Obamacare is a failure by every measure

Jay Weber Show transcript 4-11-23 6:45am

Here’s another story that has gone entirely unreported: how much destruction Obamacare has done to our health care system and our insurance industry in just 13 short years.

Obamacare turned thirteen two weeks ago-and if you noticed: no one celebrated.

That’s because Obamacare is a failure by every measure. And in mean-every. Measure.

It did not ensure that every American has health insurance. Bernie and today’s democrats keep insisting that 60 to 75 million Americans are still without insurance-


I thought Obamacare was supposed to fix that.

Nope. It’s only made it worse.

But insurance isn’t cheaper, as promised. The cost of the procedures and health care are not cheaper, as promised.

The quality of care is not better-as promised. Not a single promise that these Marxists sold to us in the Obama era turned out to be true.

And 2/3 of Americans knew it was a lie back in 2010, when Obama, Pelosi, Reid and the democrats rammed this thru....but the dems did it, anyway.

We have, on the conservative side of the aisle, long called for added competition in health care-because-as the story notes: competition leads to lower prices and a better quality product-always.

This is the way to fix our health care system and get more people insured- and ensure they get better quality care: less government involvement and less regulation of these industries. Not more.

Rush said it for 4 decades.  Many of us have said it for nearly as long:

 government does not-and cannot-do anything better than the private sector.

It is what we conservatives were arguing-daily- during the Obamacare debate.

Government doesn’t do-anything-better.

You young people listening in the audience...maybe driving to school with your parents. Remember this truth: government doesn’t do anything better than the private sector and average people can.

It is the ‘truth’ that had 2/3 of the American people rejecting Obamacare: they knew that government involvement never made anything better-it only meant it was going to get bleeped up.

Well- Obamacare has bleeped up our health care and insurance industries. It sent costs spiraling upward...causing even fewer people to be insured...etc., etc.

photo credit: Getty Images

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