Jay Weber Show transcript 5-29-24
I’m guessing that most audience members have at least ‘heard about’ the politico story from yesterday-
Top of their page all day: the democrats are in-quote full blown freak-out- over Biden.
I’m not going to go thru the piece-but I'll sum it up in a few sentences:
A pervasive sense of fear has settled in at the highest levels of the dem party over Biden’s prospects for a second term. For two reasons: first- that none of the best-laid-plans to disqualify Trump with lawfare and smear campaigns have worked-
And second: because joe Biden and his team have been so dreadful at running the country. Foreign or domestic. In every way. With every decision. Terrible.
And on top of everything else- some of these strategists marvel over -how bad-Biden and his campaign team are at messaging and defining a campaign.
We saw a great example of this in yesterday’s stunt in front of the NY courthouse that had Robert De Niro doing a Biden campaign event in front of the cameras.
Folks- for nine months, Biden and his regime have been insisting that they are not orchestrating this relentless lawfare against Donald trump.
For months-joe Biden has insisted he’s ‘staying out of it’.
So, they decide to have an overtly political campaign event-in front of the courthouse where trump’s trial is taking place?
How dumb is this move?
And then-to do it in front of a crowd of Trump supporters that has gathered there every day of the trial-is doubly stupid.
It led to De Niro being booed and disrupted and called profanities-from the Trump supporters- and it so rattled De Niro that he could barely make it thru his prepared comments.
And by the way: De Niro-in real life? - is a terrible speaker who is also 80 years old-and is about as compelling as Biden.
This stunt was clearly hatched because the Biden campaign team knows they’ve been getting their brains beaten out in the ‘free media’ game, because trump gets to hold court with reporters twice a day- as he walks in and out of the trial-
And because- about midway thru the trial- trump’s campaign had the genius idea to have famous trump surrogates show up midday and show their support for trump and speak to reporters.
This, too, was genius, because these reporters are a captive audience: they’ve got to be there all day-outside the courthouse- anyway. And so, why not give them something to write about? Or broadcast from the scene- because there are no cameras in the courtroom?
The move was genius-and has been getting all sorts of free media for Trump.
Biden’s team is jealous, I guess, and decided to try the stunt themselves-with the Biden/Harris campaign announcing an official campaign event down there-across from the courthouse- that featured special guests.
It turns out to be De Niro, who comes walking down the street with a disorganized entourage of about 30 people- for no reason-
And he proceeds to give patently over-the-top statements – while trying to be heard over Manhattan traffic and the insults of trump supporters.
It was a genuine debacle.
You probably know that De Niro has been a venomous Trump hater.
Most of his rants over the years have been too profane to be played on any sort of normal media stream or airwaves. He’s the vilest sort of GOP hater and Trump hater that you can find.
So-even as he toned down the language yesterday, he said such extreme and nutty things that no one would believe them.
Now-come on: does anyone really think That Trump is so evil and insane that America- ceases to exist-if he wins a second term?
"If he gets in, I can tell you right now, he will never leave," said De Niro. "I don't mean to scare you. No, no, wait — maybe I do mean to scare you," De Niro continued. "If Trump returns to the White House, you can kiss these freedoms goodbye that we all take for granted.
In that same vein, De Niro said: I guarantee you that if he gets into office again-Trump will never leave.
Who really believes that?
A sliver of extreme, indoctrinated morons on the left, sure, but- come on- who really believes that if Trump gets into the white house again, he will never leave?
If you think that’s the case-or even a possibility- you’re a dope. He will leave after a second term. He will not declare martial law, or that he’s dictator-for-life now. He will not bully the congress into changing the rules, so he gets a third term. Most likely, trump will be satisfied that he at least-got-his second term. A second term that he was certain was stolen from him in 2020.
But he’s not going to insist he’s a king now, or a fascist dictator. If you think that, you’ve allowed your trump derangement syndrome to become ‘full blown’.
And so- as Karl Rove said on Fox afterward-
KARL ROVE: Stupid mistake by the Biden campaign. They wanted to get in while all the cameras were there, they wanted to get their moment in the sun. It was a big mistake. It politicizes the trial. Better to have waited. And then what was said. With all respect to de Niro, a wonderful actor. Really? The people up for grabs in this election, "Donald Trump wants to destroy New York, destroy America and destroy the world? And if you reelect him he will never leave office and make himself a tyrant for life?" Are those the kind of credible statements that will cause people who don't like Biden and don't like Trump but are trying to figure out who to vote for, will they say, "Jeez, you told me he wanted to destroy our country, of course he did."
The people who believe that are already in the Biden camp. That's not who they should be trying to reach out to. He came close in a moment of talking about January 6th and talking about the two officers, but that might have had an impact but this was so over the top as to simply be useless. What a stupid mistake on the part of the Biden campaign.
More reason why Democratic leaders are probably going to be concerned that he is the nominee, likely nominee of their party.
Every part of this. Was stupid.
photo credit: Getty Images
story credit: Fox News
audio version of segment here > Unhinged De Niro rambles at Trump's bogus NY trial