A vote for the Border Czar is a vote for open borders

Jay Weber Show transcript 7-24-24 6:10am

Hey- one group that is excited about a Kamala Harris presidency is the illegal aliens: those who are already here-and those who still want to flood in.

Most voters know that VP Kammy was intentionally given the ‘task’ of solving our illegal immigration crisis by Joe Biden’s white house team-after she wouldn’t stop insisting that she needed to be ‘co-president’.

Remember this?

Almost immediately upon taking office- kamala and her group acted as if they knew Biden wasn’t going to be president long -and demanded a co-presidency.

And boy-do we have a new window into why Harris and those around her didn’t think Joe Biden would be president for a full term-much less two-don’t we?

 Honestly-when you look back at the things we have been talking about thru-out the course of the Biden era- so much of it makes –‘even more sense’ now- because we now know that insiders could see-and were concealing the dementia-right away.

So, of course once Biden took office, Kamala Harris assumed that she’d be taking over things before too long.

Consider how her urgent requests to be a co-president and be involved in all the oval office meetings looks now- four years later.

This is a woman who- Axios just told us- knew she was in way over her head on everything-and even had staffers create a mock dinner party so she could practice ‘dinner etiquette’ before a yearly DC event.

Imagine what ‘I’m in over my head’ kamala had to think when she fully says Biden’s diminished mental state behind the scenes- following the campaign.

Remember-he was in his basement most of the time and she hadn’t had a lot of direct contact with him. And no, his mind wasn’t ‘as gone’ as it is now, but all of the signs were there – and we all saw it on zoom calls and campaign events.

She had to be shocked when she fully realized ‘this man isn’t going to be president for long’...and ‘cannot be’ president for long.

And so, of course she and her team were pushing for a co-presidency: my God, it turns out that we could be needed to take the reigns-tomorrow!

Meanwhile, kamala has no real leadership experience and doesn’t even know which is the salad fork at a state dinner.

 we got to get her acclimated.

In retrospect, that had to be why she was being so pushy. But if you remember- Joe and Jill Biden were so PO’d at the pushing, pushing, pushing-that even after they agreed that every bit of communication had to refer to the ‘Biden Harris’ administration and she still wouldn’t back off-

Joe Biden’s team -in a nasty move meant to put kamala in her place-back in that Veeps slot- put her in charge of the border crisis.


That was an invitation to commit political suicide-given that Biden’s team and the democrats-really want- open borders...and from day one.... Harris knew what the real goal was: normalize open borders. Normalize the idea that never-ending caravans of unvetted foreigners coming into this country was okay...

And so-it was a ‘loser’s errand’ from day one. Famously, Kamala Harris refused to accept the job...and instead said...I’ll go down to central America and investigate ‘root causes’...as if they were going to solve our illegal immigration crisis from there.

And most of you will remember that b-s, too: how the answer to stopping the caravans wasn’t closing the border or building the wall-but it was to fix all of the problems of every troubled central and south American country, instead.

What an idiotic notion.

But that’s what they tried to sell to us.

And so-four years later-the border is as bad as ever. The depredation and coordination with the drug cartels and their operations is worse than ever. The never-ending flood of illegals is nearly as ‘bad as ever’.

And here we are: if Donald Trump inherits this problem, the borders are closed almost immediately, and the needed border wall is completed. Flat out. It will happen. Trump can make it happen via executive order and on his own.

So-even though there are few ‘guarantees’ when politicians running for office flap their lips-

If Trump wins-this border crisis ends- guaranteed.

But if President Kammy inherits it – it only ‘continues as is’ or ‘gets worse’. Again. Guaranteed.

Because- in her 2020 presidential bid-Harris let us all know what she’s ‘about’, and her views on borders and illegals are as radically left and anti-American as you’d think they are.

Folks-during Joe Biden’s time in office- at least 8 million illegals have been knowingly welcomed into the country by the Biden Harris regime. Another two million crossed over as ‘gotaways’ and simply disappeared into the interior.

Under Biden Harris- their own homeland security department admits that we are seeing illegals cross from 180 different countries...when there are only 190 countries on the entire planet!

Which means Biden’s open borders are truly a global draw now...

And... Biden Harris’ own figures- show that nearly 400 known or suspected terrorists have been caught crossing over the border under them. 380 is the current number. Only God knows how many got in.It genuinely is surprising to me that we haven’t seen another terror attack on domestic soil- under joe Biden and his open borders. You know it’s coming.

We can only hope that it won’t be too catastrophic.

Also crossing over the border-on-border czar Kamala Harris’ watch: more than 30 tons of fentanyl.

And-it’s clear the democrats don’t really care about children-as they pretend to- but another gut-wrenching statistic from Biden’s own data bases- at least 85-thousand children have ended up in the hands of sex traffickers and human slavers.

It’s infuriating that- in this age- 2024- American democrats are still showing zero sympathy -and zero anger- over slavery. 

And it’s not like the Biden/Harris regime don’t know it’s going on. It’s their own stats. The NY Times did a big expose on it probably a year ago now- without ever directly blaming Biden, of course.

But- instead of setting off a wave of national concern and moral righteousness-as it should have- America’s democrats and powerbrokers just went right back to ignoring it the next day.

And the ‘Kamala Harris’ policies that ‘break’ with the Joe Biden policies- are only meant to make it all worse.

One thing we-know- as Americans keep insisting that the open border is one of their top two issues-

One thing that we -know. Rock solid. Is that a Kamala Harris administration will not solve the border crisis. She will not make a single move to close and control our borders. The situation will only -ever- get worse- under her.

Especially if she starts broadcasting to the world that she wants to give free health care and some level of other free benefits to every illegal crosser.

Good listener-regardless of what side of the aisle you are on-or how you categorize yourself, politically-

If this crisis of illegals and open borders is infuriating to you and is one of your major campaign issues- you know which candidate is going to stop it and restore order-

And which candidate is going to make it worse.

Flat out.

This is one of those ‘no need to guess’, no-brainer types of contrasts between the two candidates.

We-know-Donald Trump will close and control the border- for at least four years-

And if we can give him large enough majorities in congress-there’s a very good chance that his fixes are made permanent- and harder to unravel by the next leftist president.

The one campaign promise that i don’t believe president trump will keep-or can keep-if he’s elected is: a mass deportation.

I hope he can-and will.

But i doubt it happens-because it’d be such a massive undertaking and because most soft-hearted Americans think it’d be ‘too mean’.

But can we at least get back to deporting the illegal criminals and those who are blights on society?

Can we at least- get back to doing that?

Because the Biden/Harris ICE agents haven’t even been able to do that.

If our open borders are one of your big issues- you cannot vote for Kamala Harris.

photo credit: Getty Images

audio version of the segment here > A vote for the Border Czar is a vote for open borders

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