The MKE chamber of commerce urges a NO vote on MPS spending referendum

Jay Weber Show Transcript 3-28-24

We talked to Milwaukee attorney Dan Adams yesterday, who is a well-known democrat- active in city politics-

Who launched a grassroots effort to stop yet another massive MPS referendum from going thru. The one on Tuesday’s ballot is 252-million dollars and would raise the average Milwaukee homeowner’s property taxes by 5 to 6 hundred dollars a year-

And those of you living in the city- I cannot imagine how that is-not- something that would motivate you to get out and vote.  How can any eligible voter in the city of Milwaukee simply sit home, or sit on the sidelines, as the powers that be in Milwaukee politics try to hike your property taxes by such a massive amount- and with no explanation or accountability.

If you ‘sit this one out’, you’re a fool.

I’ve talked about how I am bit was surprised to see people like the CEO of northwestern mutual-one of the city’s largest employers and downtown taxpayers- come out and advocate against it. Say ‘enough is enough’. This is a school district that will not ‘right size’. Will not spend money responsibly or do an honest review of their spending-much less form an honest plan to boost student success- so no more free money.

Ditto for the MMAC. The Milwaukee chamber of commerce.  I’m not sure if that organization would have gotten involved in this matter if it was still being run by Tim Sheehy.

I’m not bashing him -as the longtime leader of the MMAC who recently left- but it’s not unfair to say that for most of his tenure- he only ever seemed to be advocating for higher taxes and bigger spending projects to help build up the city. I never considered Tim Sheehy a rabid liberal, but i also never considered him a fiscal conservative or someone who thought that-sometimes-when it comes to more public spending- the answer needs to be ‘no’.

And so-

Fairly or not-I’m going to point to this as the first big instance of the new head of the MMCA-former state senator Dale Kooyenga making it known that he might do things differently.

The j/s had a story on this MPS referendum yesterday, in which Dale Kooyenga said:

MMAC and teachers union spend big in battle over MPS referendum

So, maybe the MMAC under Sheehy would have opposed this, too, if a survey of members was driving it-

But-the bigger news is that the MMAC is spending at least 400-thousand dollars in an effort to convince voters to vote no- and knock down this referendum.


The same j/s story details how the Milwaukee teachers union and MPS are spending hundreds of millions of dollars to convince voters to approve it-

But it’s good to see that some groups are at least pushing back on all that left wing spending this time.

Because this level of additional spending is nuts-in light of the terrible product MPS schools is churning out-and how the board and the administrators- as well as the teachers union-refuse to do any right-sizing or self-examination.

photo credit: Fox 6 News Milwaukee
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