Biden's rural high speed internet initiative is a bust

Jay Weber Show transcript 6-26-24 6:10am

Last week- we learned that the Joe Biden/democrat plan to bring ‘fast internet’ to the poor and rural parts of America has been a big bust.

I know Vicki talked about this. I don’t know if other hosts did. My ‘sense was’ that this news didn’t get a lot of ‘play’....

But I want to back up and talk about it because Elon Musk furthered the issue by stating something-on his massive x platform- that I’ve been thinking for some time: that any major govt effort to get -hardwired- high speed internet out to the hinterlands is an ‘ill conceived’ effort, even if it is a noble goal.

It seems clear, already, that private sector technology is going to ‘leap beyond’ any need for ‘hardwired’ anything, in our homes, when it comes to the internet and Wi-Fi access.

As it is. Already. You can buy a service from star link that gives you a little dish you can take virtually anywhere on the planet-and bring reliable Wi-Fi___33 with you.

This is the satellite system that Elon musk has been firing into space on a regular basis and will eventually cover the globe.

And no, satellite internet isn’t as fast or reliable as hardwired internet yet, no.

Not. Yet.

But what’s coming?

It seems clear to me, already, that in a very short span here-of less than ten years- there are going to be so many fast-remote- options for internet-and there’s going to be so much competition for your business that it’s going to be cheap-

That any govt effort wasting billions of taxpayer dollars in an attempt to run millions of miles of cables in order to get broadband into the most rural locations-is a fool’s errand and a grand waste of taxpayer money.

The basic story last week was that: tens of billions of dollars later- Joe Biden’s 43-billion-dollar rural broadband initiative is a bust. Because the money still hasn’t been doled out-in three years.

Folks-if we wait another three years on this-we could have congress ‘claw back’ the money because there won’t be a need for ‘hardwired’ broadband to be run out to remote areas. Other, easier options are coming.

You have phone companies selling hotspot internet service- 5g- for 50 bucks a month now. It’s not as great as broadband-yet. But it’s a technology that is fast developing.

Elon musk has star link and people who use it-say it’s a wonder. An absolute wonder. They can watch movies and connect to the outside world from even the most remote campsites in America.

It’s coming.

Hell, it’s already here-and the price will soon be dropping.   We will not need hard-wired broadband into the rural hinterlands soon-and we certainly don’t need a govt project that’s moving at a glacial pace-so by the time the cable has been laid- it’ll be an outdated ‘delivery vehicle’ for broadband that no one wants.

Folks, as only government can do-my friends-

The 43 billion in taxpayer money has been spent and there still isn’t a single American that has been connected to broadband internet by Biden.

I’ll say that again: three years after 43-billion dollars was committed to this project-there still is not a single American household-or business-that has been connected to high speed internet thanks to Biden’s massively expensive program.

What. A farce.

What an infuriating farce.

It’s the massive red tape and the idiotic ‘woke’ requirements that the Biden regime put on the money that is keeping it from being handed out-and is keeping the project from progressing.


Republican lawmakers should -absolutely-try to claw back this money in the next budget session. 

But i love how it’s ludicrous ‘workerism’s’ that the Biden regime wove into the contractor requirements that is destroying this program.

If you can’t have unionized Laotian lesbians running the cable...we can’t give the work to your company.

Who’ll be doing the work? Indigenous transexuals and two-spirits?

No, i employ about twenty guys. Some are black. I assume ‘Mendoza’’s Hispanic...but...

Nope. Denied. Your company isn’t woken enough.


My friends-by 2030-I guarantee you-  that there will be far superior technologies that won’t require any hardwiring, at all, to bring you high speed internet into your homes.

I don’t mean any disrespect to spectrum ...but...trenching up your front yard to get a cable into your basement to set up your Wi-Fi service- probably won’t be a ‘thing’ by 2030. 

Folks-Biden’s own FCC commissioner-Brandon Carr-admits that the woke mandates are ridiculous. He told congress-quote:

This is the epitome of big, socialistic government and even more of it is coming our way if we, the people, allow it.

There has been an incredible effort in the blue cities and states in this country, over the last ten to 15 years, to put leftist and unionist requirements around any govt project they approve.

This is today’s leftists using the force of govt to pick winners and losers-as they see fit. And it’s obnoxious and unamerican.

And now the Biden regime has just put that effort ‘on steroids’ in our federal government projects, too.

And it comes on top of all the other regulatory and environmental measures that our various levels of lefty govts have layered on top of any public or private project moving forward.

It's why you can’t get a taco stand built in Milwaukee or Chicago or any big city in under five years, anymore.

Forget planning for college: if your teenaged kids might want to own a business in 15 years- start working on the paperwork today-if you live in a blue city.

But-as for broadband and this idiotic waste of taxpayer money-

I was happy to see Elon Musk validate that ‘technology’ has already passed this program ‘by’.

If Trump was doing it- it had to be a bad thing. Biden’s regime came in and canceled it.

But I’d point out that trump’s commitment was far smaller than Biden’s- and was a more responsible and reasonable ‘test case’ for the overall project.

Let’s give musk and star link about a billion dollars and see what they can do with it- to get high speed internet into the rural communities.

No, no. Biden cancels that and wants to spend 43 billion on something we know musk can do for far less- with more cutting-edge technology...

And oh...

By the way.... Biden only says you can do it if you hire unionized handicapped Somoans to run the cable.

This is the epitome of big, idiotic, myopic, socialistic government.

The story goes on to suggest that Biden’s team canceled the funding to star link simply because musk is a ‘dirty villain’ to the American left now, just like trump is.... because he refuses to cave into the leftist bullying.

And i have no doubt that that was the case.

Today’s leftists are incredibly vindictive and petty. They are bullies who ‘got to bully’.

Joe Biden’s own FCC chairman says- Musk was on track to install the infrastructure for high-speed internet at a much faster pace and at a much lower cost.

Space-x said it could hook up rural homes at the cost of about 12-hundred dollars per location-and if you think that’s a lot-in North Carolina- a state effort to run cable to the rural areas is estimating it will take five-thousand dollars-per home.

Quadruple what Space-X could do it for.

And folks-none of this federal funding is intended to pay for the router or equipment- or monthly service-once the cables have been run out to the mountains and hills and hollers...

It's five grand-per house- paid for by you and me-just to make the option ‘available’ for the rural residents.

This is a half-baked, expensive idea- and a waste of 43-billion u-s tax dollars.

photo credit: Getty Images

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