Biden’s border czar, Alejandro Mayorkas is a weasel

Jay Weber Show transcript 3-29-23 8:30am

When it comes to Joe Biden’s border czar, Alejandro Mayorkas, the ‘word is now out’ on this weasel, too.

You’ll remember that I urged republican senators to block Mayorkas’ appointment when Biden nominated him, because I knew Mayorkas was an ‘open borders’ guy who helped undermine our border security under President Obama.

But- for some reason- most GOP senators didn’t know this, and his nomination was rubber-stamped. They didn’t even really fight it.

I hope they regret that now-as this little weasel appears in front of congressional panels, time and time again, week after week, and displays a virtually unprecedented mix of arrogance, indifference, and capitulation to criticism, all at the same time.

It is hard to explain how infuriating it is to watch this man ignore the law. Ignore the constitution. Ignore his oath of office. Engineer open borders as he pretends to be controlling them. All at the behest of Joe Biden and the White House- and do it all- as he shows nothing but indifference in front of our other elected leaders.

It's an infuriating mix of-arrogance-that this little scumbag needs to show the blanket indifference that he displays in front of these angry lawmakers.

It’s like watching a killer who is already on death row...getting sentences to another life sentence: as republican congressman and senators rage at him and demand answers, and try to get a rise out of him any way they can-

As they get all hot and bothered over the indignity and carnage of Mayorkas’ open borders...he just sits there with a blank stare and meekly answers back.... when he really must.

For the most part he just sits there and takes the verbal beating.

And why?

Well-because that’s’ what Joe Biden appointed him to do: Alejandro....we know you want open go ahead and make it you pretend otherwise.

That was-absolutely-the directive that this little slimebag got from Biden when he was appointed. I guarantee it.

I swear to you- two years later- Alejandro Mayorkas looks like he’s rotting from within.

As he sits swear that you can see the effects of his increasingly black heart poisoning his body- in the sort of transition you’d see in a movie villain: he’s now completely bald, with grey, flaking skin, as if he might be slowly rotting from within-

And there he sits.... slowly blinking his snake-eyes- as his open borders reek all sorts of destruction on America.

In yesterday’s hearing-senator John Cornyn of Texas asked Mayorkas-flat out- if he’d like to apologize to all of the parents in America who have lost a child to the fentanyl that Mayorkas and Joe Biden are allowing to flow like candy over our border.

Folks...Cornyn detailed the deaths of two minors in his state who died after unknowingly ingesting fentanyl...and Mayorkas refused to accept blame....and even brushed it off as: hey, people were dying from fentanyl before I took over...

Another feature of a Mayorkas ‘hearing appearance’ is that he openly lies to lawmakers. I really wish they’d either impeach him or jail him-for doing this-

But he told several whoppers again, yesterday, including pretending that he didn’t know that the drug cartels were intentionally manipulating his border patrol agents.

Cornyn talked about how the cartels intentionally use immigrants to overwhelm agents and slip the drugs thru...and Alejandro Mayorkas played dumb. As if he didn’t know that was happening.

But...hey...He’ll investigate it....

He knows what’s going on. He knows how the cartels are really controlling this border now.His own border agents and sector leaders have testified that the cartels are doing this- for nearly two years now.Mayorkas knows.

But it’s easier to lie. Play dumb. He knows he’s untouchable.

Senator Ted Cruz was even ‘hotter’. He just destroyed Alejandro Mayorkas. Hammered on him-right to his face-

And still Mayorkas largely just sat there and blinked. Sat there and ‘took it’. Because this has become a routine event: he’s breaking laws and destroying the country, but he’s only doing what Joe Biden and the democrats-want-him to do, and so, he knows he’s golden. I’ll just let them rage.

Now-you’d think that any person with-any-self-respect ...or any personal integrity...would want to respond to such a direct attack on himself.

But. Mayorkas demurred. A democrat senator on the panel, Dick Durbin, asked if he wanted to respond to Cruz’s fiery take down. And Mayorkas said...’no. What the senator said is revolting. But I’m not going to address it. No’

The man is as infuriating as any public servant that I have ever seen refusing to do their job...and his arrogance and indifference is-genuinely- almost cartoonish.

It’s the sort of villainy that I’ve only seen in movies.

Ted Cruz said...your refusal to do your job is revolting.

Yeah, well, that’s your opinion...his body language suggested. And he just sat there and a serial killer who won’t say where the bodies are buried.

Today’s leftists are-intentionally- destroying America, and seem to be enjoying it, folks.

photo category: Getty Images

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