Here's why Biden is sending 1500 soldiers to the southern border

Jay Weber Show transcript 5-3-23 6:10am

So, a day after the worst press secretary in the history of the white house lies and says that illegal immigration is down 90 percent-

The Biden White House orders the pentagon to send 15 hundred ‘regular army’ down to the border because a very bad situation is about to get worse.


This sounds about right for the most incompetent and most destructive administration in America’s 250-year history, yeah.

And -this regime and its members lie to the American people and to their fawning accomplice media members so routinely that -it really does-take a whopper of a lie to shock and surprise reporters, anymore.

Biden, or Jean Pierre, or mayor Pete- have to be telling a massive whopper of a lie these days-even to be questioned or ‘called on’ it...

And it is in that atmosphere that the press room fell into stunned silence for a moment on Monday-when Jean Pierre trotted out this whopper.

That is, of course, demonstrably wrong. That is an obvious lie that is easily disproven with the Biden admin’s own ‘officially kept’ govt. border records.

Those records show that the open border that Biden’s regime has-intentionally-engineered is letting in about 240-thousand illegals a month, now. The numbers keep climbing...month to month...

But...the two-year average on border crossings for the Biden regime is about 190-thousand illegals that are being let into the country. Every. Month. Over the last 15 months.

And that figure does not include the ‘gotaways’ who were never caught or processed. That monthly figure is also-always expanding-and boosts the totals even higher.

Karina Jean Pierre is lying. She’s not even lying ‘effectively’. And there’s no way she should still have this job.

Every time she opens her mouth, she says something stupid and embarrasses the administration and makes America look weaker, internationally.  She never should have gotten the job-but based on performance-she should have been fired many months ago.

But hey-she’s black and lesbian. She checks boxes. And so- she’s still there, lying to the American people every day, when she’s not even a good liar.

This is ‘social equity’ in action.

Anyway- president Biden has ordered 15-hundred regular army members down to the southern border to handle the crush of illegals that are expected when the covid-era ‘title 42’ order expires.

This, too, is simply a ‘false flag’ move by the Biden team, my friends.

These military members aren’t going to be enforcing the border. They aren’t going to be rounding up or detaining illegal crossers. They aren’t going to be confronting the cartels and coyotes...or making America any safer.

No, no.

These servicemen and women are simply going to be an auxiliary group of handlers and babysitters as the massive flood of illegals that Joe Biden is encouraging- explodes to even new levels.

This doesn’t represent any sort of enforcement, here. And everyone who’s following along knows it, but once again, Biden’s team and the democrats hope that their mass of gullible, idiot voters will think that it -does.

That’s what’s going on here.

Look- they’ll even admit it to the papers because their idiot voters don’t read the paper...

Folks-we already have 25-hundred national guardsmen from various states down at the border doing the same sort of illegals break our laws and flood thru in droves.

So what good are they?

Biden and his chief open borders stooge-Alejandro Mayorkas-have set up a streamlined process in which our border patrol agents and military members-who are supposed to be protecting the country and stopping criminal activity like this-

Are instead-simply acting as concierge and babysitters for the law-breaking foreigners who are pouring into the country.

And no- they have no intention of-ever. Ever stopping it.

The only way that this flood of illegals-ever gets stopped-before it consumes and destroys this country- is if we get a republican in the White House to stop it temporarily-and we get a republican congress with the numbers to pass laws to stop it more permanently.

That’s the only way that America-ever- has closed and controlled borders, again.

I’ve been saying this since the Obama admin-that this is the left’s goal. I’ve been detailing this even before most other conservative talkers or thinkers understood what was really going on. And here we are.

And so believe me when i say: even with the significant new surge as title 42 ends, the Biden regime’s -only- only- interest is in handling the lines that even more illegals can pour into this country and aren’t able to bunch up along the border....where embarrassing and revealing photos and video can be a vivid illustration....of this  massive, illegal migration that is destroying this country.

That is the lefts sole interest here. How do we keep hiding the mass destruction we are doing...from the American people?

That is their only motivation and the only reason that they want 15-hundred more members of our military down there. Because they take orders and shut up and cannot speak to the media.


And by the way?

Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, AOC, and all the democrats were staunchly against using military members at our border during the Trump era.

When Donald trump was closing and controlling this border-it was the worst thing in the world that he was supplementing our border agents with guardsmen to do it.

But now that Biden’s in charge and needs more’s great.

Heck- democrats were so worked up about Trump misusing our military this way that even Kamala Harris managed to put together a coherent sentence on 2018.

Kammy was against using our military at the border- before she was in favor of it.

They’re all liars and scumbags.

And this coming flood of new illegals is going to be sizable. There are already several spots along the border that-just inside Mexico- tens of thousands of illegals from south America and around the globe have gathered-waiting for next Thursday.

These people know the rules better than the average American does they know that if they cross the Rio Grande before next Thursday-they might be deported back to their home countries under title 42 authorities. There’s at least a chance that happens.

But if they wait and cross on Thursday-they get to stay.

In Rennase, Mexico, alone, there are fifteen thousand Haitians waiting to cross.

That’s just one sub-group. Overall, border officials say at least 40-thousand illegals are hanging out in border towns, waiting for next Thursday to arrive.

And this comes as the detention facilities along the border are already over-capacity, again, as Joe Biden’s regime is forced to start using the ‘Obama era cages’ again.

But you aren’t seeing any of those pictures, are you?

AOC isn’t down posing for pictures outside the fence, pretending to weep for them, is she?

These cities like Brownsville, Texas, have already declared states of emergency-and are about to really be overwhelmed. And Biden and their America-hating activist democrats secretly love it.

Do you know that the Biden regime has lost at least 85-thousand children?


Talk about an under-covered story. You might remember when the trump regime had 500...just 500 kids who they couldn’t place with family members here in America...and our govt was tracking illegal children try to make sure they were safe.

Oh-screw that.

Biden’s regime has no idea where 85-thousand little illegal children are-and don’t particularly care.

Every democrat is responsible in their own way.

Can you imagine if the Trump DHS would have allowed tens of thousands of foreign children to be taken by modern-day slavers and put into bondage in America?

But that’s what Biden’s regime has done.

And no one makes a peep.

Why is that?

Why is this-not? -one of the greatest ongoing outrages of the Biden era?

It’s not. Because democrats don’t care. They never really cared.

It is not hyperbole to say that under Joe Biden American democrats have re-vitalized human slavery in America.

And most Americans don’t even know it-because their accomplices in the news media keep it a secret.

photo credit: Getty Images

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