their shock troops on any and every conservative or critic who dares to defy their will- from Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh- to parents and communities that dare to push back.

Kamala Harris-could- have used last Tuesday’s debate to lay out her vision- or the larger democrat vision-for the country, correct?

Instead- she spent the entire time vilifying trump and running back thru a laundry list of hoaxes and lies....

And she did so-because that! Was her campaigns’ debate strategy!

Undecided and swing voters have literally been saying: tell us what you stand for, kamala. Explain what you’d do differently than Joe Biden and how you’d fix the problems this country is facing. Tell us, kamala, and we might vote for you.

And knowing that- her campaign strategists said: it’s all got to be about trashing trump. Your entire debate focus, kamala, has got to be about trashing and repeating the lies about trump. This is how we win this thing.

Whatever you do-don’t talk about policy. Trash Trump.

And so- she and her minions in the spin room spent the night-and the rest of the week-going back thru the list of hoaxes and lies that they’ve been smearing trump with for 8 years. They went all the way back to the classics- like the Russia hoax and trump as a Putin stooge.

She brought up new ones like the ‘bloodbath’ hoax that insists trump is calling for civil war if he doesn’t win. She brought up the patently asinine and thoroughly debunked ‘fine people’ hoax, pretending Donald trump called white supremacists fine people. He didn’t.

Hell-Kamala Harris even invented a new smear claiming Donald Trump had orchestrated the biggest attack on the u-s government since the civil war-

Continuing the lie that Jan sixth was an organized insurrection and Trump was behind it. It wasn’t. 

And this has all been ‘the evidence’ to bolster their gaslighting of the American public into believing that Donald Trump is too dangerous to ever be allowed to be president again. And so, as Nancy Pelosi states routinely: trump cannot be allowed to be president again.

How are their fawning activists and kooks supposed to take all of that? The long-time media term for it is ‘dog whistles’ in... Biden, Harris, Pelosi, etc. Have been sending out ‘dog whistles’ to their followers to eliminate trump.

This effort over the last three years after trump made it clear he was running again, has been a hell of a lot more than dog whistles.   Their rhetoric has amounted to a bullhorn demand: stop this guy.

David Strom says: there is no level of violence directed against conservatives that is unwelcome by the left because they believe we deserve it. We exist...and we disagree with what should we expect?

In today’s day-and in today’s political environment- Strom is correct. You can trace their pivot away from ‘be peaceful’ to...burn it all down if we don’t get our way-

To Hillary’s loss and trump’s victory in 2016. That was the pivotal event that caused this vile shift under the democrat tent-from its leaders to its followers: violence is good if it helps our cause.

It’s why democrat mayors and governors- like Tim Walz- stood back and watched their own cities burn and their own communities looted. Innocent victims beaten and killed during the summer of riots.  They stood back and watched and then publicly defended the rioters and the destruction- because they believed it benefitted them politically.

It became that simple: Dem’s leaders- like Pelosi and Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer-were furious-that their scheme to take permanent political control of this country was thwarted by Donald trump and a terrible Clinton campaign...

And so, they pivoted, like dictators, to plan b- which was destroy the country-and destroy their political opposition- until they get what they want. Until this plan to take permanent, totalitarian control of the country, is ‘back on track’.

None of us, this morning, can be assured that there won’t be a third attempt on Donald Trump’s life before election day.

Are you prepared to bet that there-will not? - be one?

They, collectively, on the left-seem hell-bent on stopping this man from becoming president again- virtually any way they can

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story credit: The Federalist

audio version of the segment here > Democrats own this 2nd attempt on Trump's life.

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