Biden's campus riot remarks were pathetic

Jay Weber Show transcript 5-3-24 6:10am

The almost complete lack of leadership that this country has had over the last three years-really would- be a much bigger deal if we had an honest news media-

Instead of one that has become the propaganda wing of the democrat party and the activist left over the last two decades.

It is pathetic that it took nearly three weeks for the current President of the United States to address what has been going on our college campuses-directly-

And then when Joe Biden finally did, yesterday, it was a moment that lasted all of two-minutes-and forty seconds-before he turned and Roomba-ed off into the bowels of the white house, again.

I’m hoping people saw some of this-

Because it couldn’t have been more pathetic.

As Hugh Hewitt characterized it on ‘x’ yesterday: POTUS only dedicated 2-minutes and 40 seconds to addressing this rampant Jew hatred that we are seeing on our college campuses

Biden must have said ‘let me be clear’ seven times in two minutes, and yet very little that was coming out of his mouth had any real clarity to it, even though he was reading it off of a massive 60 inch teleprompter screen in front of him.

Here was one of the more coherent moments:

The president-did-stumble and mumble thru ‘all the right things’. All the right sentiments. When it came to denouncing hatred and discrimination and what constitutes both ‘legal protest’ and ‘illegal protest’.... but it was hardly convincing.

As Hewitt said- his speech writers are either tired, or they realize ‘it just isn’t worth it’ to write a more compelling, eloquent, convincing speech that might ‘transcend the moment’ and echo thru time-

Because Joe Biden, in his current state, is patently unable to deliver it.

Imagine the moment here, if you are a presidential speech writer: you have worked your entire career to get here. To get to the ‘big show’. You and your team spend hours and hours carefully crafting every word and sentiment for ‘big moments’ such as this.

You want to write that ‘we have nothing to fear’ moment...that will echo thru time.  You want that ‘ask not what you can do’... Phrase that becomes bigger than the moment and defines a president and an era-

And you’ve got joe Biden to work with.   

You’ve been told to use easy words and short sentences. You and the team just need to get thru every day without him saying something truly stupid like...’four more years...pause’...

Like he did just the other day. 

Good lord.

And so- instead of rise to the moment-as we see foreign agents infiltrating and occupying our college campuses to spread anti-western and anti-American hate....

You must give the president.... ‘No more than three minutes’ worth of comments...on these college protests.... three weeks late.

That’s got to stink.

Oh-and you also can’t even be forceful and categorical, because your rancid president and his putrid party are trying to ‘split the baby’ on tribal angers that have raged in the middle east for 3 to 5-thousand years....

We need that pro-terrorist vote in Michigan and Minnesota- and so- be sure to have joe denounce islamophobia too, even though it isn’t the issue-at all-here.

Even though it’s the pro-Hamas, pro-Palestine haters calling for the death of the Jews- be sure to pretend that islamophobia is part of this, too.

That is pathetic-

And just as President Biden seemed to be finally impressing the Jewish coalitions yesterday-

Just as he was finally, finally, coming out strongly against anti-Jewish hate.... he and his team had to wuss out and pretend that the people in this country who are attacking the Jews- are somehow the ones being ‘hated on’.

That darn islamophobia.

It proves that today’s democrat party-and this president and his administration are simply-incapable. Incapable. Of taking a tough stand against Jewish hatred and categorically denouncing it.

Just- trash and scold the anti-Semites then-stop. Come to a full stop.

Why must you pander to the people doing the hating, too?

Also- why hasn’t the Biden White House taken a firm stance on how universities should be dealing with these students and outside activists?  In his whopping 3-minute speech yesterday- president Biden didn’t provide direction to university leaders-at all-

Or insist that it is their duty to protect and defend ‘all students’ on campus...not just the ones that agree with the professors and hate America?

President Trump offered some direction in Waukesha on Wednesday-and it didn’t seem too hard to do.

There you go.

And trump’s been saying that for two weeks- as Biden and his inner circle sit in a bunker and worry their hands over how to handle this.

Biden’s remarks yesterday were his first since these pro-Hamas protests began nearly three weeks ago. 

How can that-possibly be? - when they have been spreading and growing and intensifying every day since? 

Any other president-in the history of the country- would be being blasted for such an obvious moral failure, and for such an obvious lack of leadership.

Biden’s a coward-

And he’s also a ‘shell’ of his former self. The guy barely seems to know where he is, half the time, and even though a young joe Biden was always on the left-wing edge of his fellow members of congress-

I really wonder whether a 50- or 60-year-old president Biden with all his faculties would be letting himself be used as the ‘face’ of the push toward socialism in America.

I’ve watched most of this man’s 50-year career, folks, and i really don’t think that a younger Joe Biden would be allowing his administration to be this radical and anti-America.

And don’t get me wrong: a 50-year-old Biden still would have made a bad president- that much was obvious at the time-

But-this guy’s sitting atop a regime whose mission from their first day in office has been to dismantle this country, it’s constitution, and its traditions.

It was interesting to hear newt Gingrich talk in these terms on Hannity’s show this week. This caught my attention because- even newt-on a national program -is now willing to say -categorically-this is intentional.

  Gingrich: Biden Deliberately Weakening America, Doing Everything To Destroy Traditional Culture

Newt nails it. And if there is any ‘good news’ or any positive spin that i can put on it- it’s this: that at least Biden’s regime has been -so radical-and -so destructive- that the bulk of the American people see it.

Quote often-over the last 40 or 50 years- the more radical elements of the left got their way by carefully moving the country-inch by inch- until they arrived at the place they wanted to be on an issue-

Whether it was something legalizing drugs, or opening our prisons and not prosecuting criminals-

Those were slower, more effort that they pushed-by inches- over time.

At least this Biden era has been -so outrageous, so destructive. So completely unamerican- that most Americans are infuriating by it-and want it to stop.

And at least-all of the genuinely insane, America-hating, socialist and communist loving activists have shown themselves on our campuses and in our deep state.

At least we know who they are, now.

And at least there is a strong sense that:

This man and his handlers-cannot- remain in control of this country for another four years. It must end.

story credit: Real Clear Politics/Twitter X

photo credit: Getty Images

Audio version of segment here: Biden's campus riot remarks were pathetic

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