Don't worry, Harvard's 'DEI hire' keeps her 900K a year faculty job

Jay Weber Show transcript 1-3-23 7:10am

So-Urkle is ‘out’ at Harvard.

Claudine Gay ultimately- could be- pressured to resign. I’d say this is a wonderful conclusion to this story...except she’s being allowed to rejoin the faculty and continue to work and teach and pull a big paycheck out of Harvard...even now that she’s been exposed and disgraced as an academic fraud.

I don’t know how Harvard’s board can credibly keep her on the faculty staff, either, but it sounds like that’s the deal she got to resign in disgrace.

At the very end of the show yesterday, I talked about the six -new- accusations of plagiarism that had popped up against her on Monday-bringing the total number of ‘lifted quotes’ and ‘stolen material’ that have been found in her academic work to more than fifty.

More than fifty.

And folks, this is a woman who’s entire academic body of work entails only 12 published papers and a few other shorter works.  She has virtually-no-academic record-and what she does has- was stolen from others...

And yet, Harvard’s board members made her the president of the university six months ago-and raved and raved and raved about her hiring.

Claudine Gay had fewer overall credentials, less managerial experience, and far, far less academic track record than any other president in the history of Harvard-

And everyone knew it. She was hired due to her sex, her skin color and that’s it.

She was hired because she’s a Black Woman. And everyone knew it. 

Folks, Claudine Gay is the ultimate ‘DEI hire’, and look at how it turned out. They hired a woman who had been running a long-term scam. A never-ending grift- in which-she knew that if she tossed around the right code words and pretended to support the right ‘woke’ agendas, she’d rocket to the top of academia and into its highest-paying jobs.

It worked out brilliantly for her, too, until she was asked to testify in front of a congressional panel a few weeks ago.


And I can honestly say- this is the only congressional hearing that has been held over the last 30 years that has actually led to some sort of positive and dramatic change.


They are universally useless, regardless of the topic or what the lawmakers ‘pretend’ they are going to get out of it.

This hearing paid dividends.

And it did, because New York congresswoman Elise Stefanik asked the leaders of three major ivy league institutions why they were tolerating and promoting antisemitism and racial hatred on their campuses.

Her questioning of these ‘brilliant,’ ‘woke’ women was so effective that it exposed part of the rot atop our country’s most elite institutions and has now led to the removal of two of the three presidents who testified that day.

But as I predicted once the plagiarism stuff popped up: it would be the plagiarism that would ‘do in’ Claudine Gay-not her support of antisemitism and America-hating going on her campus.

I couldn’t fathom how Harvard’s board members, faculty, and alumni could look the other way on such blatant plagiarism. And oooh...they tried.

This Harvard board of governors voiced their full-throated support for Claudine Gay-not once-but twice.

They went out of their way to come up with euphemisms for stealing. They went out of their way to downplay over 40 instances of intellectual theft by claiming it was all a matter of some misplaced quotes or missing punctuation.

That was two weeks ago.

Two weeks later- as more and more of the truth came out on Claudine Gay and billions of dollars in donations from major donors dried up-

And as more and more of the faculty and student body turned against her.... that same board of governors was said to be ‘split’ on whether she should be fired after she had refused to resign.

Well- it sounds like some of those Harvard leaders either approached her again and said-either resign or you’re fired-

Or- maybe she just wanted to salvage what she could of her grift and her fraudulent reputation.... but midday yesterday.... Claudine Gay resigned.

But don’t think she took responsibility for her illicit behaviors...and don’t think she admitted to the decades long scam she’d been running.

No, no.

You know what happened, instead.

She’s an arrogant Black liberal. You know what happened, instead.

She played the race card.

Of course, she did.

Her resignation announcement touted all her wonderful accomplishments on behalf of Harvard and the student body.

As someone on twitter put it: she’s a race hustler right to the very end. You got to respect the grift.


And the truth is-this isn’t ‘the end’ for Claudine Gay. She’s going to be allowed to slip back into the Harvard faculty and continue to teach and pull a big salary out of there.

At least that’s the plan.

I’d hope that the big donors, upset faculty members and students wouldn’t allow that to stand, either. They should demand that she be excised from the institution, all-together.

I mean-how can Harvard keep a serial plagiarizer on the faculty?

What she did isn’t any less serious because she’s no longer running the institution. At least not in academic circles.

This would be like taking the sheriff’s badge away from a guy who committed a murder...but allowing him to remain a deputy.

The sheriff murdered he can’t be sheriff anymore. But it’s okay if he’s back in a squad car.


Does that sound reasonable to you?

We should ignore the law-for law enforcers.

Sound reasonable?

Then why are we ignoring serious-and serial-acts of plagiarism in academia? How is Claudine Gay any more fit to remain in academia-today-than she was yesterday?

She’s not. They should fire her from the faculty, too.

I mean, it’s not like she was just making porn on her off time-like the UW Lacrosse Chancellor.

I say that sarcastically, slimy Gow and his professor wife should both be fired from the faculty of that school, too.

And i know it’s a more difficult process to terminate tenured professors-but that’s no excuse for not doing it- or not even trying to do it. I think that’s.

The UW Regents and system president should start that process immediately: get those two perverts off campus and away from our young people...

But even their offenses were related to what they were doing in their off time. Gay relates directly to her job: how can Harvard keep a serial plagiarist on staff and as a full professor?

And therefore, I hope this story -still-isn’t over.

If we are really going to live in a ‘racially just’, colorblind, gender-blind society, as the woke left pretends they want America to be-

Well then, frauds like Gay need to be weeded out and punished just as anyone else would-for the same offense.

photo credit: Getty Images

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