Jay Weber Show transcript 10-2-23 8:30am
Here is -the biggest reason-that Michelle Obama has no interest in running for president.
And there are other reasons- such as: she still claims she hated Washington DC and being so restricted as first lady. She liked nothing about living in the White House aside from the servants who were at her beck and call...and the fact that everyone stood when she came into a room...and the magazine covers and fame that came with it.
She loved the trappings of the job, but she hated the job and the restrictions that it put on her family and children.
Moreover-before Barrack got into politics-she had no interest in it-and still likely doesn’t.
But-the biggest reason Michelle Obama has no interest in running for president is that her life is so great now, post presidency.
The Obamas very quickly became engrained into the top tier.... true.... global elites...and they’ve been living that dream, ever since. They’ve got homes on both coasts-and one in Hawaii- I believe. They run with Oprah, and Richard Branson, and Steven Spielberg, and Bruce Springsteen- etc.
And they have -no work. Zero.
They can pick and choose the projects they want to do-or do nothing.
Last week-it was reported that Michelle Obama made a staggering 750-thousand dollars for one -one hour speech. I’m sure a staffer wrote it-she presented it. Boom. Nearly a million dollars.
They’ve got bogus ‘development deals’ with Netflix and other media outlets. They’ve got ‘passion projects’ they can talk about with Harry and Megan and tom hanks’ at cocktail parties.
Why in the heck? Would Michelle or Barrack-want to give up all of that to be president?
Moreover-Michelle has zero experience running anything, really, and being famous isn’t being competent. Heck-being famous isn’t even ‘being smart’.
She’s clearly an intelligent person but being famous qualifies a person for nothing. No job. Even her experiences as first lady were largely ceremonial, leaving her with nearly zero policy experience.
Could she just be a ‘figure head’ for the left-wing activists like Joe Biden is?
Sure. Absolutely. She could run and then everyone around her could do most of the work. But she’d still need to be ‘present’ and ‘pretending’...and need to be dragged into stuff 24/7. And give political speeches. And fundraise for herself and the party....etc.
It's a massive, all-consuming task, and if you aren’t genuinely interested in doing it, you can’t fake it.
I’ve been saying it ever since the Obama left office: trust me, Michelle has zero interest in this job.
Do you know where she was this weekend? Snorkeling with Tom hanks’ off of Steven Spielberg’s mega-yacht.
This is how Michelle spent Saturday...as part of a two-week European vacation that she’s on- without barrack.
Barry’s not even around to be a party pooper. Michelle’s living-large with Tom Hanks’ off the coast of Italy.
When you have no job and all of the money and time in the world-you work out-just to break up the day.
The rest of the day was working to-prove-how privileged and cool you are.
Therefore, every single theory that pops up about Michelle running for president every single election is so stupid.
She’s not running. Ever.
I say it every four years to knock down the rumors and the silly theories. I know that even Ted Cruz is insisting that-this time- Michelle’s going to parachute into the race late, when Joe Biden finally admits he can’t run again.
No. She’s not.
Because of this. This! Is the life that Michelle Obama wants to live. Not the one in dc.
This is also the reason that Oprah Winfrey won’t run for Diane Feinstein’s senate seat-which is also being rumored.
No. She won’t. Because she’s a super-rich woman who can call every shot- and have everything her way-right now.
Oprah has no interest in being ‘one of 100’ in the
US Senate. If she has any political ambitions, it’d be for president, and I don’t see her having those, either. These are all the invented musings of numbskulls and people bored with traditional politics.
These women aren’t running. Ever.
I leave a ten percent window open related to this rumor that Megan Markle wants to run for Feinstein’s seat. I could see her arrogantly believing she could win the job- I just don’t see her as a person who really-wants- the job. Any job.
Markle seems quite content pretending to be someone important-and as long as she and harry can make money for simply ‘being famous’, Markle’s going to avoid real work.
I was about to say ‘she’ll be happy’ , but she impresses me as a person who is -never-happy. She apparently decided-very early on in her life-that she deserved to be a pampered princess and she deserves to get her way-on everything- and so that’s how she lives. That’s what motivates her.
She’s too emotionally and mentally delicate for politics. Adam Schiff will be running in the same race...and he’ll smear her as a Tunisian spy and she’ll crumble.
Megan Markle is not running for the u-s senate. And if she does-it will be an indication that she and harry -really are- getting desperate. Wondering where the next million is coming from...
Because-according to the extensive coverage that’s been done on them- these two really thought they would be immediately installed as Hollywood elites. The king and queen of l-a.
And it really hasn’t worked out that way.
They’re b or c list stars at best-and that must simply infuriate Megan Markle.
She’s showing up at events expecting to be surrounded with the people Michelle Obama’s hanging out with-
She’s expecting to be surrounded by Tom and Rita hanks and Steven and Kate Spielberg...and instead...she’s walking into rooms and seeing...Kathy Griffin and David Spade.
That’s gotta sting.
But if she’s running for congress-then they are really desperate.
story credit: UK Daily Mail
photo credit: Fox News