Arrowhead School District says enough is enough

Jay Weber Show transcript 6-6-23

I’m happy to hear the news that Arrowhead School District officials are considering following a few other Waukesha County school districts-and passing new rules that keep politics, social bullying, and cheap virtue signaling out of the classrooms and out of the school environment.

This is a good move. Do it.

And yes, these rules are necessary because, at every turn now, the bullying left is trying to force their radical agendas and radical beliefs onto our children-and into every social institution, yes.

Anyone who would question whether these rules are necessary hasn’t been following along very closely.

According to the j/s:

Arrowhead considers banning signs promoting safe spaces and other things that could 'create division'

Gee-that sounds a lot more like equity and social justice than anything that the left has been shoveling at us, doesn’t it?

This policy sounds a lot more like it’s trying to embody and foster that vision of Martin Luther King and other civil rights leaders who want to see a color-blind and unified society- doesn’t it?

And other districts in Waukesha County have passed similar rules- including the Waukesha, KM, and Muskego Norway district...and it’s a good thing.

The kettle moraine district even went a little further and banned any game-playing with personal pronouns on staff emails and signatures.

But i like the move: clear rules in any institution-but especially in schools and classrooms when you are dealing with kids- are a good thing.

And often-when it comes to kids-they need to be ‘blanket rules’, too, so there can be no hedging around the edges or cutesy challenges to authority of the sort that kids like to engage in.

We’ve all seen it: if mom gets complaints from the back seat and issues a ‘no touching rule’...what inevitably comes next: the antagonize getting his finger as close to the kid he’s torturing...I’m not touching you...I’m not touching you...

Rules created for schools cannot have loopholes or exceptions-because the kids will find them-

And in this era? When we have a bunch of emboldened, yet ignorant, high school kids who think they want to ‘be all political’? Can you imagine the arguments over the exceptions?

You need to clamp down on it all-categorically.

No politics. No religion. No protest flags. No signage...etc.

Frankly, I’m surprised that most districts haven’t already done this. Because the left-is-forcing the culture wars any way they can.

If you are on social media, at all, you have seen all sorts of videos over the last few days-from schools- showing children of all ages participating in pride parades thru the school and pride events.... dressing in rainbow colors and celebrating things that they have no understanding of.... simply because it gets them out of the classroom and out of their daily lessons.

It’s sickening to me, as a former educator, that so many teachers and administrators in our schools not only go along with this stuff-but champion it.

Just teach the kids the core subjects and leave their ‘social development’ to their parents and others.  We aren’t paying you to make our children into social justice warriors. We are paying you to make sure they can read and spell and do math and know history: focus on that.

And with the most recent events and boycotts-you really do get a sense that something is different this time.

photo credit: Getty Images

story credit: j/s online

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