Turns out Biden wanted to freeze and cut entitlements

Jay Weber Show transcript 3-12-24 6:10am

I have said it several times already-and i sense it’s going to be a common theme we keep coming back to between now and November: Joe Biden’s presidency has been so disastrous that only Donald trump can defeat Donald Trump now.

Donald trump’s worst enemy, at this point, is going to be his own lack of rhetorical discipline and his non-existent self-edit button.

We saw a good example of it yesterday, when, after spending years insisting that he would not touch social security and entitlements- he mentioned they’re a possibility-and even used the word ‘cuts’ on a CNBC interview.


Come on. Why is he tossing red meat to the democrats on a slow news Monday-and when Joe Biden has been on such a string of bad luck?

And-of course-the Biden regime and the lefties on cable news-pounced: trump talked about cuts to entitlements...Trump talked about cuts to entitlements....

Ugh. Good grief.

If you are a serious and honest person- every entitlement run by our federal government needs serious reforms: Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security. All of them.

And I said reforms. Not cuts.

But everyone knows that this has become the ultimate political smear and wedge issue for the democrats. They have spent decades now-insisting that any attempt to ‘be smarter’ about our entitlement programs and reform them-is instead an ‘attack on them’...

They know they can characterize any mention- just the mention-of entitlement reform- as an ‘attack on seniors’ and as republicans wanting to toss granny off of a cliff...

And it’s probably the biggest reason that Donald Trump has spent his entire time in the political spotlight insisting he’s not going to touch social security.

And so, why slip up now? Why make this flub-now?

Really dumb.

I listened to the audio, and it sounded to me like he was just generically answering a question and generically mentioned ‘things could be done’...but again...why toss democrats the red meat?

Biden’s team hammered on this.

his CNBC anchor Joe Kernan pressed former Trump on as to whether he has the same policies as President Joe Biden on spending, particularly when it comes to entitlements. And trump took issue with the framing the question and said he was open to “cutting” entitlement programs like social security. D’oh!

The Biden campaign, quickly shared just a chunk of the clip online...to make it misleading as possible...and then captioned it:   “not on my watch.”

A White House spokesman, “as the president just warned in his state of the union address, republican officials plan to cut Medicare and social security.  

The truth is that no one on the GOP side has said anything of the sort. There is zero plan to cut social security or Medicare-and the dems simply keep lying about it.

But trump has long vowed to protect entitlements, so why would he make this gaffe now?

Only -he-can blow this election victory for himself, now.

His campaign scrambled around and released this:

President Trump delivered on his promise to protect social security and Medicare in his first term, and President Trump will continue to strongly protect social security and Medicare in his second term. The only candidate who poses a threat to social security and Medicare is Joe Biden — whose mass invasion of countless millions of illegal aliens will, if they are allowed to stay, cause social security and Medicare to buckle and collapse.

That’s not a bad recovery-but it was a boneheaded slip up.

Then there’s this simple truth: just like illegal immigration, and gay marriage, and a host of other issues – Joe Biden actually has a history of advocating for cutting or freezing social security and other entitlements- over most of his 40 years in congress- and now wants to pretend he doesn’t.

A quick fact checks shows Biden -way back in the Reagan era- calling for cuts to social security and Medicare.

This fact was highlighted by Bernie Sander’s presidential campaign in 2020 when he was running against joe-

And Bernie had all sorts of receipts. In fact, here’s a clip of joe Biden in 1995- as a Delaware senator-advocating for freezing entitlements as he pretended to be in favor of reigning in the federal budget-instead of blowing it out-as he is now-as president.

That’s senator Joe Biden-entitlement cutter. Here's another clip from 2005

Biden used to be so proud of his calls to cut entitlements that he’d boast about it in later interviews. In 2007, on meet the press, he boasted to Tim Russert about how he was the type of guy who would take an unpopular, but disciplined stance.

But he won’t now. Now all he’ll do is pander to the far left. Folks-the truth is that Joe Biden has been in Washington for 50 years-and for at least 35 of them- he was advocating for cuts to social security and other entitlements.

Now he wants to smear republicans as ‘wanting’ to cut these programs?

Not a single GOP bill or plan exists that would do that. Biden’s just lying.

All Donald Trump needs to do is: show some discipline. Don’t contradict yourself. Don’t start changing the consistent positions you have-on anything- thinking it’ll make you look more moderate.

You are already the moderate in the race, by comparison.

And when it comes to the voters who will decide the election-the independents and swing voters- trump is leading on every single major issue-except abortion-

And guess what? Even on abortion- he and Biden are tied.

This is from a new Rasmussen poll

Trump leads Biden on the economy by 11 points.

On immigration by 23 points. On dealing with China-by 25 points. On dealing with inflation by 19 points. On foreign policy by 16 points.

As I said-every major issue. The environment and LGBTIQQ matters- are not- major issues for voters.

And please notice the margins. Trump isn’t leading by ‘a little’ on the most important issues of the election- he’s leading by huge margins.

All he needs to do is ‘close this deal’ between now and November but i worry about him doing it.


And then there’s this fun survey-as long as we are talking about polls.

It’s fun because it proves that ‘to be a democrat is to be a hypocrite’.

And it’s fun because it proves that most democrats-are not-genuinely ‘worked up’ about January sixth. Not when they are saying they’d be willing to pull the same sort of thing to keep trump out of office if he wins in fall.

Check out this poll result from Rasmussen:

Most Democrats Don’t Want Congress to Certify Election if Trump Wins

Six in ten democrats saying they support the exact same move that Donald trump and his team were engaged in-to delay the finalizing of the 2020 results.

Talk about hypocrites.

And yet-the exact same number of them say that republicans shouldn’t have tried to block the certification of Biden’s’ win in 2020.

That is the -actual definition-of hypocrite, my friends.

Republicans shouldn’t have tried to block Biden from office-buy we should use the same move to try to block trump from office if he wins in fall.


It proves how rancid today’s democrat voters are, and it suggests they are ready to take radical measures to subvert the will of the American people if Donald Trump wins again.

And I’m sure their excuse will be it’s for democracy.

We must block and ignore the democratic process...to protect democracy...they’ll all be arguing.

photo credit: Getty Images

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