Kammy's pretend economic plan released Friday

Jay Weber Show transcript 8-16--24

Kamala Harris’ ‘pretend’ economic plan was released Friday.

What has caused these prices hikes-on everything. From groceries to rent to utilities to Halloween candy-

Are the terrible policies of the democrats currently in power-including the massive govt spending bills they have rammed thru on only democrat votes-

The ‘American rescue act’ touched off the 40- year high-and never-ending inflation- that these jackasses want to call ‘sticky’. 

It’s gutted family budgets and run up debts on all sorts of Americans for over three years when they denied inflation would result-

Now they want to call it ‘sticky’...

Passing that-started-this massive and never-ending inflation and price hikes-and then things like the idiotically misnamed ‘inflation reduction act’ have kept it going-by piling a never-ending flow of govt money into the economy.

And the ‘democrat’ fix for it, now-

For a problem they created with too much govt intervention-is more government intervention?

Man-these people are dangerously dumb.

My friends-you will be witnessing history later today- as economic idiot and ‘pretend president’ Kamala Harris actually suggests soviet style, Venezuelan style ‘price controls’ and ‘rent controls’ as a way to stop this never-ending inflation.

This is economic illiteracy at its absolute worst- and it’d be hysterical if it weren’t so dangerously ‘real’...if this is where America’s democrat party ‘really stands’ on economic matters now.

And the American people have waited a month to hear this?

Kamala Harris’ campaign- upon her coronation- insisted they needed time to ‘flesh out’ her policies.

We waited a month...and her first one is...Soviet style price controls?

Good god.

There is also no way she can do either of those things without the force of a socialist-style government either.

I just hope you young people realize: in a free society. And in a capitalist society...a single president or ‘government’ cannot ‘set prices’ or ‘cap rents’ or ‘set drug prices’ without putting the boot of government onto the necks of the American people. This isn’t ‘targeting corporations. It’s targeting ‘us.

And unless you want govt to run every aspect of your lives- so you can save 50 cents on peaches.... you’d better start thinking about how many of your freedoms you are willing to give up.

Pundit Matt Whitlock points out that joe Biden and his white house team-which included Kammy until a month ago-

Have been running around-and are still running around- saying ‘we beat inflation.Joe’s fixes worked’.

And so-consider this dichotomy: yesterday, Joe Biden told reporters ‘We beat inflation. Start writing about that’

Today- Kamala Harris will say: inflation is so bad that we need government to take over grocery stores by instituting price controls.

The dem campaign will pretend they will engage in an illegal action to bring prices down if you are dumb enough to vote for them...

Kamala Harris -is clueless- and will be ‘talking stupid’ as she suggests them...

And- yes-the members of the accomplice news media will simply parrot it all out...because they are too dumb or disinterested in the truth to point out how insane the idea of price controls and rent controls are.

Both ideas have been tried repeatedly in socialist and communist countries-and even in some western countries- over the course of the 20th century and have been ‘proven failures’ every time.

Folks-when Nicholas Maduro took over Venezuela in 2013- he implemented price controls on the private sector because he needed to pretend Venezuela’s businesses were gouging the people.

They weren’t. But- Maduro’s move touched off such skyrocketing inflation that their economy and their currency literally collapsed.

The economists estimated Venezuela’s inflation rate- just a few years later- had increased by 1.3-million percent under Maduro’s price hikes.

And of course, the Venezuelan people immediately saw food and goods shortages-and ever since-have seen largely empty shelves.

Folks-inflation is ‘too much money chasing too few goods.   And if that’s the case-how does capping the price of those goods solve inflation?

It doesn’t.

What it does is-cause businesses to greatly reduce -or stop- making their products...and that leads to shortages- even fewer goods!!

So, if inflation is ‘too much money’ chasing ‘too few goods’...how is choking off the production and supply chain- taming inflation?

Are you starting to understand what an economic illiterate Kamala Harris is?

And this isn’t her plan, of course, but she should know it’s stupid. It’s the plan of squats with unions and several other long-time pseudo socialists who are arrogant enough to think that they can ‘manage’ an economy- when none of them have a clue as to how one really works.

Most of them have never had a private sector job or run a business. What do they know about how ‘the real world’ works?

In Liz Warren’s tiny brain...greedy corporations gouging the people are what’s causing the price hikes. That’s not it-at all. 

