Dark Brandon's racial pandering turned ugly

Jay Weber Show transcript 5-31-24

So... this conviction against Donald Trump comes as precisely the ‘right time’ if you listen to democrat strategists: Biden’s campaign has been floundering in a dead sea...going nowhere...slowly trending downward...

And nothing they’ve been doing has been working to change the poll numbers. So, they must be desperate today to see some sort of movement because of the Trump conviction.

On Wednesday, racist ole’ joe was back in Pennsylvania. Again.

This time with Kammy. Because it was time to do a ‘hard pander’ to black voters. 

They were there to announce a nationwide effort to reclaim the black vote-according to the Biden campaign- and as you’d expect- President Biden gave a dark, racist speech similar to the ones he gave to the NAACP and Morehouse College just two weeks ago.

Every part of it was a lie. Every part of it was an evil mischaracterization of Donald Trump and conservative America. And, in fact, some of it was so over-the-top that it cannot have possibly worked on the members of this largely black crowd he was speaking to.

It was a smallish crowd-first of all

The irony of that claim should be lost on no one-in this audience: it is Biden and the democrats who -every four years- are pandering and peddling lies and stereotypes to get the black vote. And they have proven -over decades-that they are doing it for themselves-and not African Americans.

And so-Biden started with that lie- and included these.

I don’t know how that landed with the audience-but it’s a litany of nastiness that is so ugly that i cannot believe that it hits most people- black, white, or other....as true. As a ‘reasonable characterization’ of what Donald Trump’s record is- on minority voters.

For heaven’s sake: the trump economy was the greatest economy for black Americans-in sixty years-

The greatest economy since most of our economic indicators have been measured: black wages, benefits, savings, financial security, all improved dramatically.

And as for the BLM riots- which occurred largely in black and brown communities and-happened to-largely black and brown owned businesses-

Donald trump was offering federal help to bring them to an end, as democrat mayors and governors intentionally stood back and famously gave the rioters ‘room to riot’.

Biden’s going to claim trump mishandled, or wanted to tear gas, peaceful protestors?

Go back and review the tape, folks. This was rampant lawlessness, destruction, assaults, even murders....in the name of ‘social justice’...and democrats did nothing to stop it. Some democrats-like Tony Evers-only seemed to encourage it.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris really want to take us back to the halcyon days of the BLM riots? Is that what Joe was suggesting, on Wednesday?

I don’t know about you-but when Biden and his team start talking about how ‘racist’ everyone else in America is- they are the ones who are sounding the most racist. I hope this rhetoric is hitting the voter’s ears the way it’s hitting yours and mine.

CBS’s Ed O’Keefe was covering the Biden/Harris ‘hard pander’ to the black community in Pennsylvania on Wednesday-and explained how this new attention to black voters is the cynical calculation that you think it is...

The good news here-is that the Biden regime is still so lost-that they think this is a matter of black voters ‘not hearing about’ the many achievements Biden has made for them. 

So, this is a matter of running around the country telling black voters they’re too dumb to have seen all the good Joe Biden has done for them.

Biden’s camp said this was just the start of a more ‘aggressive’ campaign to shore up minority voters and detail what a threat Donald Trump is to democracy.

The problem is-in order to do it- Biden and the dems need to pretend as if -trump- is engaging in the same threats to democracy that they are.

For example: only one party is working to put its opponent in prison before election day.

Only one party has orchestrated three ugly attempts to rig the last three presidential elections and thwart the constitution and the will of the voters.

Hillary and barrack orchestrated the deep state Russia collusion smear. Biden and the dems in 2020 orchestrated the very illegitimate ‘covid election’ in which all the rules protecting the vote were tossed out the window.

And here we are in 2024-with Biden and the dems orchestrating a disqualification of Donald Trump thru relentless lawfare.

The democrat party is the party standing up for democracy. Come on. No one’s that stupid. Are they?

And are America’s Black voters seeing thru this crap-yet?


On Wednesday, Biden’s team literally surrounded him with every black person they could find in Pennsylvania. Any black leader-of any status- was summoned to the event to stand behind joe...and simply be a ‘black face’ that he could use.

Maryland governor Wes Moore was there, for some reason. It isn’t even his state.

