Disgraceful admissions ‘just keep coming’ from the Secret Service.

Jay Weber Show transcript 7-19-24 8:10am

The disgraceful admissions ‘just keep coming’ from the secret service.

The latest admission is Trump’s assassin had stashed the rifle during an earlier visit to the park. That much is now clear, but they don’t know ‘when’ or ‘where’.

This is another instance in which you say: but doesn’t the secret service agent walk around with ‘explosive sniffing’ dogs and do a thorough check in the buildings and areas surrounding an event site like this?

Didn’t Biden’s ‘DEI hire’ of a secret service chief have money for this, either?

Was it all spent on sponsoring drag shows for school children?

Did it all go into the redesign of bullet proof vests for the more ‘ample’ and ‘chesty’ secret service agent of ‘the future’?

Tampons for transgender agents?

So as one source put it on Fox: agents went from seeing this nut job walking around with a range finder...to holding a rifle on the roof.... and... we still have no answers.

We also learned that- range finders-are not banned from rally events...but might be now.

And I can hear you saying, ‘how stupid is that’?

I assume it’s because range finders-can also be-binoculars...and so, innocent attendees could just be bringing them to get a better view-

Still- considering last Saturday’s events- they should review that list-

And say they will.

We also learned that there were four sniper teams stationed around the rally-and after the shooting started- two of the four returned fire.

At least one of the shots was a kill-shot to the assassin’s head-

And from the time of the first shot that clipped trump’s ear to the time the first sniper shot rendered him ‘neutralized’ 26 seconds went by...according to the secret service time line.

Well- some of you might hear that and think-that’s actually a pretty good reaction time...given that they had to locate the shooter and react with return-fire.

I don’t.

First- they seemed to know there was a guy on a roof with a gun- before the shots were ever fired...so...they didn’t need to look around for him.

Second- the gunman got off somewhere between six and nine shots- 

And third- I’d ask you to just sit for a moment and watch 26 seconds tick by. You will notice that it becomes a ‘long time’ if someone was shooting at you -or shooting at a president.

The other update to this story is that house speaker Mike Johnson and other republican lawmakers are wondering why this awful secret service director, Kimberly Cheatle, would show her face around the RNC convention just days later-and when she and her team refuse to give them any straight answers on why there were so many failures here.

This is a question that all sorts of listeners had yesterday, as well:  if she’s been stonewalling lawmakers and reporters for five days- why was she walking around on the convention floor on Wednesday night...as if nothing was amiss?

You’ve seen that a few senators, including John Barasso and Marsha Blackburn were hounding her for answers...

On Fox yesterday, Mike Johnson said, this is clearly a woman who doesn’t make good decisions and he -again-called on Chelate to either step down or be fired.

In response to another question- Speaker Johnson said that he’s hoping this was ‘incompetence’ that was displayed on Saturday, rather than intentional malice-by the Biden-led secret service.

He knows the conspiracy theories have been swirling-which is why-he says-we need answers...

But he said...I’m going to assume this was incompetence …not nefarious.

It reminds me that a smart listener emailed me yesterday to say-    

The leftist creedo is ‘government can do it better’...and we all know that’s not true.

But when it comes to the secret service-they’ve always been ‘really solid’ …until more recently.

The insiders and experts are admitting that -like all law enforcement agencies-the secret service is having a harder time finding quality recruitments-and so-they have lowered the standards-

Especially on the fitness goals. I think we all saw ‘Melissa McCarthy’s sister’ there, on Saturday, with the gun that she couldn’t get back in her holster and the nervous jumping around she was doing. She didn’t look like she could pass any fitness test that I’ve ever taken.

Other than not having a mustard stain on her shirt- she looked like Chris Farley doing a ‘bit’.

So-recruitment has been a challenge. But DEI also has. And of course, there are women who are tough and athletic and can make good agents-but- they should have to prove it like the men and be elevated on merit.

Instead, Kim Cheatle came in with the latest DEI excuses, and changes, and actual ‘fitness’ and ‘competence’ for the job-flew out the window.

You might have heard that ‘this secret service’ already has several investigations going into other agents who have failed or freaked out on the job.

Apparently, one of them freaked out in Kamala Harris’ detail not long ago.

And I know. I know. It would be hard to listen to that cackle every day...

I get it.

But- that was also a female agent, I believe. 

I haven’t seen any detail on ‘how’ or ‘why’ the agent had a meltdown, but apparently, she did, while on the job, and dealing with it delayed one of Kammy’s appearances.

God forbid.

The people in that audience didn’t get to hear that they could be unburdened of the burdens of what has been...instead of the ‘might have been’.... Or whatever stupid thing Harris says.

Listening to that fraud talk in circles every day would be enough to drive anyone mad. 

You got to like the fake black affectation...mixed with the stupidity.

Folks-that woman-is not going to resurrect the democrat’s fortunes over the next 90 days-even if they do shove joe off the ticket.

It won’t be due to a lack of trying. The party’s best strategists, operatives, and stylists will do their level best to recraft and re-introduce a ‘New Kamala’...

But the first time she opens her mouth and pulls out that sort of crap? She’s done, too.

Okay. Okay y’all...

Y’all know who i am. I am currently ‘vice’ president....and ‘vice’ means ‘almost’...and so...I’m almost the president...



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audio version of the segment here > More disgraceful admissions ‘just keep coming’ from the Secret Service.

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