This is companies trying to keep up with the cost of inflation-themselves- and necessarily having to jack up their prices in order to cover their own ‘constantly growing’ expenses.

This proposal of hers today, as outlined by the early media previews, is aggressively ignorant. Economically illiterate-and staggeringly so.

Suggesting price controls to ‘fix’ the inflation the democrats have inflicted upon us is like suggesting we can save a sinking ship by bailing even more water into the boat.

No, I saw this on Bill Nye, once, if you flood the boat with water...at some point...it all evens out and the boat floats again.

Over and over and over again- throughout decades- putting price controls on a struggling economy has sunk the entire country. 

Young listeners please understand that. And you don’t have to believe me- google it.

Free markets, low taxes, and less government intervention are what bring prosperity- and American and western democracies have proven that repeatedly.

Listen to JD Vance- answering a question in western Pennsylvania yesterday. This is his exhibiting- ‘off the cuff’- that he knows what America’s founding principles are and what a free market economy does...

And there’s no way that either Kamala Harris or Tim Walz could come up with this answer if you gave them 100 years to do so.........

Vance cites grocery prices as reason voters are ‘too smart’ to support Harris

There is no substitute for a ‘strong economy’ driven by the American people- as govt leaders mostly leave it alone...and only have a light regulatory touch.

Today’s democrats, instead, have this economy so screwed up that they’re proposing- soviet style interventions- to fix it.

Stop. Voting. Democrat.


I did an earlier segment previewing Kamala Harris’ ‘pretend’ economic plan- which she will apparently be releasing later today.

And it’ll be interesting to see if we get a ‘white paper’ with some detail and substance to it- as an ‘actual plan’...or whether we will only get ‘vague claims’ in a speech and then a few bullet points on her website.

I’m almost certain that is what this is really going to amount to. They will rely on their accomplices in the media to simply re-print whatever vulgarities they are given.

This is the same old ‘pretend’ agenda. 

Everyone wants ‘more affordable childcare’ and lower health and drug bills’...etc. This is like calling for ‘more ice cream deserts and a 100-dollar bonus for every American on Fridays’.

Who wouldn’t love those things?

But they never come with any ‘actual’ or ‘detailed’ plans to make it happen.

How is Kamala Harris going to bring down health and drug prices?

Just yesterday, we were talking about how the dem’s effort to do it as part of the ‘inflation reduction act’ is going to lead to massive monthly premium increases for our seniors on Medicare.

How does an attempt to lower drug prices end up with 30-to-150-dollar premium hikes-every month! -for our seniors?!

Everything the dems touch turns to crap...and every promise they make is a hollow one.You really think kamala Harris has the key to affordable childcare?

Come on. 

Another claim: Kammy’s plan will lower the cost of housing and rent.

Again- come on.


With rent controls?  

That’s another non-starter- on top of being bullying, anti-capitalistic, irrational govt.

Rent control is another failed economic policy that has failed-globally.

Everywhere government-imposed rent controls have been tried-it has been a huge failure. It greatly warps the market and actually makes ‘affordable’ housing more and more scarce.


Because landlords and builders won’t remain in business if they cannot make money at it. No business-

Not a single business- says in business ‘just to be nice’. Or ‘just so people on the lower rungs have place to live’.

There must be profit in it-and rent controls erase the profit. That leads to -fewer- rental and low-income units-not more.

So-how’s Kammy going to make housing more affordable?

Idiotic ‘tax credits’ for home buyers of the sort that President Biden floated in his state of the union address?

For anyone looking to buy a 300- or 400-thousand-dollar house...we’ll give you ten grand toward your down payment. Great. That still doesn’t get me anywhere near my down payment- or help me with the 35-hundred dollar mortgage payment I’ll have. Thanks joe and Kammy.

This is like telling a kid you’ll give them a buck to help them by a motorbike. 

I have an entirely different segment on how economically illiterate ‘price controls’ are, too. Which she will float today to hold down grocery prices.


Even you young people: do you really want government to set the prices in grocery stores? Before you say yes- google ‘the soviet economy’ or ‘Venezuela’s socialist economy’ and do some reading.

No, what today is- is an attempt by the Kamala Harris campaign and the same democrat ‘experts’ who got us into this terrible economy...looking for a way out by trying to rewrite history

photo credit: Getty Images

audio version of the segment here > Kammy's pretend economic plan released Friday

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