Last Month Had Most Job Cuts Of Any February Since 2009

Jay Weber Show

Hey- in the very day that President Biden and his team were getting their ‘very best lies’ together for his state of the union speech...

A report came out that said February’s layoffs were the highest for any February since 2009 and the Obama-era ‘great recession’.

Gee. More evidence of Bidenomics ‘working’, I guess.

A total of 84,638 people were laid off from U.S.-based employers in February, the report says, up almost 9% from the cuts announced in the second month of 2023 and the highest February total since 2009.~~Forbes

The good news is- the numbers of these layoffs-do not match- the number of people applying for unemployment-

Which means that many of these people being laid off can turn around and find a new job relatively quickly...

But...that’s the sort of ‘good news’ that Jerome Powell and democrats don’t want to see.

Remember- they’re still trying to tamp down around 2 percent...and it’s still hanging somewhere around 3-and-a-half.

Jerome Powell gets giddy when masses of workers are laid the hopes that they won’t be able to buy anything and will help shrink ‘demand’ for goods and services.

If they turn around and find new jobs right away and can keep spending more normally- Powell’s plan to cripple the economy until inflation drops won’t work.

Meanwhile- Biden’s state of the union last night constituted a series of ‘rewarmed’ lies related to ‘Biden omics’.

With 20 percent of black voters and nearly 50 percent of Hispanic voters saying they support trump and his economic agenda over Biden’s- the Biden team is getting desperate to find a new way to lie to voters on the economy.

I was reminded of this, yesterday: remember how, in the first two-and-a-half years of his presidency, Biden and his team kept talking about quote ..growing the economy from the bottom up and the middle -out...

And how they found that -somehow- descriptive when the rest of us just found it confusing?

Well- are we there, yet?

I’d love to ask the president: are we there yet?

Is this a bottom up-middle out-sort of economy now, Mr. President?

Because, if so, the people at the bottom sure seem to be sore at you.

Overall price inflation: up 18 percent since he took office.

Grocery prices up 21 percent-officially-and we all know that’s a lie. Its’ far more than that.

Electric prices up 30 percent.

Gasoline prices up 40 percent-and climbing again now. 

The estimate is that -for so-called energy costs alone- the average American is spending 36-hundred dollars more than they were in the trump era.

That’s just gas for the car and electric to power and heat your home. 36-hundred bucks more per year...than in the trump era.

And it’s all Biden and the democrat’s doing-but there he was, again last night, blaming everyone else and -even though our national debt is increasing by one-trillion dollars every 100 days now-

There was Biden last night-calling for more spending –

But don’t worry about it. He’ll just tax the rich and the evil corporations more.    

It’s amazing, people, that no matter how much democrats hammer down on the rich with taxes-they never seem to be paying ‘their fair share’.

Isn’t this wild?

Somehow- ‘the rich’ and those evil corporations aren’t ever paying enough. They perpetually need to pay more. Because ever since FDR’s day- every democrat who’s ever been in electoral trouble leaps to blame the rich.

Biden did it again, last night.

These are phantom taxes that Biden knows won’t be imposed-but knows sound good to ignorant voters.

He knows he can put them into his 2025 budget blueprint because it isn’t a real budget and it won’t be passed by congress, anyway.

We talked the other day about how lawmakers at all levels routinely use the certainty that their idea won’t actually pass- in order to float it and look like they are doing something.

It’s easy to pander to even the most extreme special interests if you know that-no matter what you propose-it’s not passing.

Adam Schiff can promise the Kardashian a bill that makes cosmetic surgery free on all health care policies.... but it’s never going to pass.

A republican can promise Evangelicals a bill that builds crystal cathedrals with taxpayer money...but it’s never going to pass.

Here’s Biden ‘messaging’ tax hikes on the phantom rich and pretending it’s serious-because he knows they will never pass.

But consider that Biden-could be promising-that in his second term he will work with congress to make trump’s tax cuts on individuals -permanent- before they expire next year.

That would be doing something that’s genuine. That’s actually helpful to the 90 percent of Americans who got a tax cut thanks to the Trump/Ryan tax cuts- but will lose it if congress and the next president don’t agree to extend them or make them permanent.

Donald trump is already vowing to make them permanent. Joe Biden isn’t promoting the fact that he will -absolutely- let them expire-but he will.

This is a man who is spending six trillion dollars a year when our federal budget was less than three trillion a year in the bush era-and about 4.5 trillion in the Obama era.

Biden is spending six trillion-when the US Treasury is only taking in-four trillion-every year.

That’s an astounding figure that our country should be able to live on-but to have joe Biden continue his ‘blow out’ spending. He’s got to somehow collect trillions more in taxes.

So-do you think he’s going to hammer you with a new tax cut next year by letting the Trump/Ryan cuts expire?

Of course, he is.

So why would you vote for the man?

story credit: Forbes

photo credit: Getty Images

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