Several members of the congressional black caucus were summoned. Any black lawmaker in the state-down to head dog catcher- was summoned. Joe had to surround himself with black people- and use them-and pretend to care about them for four months.

Speech in Black churches and faked impromptu stops at black barber shops will be next. I guarantee you.

And those won’t look racist, at all. Biden and his team of white elites....and their idea of where to find Black people...isn’t racist at all, no.

Even liberal news people in Pennsylvania- pointed out that-for all of the Biden team’s efforts- only about a thousand people attended.

That’s the biggest crowd that the Pennsylvania democrats and the DNC could ‘manage to scrounge up’ before Biden’s appearance.

That’s pathetic.

Newt Gingrich made a great point about Biden’s ugly speech, afterward.  He said...if you’re a democrat and you must go at your base ‘this hard’, your campaign really is on the edge of collapse.

NEWT GINGRICH, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: I think it has a big impact because I think it's making all of us Donald Trump. I think virtually every American looks at this use of government power and realizes that, you know, Donald Trump could get out of the way by just withdrawing. But that in fact he cares enough about the country that he's taken this extraordinary beating had the whole game rigged against him risk going to jail because he actually cares.

And then they watch this doofus who is totally dishonest, clearly cognitively having problems, and I think in a pathetic way, clinging to the presidency in a way which I find pretty frightening for the country because he is commander-in-chief and it's clear that this guy couldn't possibly command.

But beyond that, if you have Kamala Harris as your vice president, and you've done everything you can to bring the Black community with you and now you find yourself having to campaign in the Black community, this is the second week they've done this, because the truth is when Donald Trump went to the south Bronx the other day, he was attracting the kind of coalition that is going to overwhelm Biden and I think potentially overwhelm the Democrats.

And all you got to do is go back and look at video of Ronald Reagan in 1980 and then look at Trump in south Bronx and you realize, we are in a different world and we have a national leader and these pathetic pygmies are doing all they can to try to put him in jail because they can't deal with him in an honest election.

HANNITY: Did you see how minuscule this crowd was in Philly today? It's like nobody wants to show up.

GINGRICH: Well, look, you think the average American is stupid. I mean, you look at this doddering guy who clearly is only half the time in charge of what he's doing. You look at his vice president who maybe cognitively fine, but she's just goofy and you say to yourself, what is it I'm supposed to get excited by. And then you look at Biden inflation which is every American experiences every day, every time you go to the grocery store, every American.

So I don't care how many ads the Biden team runs. They have -- they have trying to convince the rest of us that the things aren't as bad as we know they are because we're feeling in our pocketbooks. When you have to -- if you're a Democrat and you have to go to your base this hard, you are really on the edge of collapse. If you were a comparable deal, would be if a Republican had to try to shore up West Virginia.

And I think what you're going to see in the next few months is a -- and it really worries me, frankly, that you're going to see a desperation when they come to realize nothing they're doing is going to work, and they're confronted with the likelihood that Trump's not just going to win, he's going to win big, he's going to take in the Senate and the House. And I think all of us ought to keep Donald Trump in our prayers because I think these people are desperate and I think they're dangerous.

And -yesterday’s infuriatingly unfair conviction of Donald Trump ‘colors this’, of course: we don’t know quite how that’s going to play out and what the net effect on the election is going to be-

But Gingrich also suggested that this trial and its verdict are going to have all sorts of Americans ‘thinking a little bit deeper’ about Donald Trump and why he’s putting up with all of this.

These democrats are signaling-at every turn-and in every way-they are desperate to cling to power any way they can- and even as they know- they know-the American people are rejecting them.

It’s a pretty good point-

And I’m looking at Biden and his team resorting to some of the most nasty, cringeworthy race pandering that I’ve ever seen before- and it tells me newt is right.

In their panic- the leaders of today’s democrat party are proving how truly racist and nasty they are. They are exposing all their long-held views on race-and projecting them onto trump- because they think they can characterize Trump as the sort of racist that-they- are.

And that Biden is.

The man’s got a 50-year history of being racist in public. And now, in a scramble to hold together the democrat’s black voting coalition, he’s decided that only more racism can save it.

photo credit: Getty Images

story credit: Fox News

audio version of the segment> Dark Brandon's racial pandering turned ugly

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