Kammy tries to flip the script on her stance on the border

Jay Weber Show transcript 8-13-24 6:10am

Yes-it’s outrageous that Kamala Harris and the democrats are going to try to ‘flip the script’ on the border issue-

But rest assured- they are not going to be able to do it.

Everyone in America knows the truth about the border: Donald Trump spent four years closing and controlling that border- mostly on his own. Congressional republicans helped a little-but not much-

And virtually everyone who votes-knows that by the time Trump left office- our southern border was closed and controlled- maybe for the first time in the history of this country.

Everyone -on both sides of the aisle- knows that this was one of Trump’s successes- and at a time in which 70 to 80 percent of Americans were begging our congressional leaders and past presidents to close the damn border!

Today’s poll numbers indicate that the sentiment remains at least that strong-if not stronger- now that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris reopened the borders and intentionally put the problem of open borders and a flood of illegals- on steroids.

Everyone in America knows what happened here, and who is to blame here.

Everyone in America knows that Joe Biden- in a nasty move to slap back an overly aggressive Kamala Harris who thought she could be a 

Co-president, really-  made her border czar and put her in charge of controlling this border.

It was a particularly nasty move to make by Biden and his team- given that their entire mission has been-from day one- to create open borders and organize a massive flood of illegals.

And so- as they went about that- they decided to ruin Kamala Harris’ political ambitions by making her the ‘border czar’ who oversaw stopping it. It was a political double-cross and everyone in dc understood it- early in 2021-

Early in the Biden regime-when he did it.

But the bulk of the American people still don’t get it. They didn’t see the political nastiness associated with the move- and so- all they know is ‘ Kamala was put in charge of this, and look at what a disaster our open borders are’.

And of course, she understood it was a nasty rebuke out of the oval office- and she was part of the open-borders crowd too-

And so, she all-but refused the mission and has done nothing on border security for four years.She -very famously- refused time and again. Refused every invitation from border-state congressmen, mayors, border patrol...to even visit the border to see the problem-first hand.

And now she’s going to ‘flip the script’ on the border?

Come on. 

She’s given speeches in Georgia and in Nevada in which she’s suddenly pretending she was a ‘tough on illegals’ prosecutor in California and will fix this border if she’s elected president.

Come on.

Kamala- has been a huge part of the problem when it comes to closing this border and controlling immigration into this country.

What’s infuriating is- it’s not even all that hard.

Trump proved that-if we had the will to close and control our borders- we could easily do it.

If we had the right rules and laws in place-and honestly? - if we just enforced the immigration laws that we’ve had on the books for decades-

This southern border would be closed and controlled. 

Thanks to trump- we no longer have to wonder ‘if it’s possible’ to control that 2-thousand-mile border. 

It is. Trump did it-and in less than two years-really.

And thanks to trump- we know that he’s the right man to do it-and it’s a campaign promise that he will keep in a second term.

There is -zero doubt-about this.

There are very few certainties when it comes to campaign promises from politicians- but one thing that is rock-solid certain-is that if Donald Trump wins re-election, the necessary wall will be completed, and the southern border will be controlled.

If he gets large enough majorities in congress-maybe, he can even get the policies made permanent-so that the next leftist president can’t screw it up again- like Biden did.

And so- in response to this ludicrous attempt to ‘flip the script’ and portray kamala as ‘tough on illegals’-

The Trump campaign has launched an ad that cites examples of illegals she ‘went soft on’...only to have them remain in the country and kill or rape or victimize more Americans.

This isn’t just a generic ‘Kamala’s a failed border czar’ ad. This goes back to her days as a DA, and specifically addresses this claim she’s making that she was tough on illegals- when she was a

DA back in California.

No, she wasn’t. And her weakness caused more blood to be shed. More Californians to be harmed and victimized.

Everything about Kamala Harris is fraudulent. Every single claim that she and her campaign have been making are somewhere between bogus and ‘b-s’.

And on this issue? She’s particularly bad.

This is a woman who- at AG of California and as a sitting US Senator-  and now as a presidential candidate- has promised amnesty for millions of illegals.

Even now- as she tells one group of voters that she’ll get tough on border control and stop the flood of illegals- even now- she is telling other crowds:

An earned pathway to citizenship-does not-need to be part of any border or immigration reform. It genuinely doesn’t.

And please notice that Kamala Harris is doing what all democrats have done ever since the bush era-when we started this debate around closing and controlling the border.

That can be done-with zero- larger immigration reform. This is two separate issues. And yes, they are related-but they shouldn’t be ‘conflated’-and that’s all the dems want to do.

It’s their strategy for refusing to deal with the border.

It’s a worn-out cliché by now-but closing the border is about fixing the leak that’s flooding the basement. That’s step one. And it can-and needs to be done- before you do anything else.

Then, after the leak is fixed, you can talk about how you are going to drain the water and salvage your belongings in that flooded basement.

But fixing the leak is step one. It is the urgent and necessary step. And whatever follows that is a different problem-and different set of worries.

The border is one issue. Immigration laws are another.

Genuinely. We can absolutely fix one without even touching the other if we want to.

I agree that our immigration laws need to be revised and updated-just like our visa laws need to be- because half of all illegals come in that way: on visas that aren’t monitored.

But-closing and controlling the border has nothing to do with amnesty for the illegals who are already here. The two issues have-zero- to do with each other.

Listen to me: I’m saying ‘zero’. There is zero link between the two. It’s desperate democrats who want open borders-like kamala Harris and Chuck Schumer- who link the two.

Unfortunately, i have been making this point for decades, but: if democrats wanted to control this southern border- we could do it tomorrow.

If they were genuine in all their protestations that they really want to fix this...

We could fix it. With-zero need- to tie it to larger immigration reforms.  

In fact-in 2019 and 2020- Donald Trump proved it was possible.

As proof that Kamala Harris and the democrats are lying to you and really just want to keep the borders open and keep their flood of illegals flowing-

The Dems working on ways to defeat our current system of tracking illegals- or even having them check in for court dates- after Biden/Harris have let them into the country?

How is this reflective of a woman-or a campaign-that’s going to be ‘tough on the border crossings.

photo credit: Getty Images

audio version of the segment here > Kammy tries to flip the script on her stance on the border

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