4 in 10 Americans worry constantly about being able to pay their bills.

Jay Weber Show transcript 7-25-24 6:42am

I did a segment yesterday on how Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ economy still stinks -for most Americans.

The latest evidence is that home sales slowed again in June-to their lowest rate since President Biden took office. 

Another measure is car sales and repossessions. Repos are up 23 percent over last year-as more and more Americans default on their car loans

The unemployment rate is ticking up after years of low employment- at least in part-because Biden’s federal reserve has intentionally ‘engineered’ more economic hardship to drive workers out of jobs.

This is how democrats ‘fix’ inflation, instead of reducing spending and implementing reasonable economic policies.

Their strategy has been making Americans suffer so they can’t buy the things they want or need...and that’ll bring down inflation.

Well- sadly-that part of their plan is working.

They still haven’t solved the never-ending inflation problem.

The Biden Harris regime-still hasn’t solved-the never-ending price hikes-

But they have managed to create a situation in which 4 in 10 Americans say they worry constantly about being able to pay their bills...so...that’s something.

This is from CNN:

To cope, significant shares of Americans said they are adding side jobs, cutting down on driving and putting more expenses on credit cards.

I’ll stop there to say it’s not ‘similar’ to the number of Americans ailing financially during the early Obama and final Bush years- it’s worse.

We have an even higher number of Americans-now- who are saying they can’t make their bills and it’s their biggest worry- than were saying it during the great recession. And this ‘us condition’ currently-was nearly all caused by bad Biden and democrat decision-making- not- market forces beyond their control.

So, that’s not a stat to gloss over.

Even higher percentages of Latino (52%) and Black (46%) Americans said they’re worried most or all of the time about making ends meet, according to the poll.

So, we have fully-half- of black and Latino families saying they are constantly worried about making their bills...in the Biden/Harris era.

These are many of the same people who saw- perhaps for the first time in their lives- bigger paychecks, better job prospects, and more room in their budgets under trump.

How can those people continue to vote democrat? 

Trump and republicans boosted your fortunes. Biden and the democrats crushed your grapes.

Why would you still consider voting democrat?

The story quotes one of Biden’s own govt workers. An Ohio woman who works for the CDC. Quote:

 “The grocery store is just outrageous right now. But it’s not just that. Everything has gone up. Clothing. My insurance,” said Angela Russell, an Ohio resident who works as a program analyst at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Russell, who has two adult children and three grandkids, said she recently moved out of her rental home in Cincinnati in favor of one in a rural area where the rent is cheaper.

I give CNN credit for being honest, here. The Biden/Harris economic policies are still doing daily damage to this country, and to most American’s financial situations.

And this is without all the new taxes that the Biden campaign was promising if Joe Biden got a second term. Given that it’s the exact same campaign-and Kamala Harris just adopted it- i assume that she and this leftist machine they have built will continue to call for even more taxation on the American people

I assume-for example-Kamala Harris is also in favor of letting the Trump/Ryan tax cuts expire next year- which is a move that would send the average American’s tax bill rising by about two thousand dollars. 

And that’s only one additional form of taxation that the Biden/Harris regime is planning.

A piece in the Wall St Journal details the Biden regime’s plan to attack our retirement income if the dems get another term.

Until now-I had not heard about this idea, specifically. It’s mercenary and cruel, really.

But hey, that’s today’s democrats.

This is a shockingly bad proposal that republicans need to block and kill off-and they can’t if the democrats win full control of congress.

If you want to save your retirement. Stop. Voting. Democrat.

Then there’s this-which is also something that only republican lawmakers will stop.

I had also not heard about this until now- which means there’s a good chance that most of you haven’t either:

How the sec-the securities and exchange commission-under Obama, Trump, and Biden have been working-on their own- in secret- to create a massive, massive database that will track every single stock and equity trade that every single American makes. In real time.

William Barr-one of the most trusted, venerable, ‘straight shooters in Washington DC-the man who was taken seriously by all until he agreed to be Donald Trump’s attorney general –

Is blowing the whistle on this-and he’s right. This is a very aggressive, big brother style move from an agency of unelected bureaucrats-done in secret-and it amounts to a massive invasion of privacy- and-

And- a major national security threat-all in one.

This is genuinely alarming-and I’d call on any and all WI congressmen or congressional staffers who might be listening to look into this immediately-and urge speaker Johnson and congressional republicans to hatch a plan to stop it.

Anyone associated with the Trump campaign: he should vow to kill off this program on day one of his presidency.

I guarantee you that Liz Warren will be discovered to be behind a lot of this. That wretched hag has spent a decade or more trying to come up with ways to skirt congress and skirt the constitution in the name of a full govt takeover of our financial sector.

This has Liz warren’s fingerprints all over it. Don’t be surprised if the creation of this database and the secret effort to do so- is traced back to that socialist witch. Just watch.

But this is insane-and the constitutional violations are numerous.

Yes, it is. And no matter how sinister and secretive you think today’s unelected bureaucrats and deep state leftists are who control our federal government- it still isn’t enough.

This is alarming and insane. And the sec needs to be stopped. 

It won’t stop-unless people stop. voting. Democrat.

story credit: CNN

photo credit: Getty Images

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